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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury

I'd love to get them. Their utility will ultimately hinge on the map though. Most of the Widow's Court ToO rounds I've seen play out at a distance using snipers, where the Robes won't help. The very best matches, on the other hand, are the aggressive ones where players rush to each other.
Once I got my super, I ran up to where they were sniping and tried to take them out. They downed me quickly. Two of them stayed by my orb, while one moved away to snipe more. After a few seconds I revived and killed both guys who were right next to my orb while they decided to shoot the ceiling. My teammates killed the third sniper before he could react to what was happening. It was so much fun.
You went to Mercury didn't you? I'll never be able to lay eyes on it first hand...

Yes! Thanks to the skills of Unstable and Wicked (you guys rock!), it was a joy watching them play while being there.

Don't give up, you never know when you may get carried :b. Still, I wish ToO had matchmaking, or at least an alternate option without awards to train in. Iron Banner is useful to get used to level disparities, but the fact that it's 6v6 with respawns doesn't really prepare you for the more coherent gameplay in Trials.

If you want to give it a go this weekend though, I'm up for it.
Yes! Thanks to the skills of Unstable and Wicked (you guys rock!), it was a joy watching them play while being there.

Don't give up, you never know when you may get carried :b. Still, I wish ToO had matchmaking, or at least an alternate option without awards to train in. Iron Banner is useful to get used to level disparities, but the fact that it's 6v6 with respawns doesn't really prepare you for the more coherent gameplay in Trials.

If you want to give it a go this weekend though, I'm up for it.

When I play IB, I wish it didn't have matchmaking. People don't even go for flags. They play it like TDM. If Trials had matchmaking and you had a team of 3 working together, you'd go flawless every time.
Yes! Thanks to the skills of Unstable and Wicked (you guys rock!), it was a joy watching them play while being there.

Don't give up, you never know when you may get carried :b. Still, I wish ToO had matchmaking, or at least an alternate option without awards to train in. Iron Banner is useful to get used to level disparities, but the fact that it's 6v6 with respawns doesn't really prepare you for the more coherent gameplay in Trials.

If you want to give it a go this weekend though, I'm up for it.

Congrats man!

Nah, I'm good. I have enough walls in this game to keep banging my head against, don't need the ToO one right now. :p

I liked playing IB up to Saturday, but then the grind started to get to me. Getting 2 chars up to level 5 in the limited free time I have makes it a bit tiresome. Even then I still enjoyed most of it. But midway through Saturday it turned really bad. I was always matchmade into games that were already lost by over 5000 points because people were quitting games they were losing. Could have taken my alt to level 5 in about half the time because of that crap.
When I play IB, I wish it didn't have matchmaking. People don't even go for flags. They play it like TDM. If Trials had matchmaking and you had a team of 3 working together, you'd go flawless every time.

Well, of course if you add matchmaking to the gametype you'll get a wider variety of players but (going by my experience in IB at least) there's a good chance you'll get a serious team. I also think the nature of the rewards (rep. based vs win count based) would incentivize better play.

And they could always have two pools of players: one for full fireteams and another for lone players.

Congrats man!

Nah, I'm good. I have enough walls in this game to keep banging my head against, don't need the ToO one right now. :p

I liked playing IB up to Saturday, but then the grind started to get to me. Getting 2 chars up to level 5 in the limited free time I have makes it a bit tiresome. Even then I still enjoyed most of it. But midway through Saturday it turned really bad. I was always matchmade into games that were already lost by over 5000 points because people were quitting games they were losing. Could have taken my alt to level 5 in about half the time because of that crap.

Yeah, playing IB non-stop with the pressure of getting to rank 5 can be exhausting. Thankfully the tempered and alt boost are quite substantial so you can afford some little breaks. Just one alt left and I'll be at 5/5/5.


When I play IB, I wish it didn't have matchmaking. People don't even go for flags. They play it like TDM. If Trials had matchmaking and you had a team of 3 working together, you'd go flawless every time.
My problem playing IB with randoms is actually the opposite: they go TOO MUCH for the flags. Like, you have C on cauldron, you finally cap B, die, and you see your stupid teammates capping A instead of defending B...
The only wins I can get are when I finally land in a team of people who understand you only need to hold two points. And even when I play with friends I have to deal with the occasional "I'm going to A just to harass them a bit guys!"...


