Nuszka hope you get better soon man, will push to get you a trip to Mercury as long as I have Zewone or other good player backing us up.
I find everything PvE in HoW extremely boring and repetitive, now i even would dare to say that story was the highlight of it lol. Trials its where i will be spending my time (hopefully whenever i get my health problems sorted), first of you get better weapons more etheric lights, more excitement, cooler looking gear. Think i will only run PoEs whenever Varriks will have gear with good stats in his inventory. Btw i really hope to run trials tonight (gonna see my gp in an hour) , or even get at least 5 wins to get my titan gauntlets. Miss it so much now.
Oh i agree for sure. They should have some purpose though.
PSN - Souldestroyer199
After I help these guys are you still up for ToO Etho?
1 - Me
2 - Etho
3 ?
I agree, but I'm afraid that they will just nerf all the other weapons to be just as shitty.
Hand Cannon nerf is most certainly coming guys![]()
This is how I did it with the teams I were with. None of them had a void sniper with LDR/Spear impact. I was the only one in all 3 runs to have a high impact sniper.2 Hunters, everyone with Void weapons. I know we had at least 2 ascended Void snipers and Truths, but the biggest problem was really staying alive. We got to the mine phase a couple of times, but inevitably I or someone else would die, leaving the other two to just run and try not to get killed by the many, many adds around. We could barely do any real damage to Skola apart from the first big burn at the beginning.
I may have to resort to begging for a sherpa just so I can see how professionals do it.
I'll run with you guys if that's cool, YzeNup on psn.
Does anyone have a pic of the Exile titan helm? Haven't seen it.
Dat shotgun range. That's why I usually hang out in corners and thorn / snipe to oblivion. Unfortunately a lot of bungies maps cater to the unknowing round the corner one shot ram or shot gun
Yeah, Truth really wasn't cutting it, and I used my LDR more than anything. I may try Gjallarhorn next time if I can find some people to help.I've only done it this week once, but I don't think Truth is the best heavy option. Use a corrective measure or similar void machine gun (I used an ascended jolder's hammer). Gjallerhorn is probably a better option as well regardless of burn. We had 2 warlocks and had a few run saving self-revives, so I can definitely see how people can get stuck on it.
I'll watch those videos shortly on my phone. If you don't break the bonds on the first attempt, do you wipe and start again? We ran into that issue last night, which always seemed to end up causing more problems by trying to get the other Servitor. It was right in the middle of a shitload of adds, and when we did kill it, Skolas would be at a very difficult angle to hit from that smaller platform on the left (when facing the airlock)As long as you have enough DPS to break the servitor bonds on the first burn you should be good. Staying alive is tricky but requires a lot of good teamwork and commitment to a single strategy.
After the first burn and your shield runs out it's time to start moving. You should be at the first mine stage now. Everyone should head to the right side of the stage (unless the first mine pops next to you, in that case have a hunter go invisible and get it) by going around the back side. Head to where the mine is on the far right and you'll be safe from adds there (avoid jumping on your way over, that's how the snipers get you). If the middle mine pops, same thing have your other hunter go invisible and get the mine. After the three mines have been dismantled, work to revive all teammates and get to a point where all three of you are full health on the right ledge and the essence has just been passed off. Then run around through the tunnels back to the left side, set up a bubble, and burn Skolas down to the second set of mines. You may be able to finish him here or just do the same as the first mines and clear the second mines, regroup to full health on the right ledge, and then move to the left side again for a final burn down.
Handling the essence is important. If one person dies it is OK, you still have another to take that essence, if they are immune that is still OK. Their job should be to revive the first teammate that went down and that teammate takes the essence at 5 seconds. Then go revive the third teammate and have him take the essence at 5 seconds. We've gotten down to one man plenty of times, but because they delay giving the essence to someone when someone dies with it, the 30 second revive timer isn't an issue.
Make sure all your guys have max armor stats and use invisibility a ton. The big thing is staying together, if someone dies on the wrong side of the map you won't get to him in time. If two of you are alive and need to go across the map for a mine do it, and pass the essence off, but immediately head back to revive the third guy since you need to stay together.