Lol, what happened?
Just lost my flight to Mercury on the deciding match with EJRobinson. We were 7-1, Mercy compensated the loss so we head to buy the double-win boon, but TearsOfBlood had to leave unfortunately. Thought for a minute about waiting 'till later tonight, but someone else joined me & Robinson, so we tried but the synergy just wasn't there. Ah well, it sucked, but we struggled on to 8 wins atleast so I could get the final package. Satisfied overall, got so close on orbit of Mercury but couldn't quitenail the landing. The team we fought at 7-0 was insanely good too btw. Better luck in a couple of weeks. Had a lot of fun again though!
Just seen this, sorry mate.

Gotta be happy with 8 wins this week given the dreadful map. I was messing around on Saturday night just tryna get the Titan arms to drop and lost loadsa games, prolly fucked up my Trials rank/standing in a big way. Nevermind!
Oops. Was planning to start on my hunter tonight and quickly get 32 Poe done before reset, totally forgot about the story :/ guess I'll get him to 33 after my holiday then.

Anyone need to do the nightfall by any chance ?


Just seen this, sorry mate.

Gotta be happy with 8 wins this week given the dreadful map. I was messing around on Saturday night just tryna get the Titan arms to drop and lost loadsa games, prolly fucked up my Trials rank/standing in a big way. Nevermind!

There is a seperate trials ranking lol? But yeah it was really tough this week. Would have never made it this far without Robinson & Tears (thanks again guys!), we definitely struggled in the beginning too. Shame we couldn't quite make it to the end, but still very happy with all the gear I got (HC, Scout, gauntlets and offcourse the double etheric light). Will be away next weekend for a music festival so I'll miss out in the helmets, that sucks, but seeing Muse is kinda cool too lol.

Might you be up for a PoE 32 or 34 tonight?


Good morning dgaf!

Had a really great trials run with zewone and trakan, and than a really bad one with zocano and jaydee. My apologies to them, for being completely scrubby, it was late and the body was tired.

Crucible and bounties ahead!
When I play IB, I wish it didn't have matchmaking. People don't even go for flags. They play it like TDM. If Trials had matchmaking and you had a team of 3 working together, you'd go flawless every time.

Well, of course if you add matchmaking to the gametype you'll get a wider variety of players but (going by my experience in IB at least) there's a good chance you'll get a serious team. I also think the nature of the rewards (rep. based vs win count based) would incentivize better play.

And they could always have two pools of players: one for full fireteams and another for lone players.

My problem playing IB with randoms is actually the opposite: they go TOO MUCH for the flags. Like, you have C on cauldron, you finally cap B, die, and you see your stupid teammates capping A instead of defending B...
The only wins I can get are when I finally land in a team of people who understand you only need to hold two points. And even when I play with friends I have to deal with the occasional "I'm going to A just to harass them a bit guys!"...

Yeah, playing MM IB games has not been that much of a problem, most people seem to know what they are doing. The main issue I find is people who think they have to keep taking control of all points, instead of taking 2 and protecting them. So they just run around in circles taking A, B and C.

The only time matches are seriously unbalanced is when you have a MM game were one team is made of randoms and the other is mostly players in a fireteam who obviously play a lot together. Unless all randoms are really good (and I've seen plenty of those), the fireteam group will massacre the randoms (been there...).


There is a seperate trials ranking lol? But yeah it was really tough this week. Would have never made it this far without Robinson & Tears (thanks again guys!), we definitely struggled in the beginning too. Shame we couldn't quite make it to the end, but still very happy with all the gear I got (HC, Scout, gauntlets and offcourse the double etheric light). Will be away next weekend for a music festival so I'll miss out in the helmets, that sucks, but seeing Muse is kinda cool too lol.

Might you be up for a PoE 32 or 34 tonight?
Some decent loot you got there!

Would definitely be up for a 34. What's the burn again? Can't be chewed with Qodron like.
Matchmaking hasn't been too bad to me in Iron Banner. I've only gotten up to the medallion cap once.

My biggest problem has been the game throwing me into consecutive matches that were in progress.


Cool, expect me to be super annoying once again tonight until somebody has mercy and somehow gets me to my gauntlets ;)

If I'm on tonight and you still need someone, I'll try and help you out. I played super scrubby last night though so don't expect any miracles lol


could never
Moving house now guys, so I won't be online for a couple weeks ;_;

Be good and I shall return with sprinkles for all of you!



Bounties have been crappy the last two days, a bunch of 2.5K ones :/

How am I supposed to level up this Dregs Promise?!? Shucks.... there aren't even sidearm telemetries.


Get ready for max Strength PoE boots tomorrow. You know it's coming.

Anything but Strength please!

I see loads of level 34s with full strength and nothing else. It makes me chuckle. Watching Voidwalker Warlocks with no intellect or discipline, but 400+ strength, get absolutely wrecked in IB is one of my highlights of this game.

You mean it's a bad thing to have 100% strength and zero intellect and discipline? Jeez, someone should have made that clear in the instruction manual :D


Those of you that have six dreg pride... is it really that bad?

The stats on it don't seem to terrible, but I imagine that the random perk is what makes it less than desirable?
Those of you that have six dreg pride... is it really that bad?

The stats on it don't seem to terrible, but I imagine that the random perk is what makes it less than desirable?

If you can get an Arc Pride+Stun Captain OR do damage to all Fallen perk, I imagine it's decent.
Matador has the same impact as Felwinter's while having slightly better RoF and better range. Party Crasher is very good but has less impact and range, the two most relevant stats for shotguns. They have identical perks, Matador 64 is the best of the bunch right now.

As for the sniper, totally worth looking out for. Low Grade Humility. Get it and go for that perfect roll, it's a beast.

A less-mentioned but equally attractive PvP drop is The Ash Factory. Best legendary RL you can get. Extremely high Velocity and Blast Radius. Roll for Tripod and Proximity Detonation and it's a trackless Truth. As good as it gets...
Matador has higher base impact than Felwinters or Party Crasher.


I've been working all weekend. Anyone want to try and help a truly horrible PvP player try to get to Mercury or at least five wins? I've never had either of those. I can afford all of the buffs. (PSN: The_Sacred)


Matador has higher base impact than Felwinters or Party Crasher.

The more I look at the matador 64 stats, the more I want it haha. Party crasher has given me some awesome kills, but the matadors extra impact and range just look so good. Going to be running lots of crucible this week and hoping for that drop.

Pistol telemetries should work for sidearms

I'm trying to find more info on it and some people say it does and some say it does not. Oh well, I'll give it a shot anyway and see what happens. They aren't too expensive.


Matador has higher base impact than Felwinters or Party Crasher.
No, base impact is the same (67) on Matador 64 and Felwinter's Lie. By stat:

Rate of Fire: Party Crasher + 1 (11) > Matador 64 (8) > Felwinter's Lie (5)

Impact: Matador 64 (67) = Felwinter's Lie (67) > Party Crasher +1 (64)

Range: Matador 64 (25) > Party Crasher +1 (23) > Felwinter's Lie (20)

Matador is tied for highest impact while boasting higher range, making it the clear winner. It also fires and reloads more quickly than Felwinter's, though not as fast as Party Crasher.

Basically Matador 64 is your best bet if you want to absolutely guarantee one shotting. Party Crasher +1 might be more of a Found Verdict type leader - faster firing/reloading weapons viable for double kills, but less ideal for maximum bullshit-distance one shotting.


The more I look at the matador 64 stats, the more I want it haha. Party crasher has given me some awesome kills, but the matadors extra impact and range just look so good. Going to be running lots of crucible this week and hoping for that drop.
If you can reroll it to get Shot Package + Luck in the Chamber/Final Round, then you're set :)


Matchmaking hasn't been too bad to me in Iron Banner. I've only gotten up to the medallion cap once.

My biggest problem has been the game throwing me into consecutive matches that were in progress.
Yesterday the game decided that, since it couldn't find a 12th player, it would be best to start with 11. Of course, I ended up in the team with only 5 people in it.
We spent the whole match us 5, the game never sent a 6th player to our team. :(


I think the Messenger has made me a believer in Pulse Rifles. Basically allowed me to play at the range that I enjoyed with ARs before they were nerfed. Regular PVP should be a breeze now, heh
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