Here is a very sloppy execution of that, but note how we focus on getting a full healthy team before attacking Skolas again:
Here is a really good execution of that:
It's good to watch both videos and see how there isn't any panic. This strategy may go out the window on Solar or Arc since the adds will wreck you, but it works great for Void (and hopefully if we get a Specialist modifier)
Praedyth's Revenge is not that good in my opinion. A Spear and a LDR will do double what it does. Truth should be left in the vault. Get an ascended Corrective Measure for this.
I'll watch those videos shortly on my phone. If you don't break the bonds on the first attempt, do you wipe and start again? We ran into that issue last night, which always seemed to end up causing more problems by trying to get the other Servitor. It was right in the middle of a shitload of adds, and when we did kill it, Skolas would be at a very difficult angle to hit from that smaller platform on the left (when facing the airlock)
Is it just me or do some of you get nervous/psyched out when playing with really good Trials teams.
I swear when I play with guys like Unstable, Rubenov, Zewone I fucking fall apart during certain matches. I think it's the pressure of being on a good team and not wanting to fuck up their potential 9-0 lol.
Haha we run it with 2 Praedyth's, (one Spear with Final Round), and 2 Truths and BTRD. I have something that does more damage than Praedyth's but if you can rattle off 24 headshots it still does a ton of damage vs a sniper with 16 rounds and then you can just switch to Truth/CM. I never ended using my CM, Truth is helpful with the add control while trying to heal up. But I think we both hit the big points, move around circularly, and make sure to always revive when possible and handle the essence well. Also nailed it with the not jumping.
Is it just me or do some of you get nervous/psyched out when playing with really good AAA Trials teams.
I swear when I play with guys like Unstable, Rubenov, Zewone I fucking fall apart during certain matches. I think it's the pressure of being on a good team and not wanting to fuck up their potential 9-0 lol.
I played with Nghtly on Friday, and I was almost shaking.
Iron Banner solo at level 31. I think I may be crazy.
I was able to remote play iron banner while getting my car serviced at the dealership this morning. I love the future.
Edit - Beaten, didn't refresh the page![]()
god damn, all 3 trials helmets look amazing. Does this gear only drop out of the mercury chest?
god damn, all 3 trials helmets look amazing. Does this gear only drop out of the mercury chest?
No, Brother Vance can sell it and you can get it from the 6 win and 8 win package.
That Remote Play connection of yours in best case scenario all the time.
Is it just me or do some of you get nervous/psyched out when playing with really good AAA Trials teams.
I swear when I play with guys like Unstable, Rubenov, Zewone I fucking fall apart during certain matches. I think it's the pressure of being on a good team and not wanting to fuck up their potential 9-0 lol.
Is it just me or do some of you get nervous/psyched out when playing with really good AAA Trials teams.
I swear when I play with guys like Unstable, Rubenov, Zewone I fucking fall apart during certain matches. I think it's the pressure of being on a good team and not wanting to fuck up their potential 9-0 lol.
This is how I did it with the teams I were with...
Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. My void setup is as follows:Haha we run it with 2 Praedyth's, (one Spear with Final Round), and 2 Truths and BTRD. I have something that does more damage than Praedyth's but if you can rattle off 24 headshots it still does a ton of damage vs a sniper with 16 rounds and then you can just switch to Truth/CM. I never ended using my CM, Truth is helpful with the add control while trying to heal up. But I think we both hit the big points, move around circularly, and make sure to always revive when possible and handle the essence well. Also nailed it with the not jumping.
As Nami mentioned it isn't necessary; we've actually gone out to ammo farm and super farm and then just started it without wiping. The circular motion is key, as long as you end up back on the left after teasing him right you should basically have "restarted" the fight. The only problem is if the servitor goes into hiding. You really want to head across the back side when moving from left to right and then head back to the left side through the tunnels. It's a big circle across the map.
Edit - Beaten, didn't refresh the page![]()
We had two matches yesterday which we won 5-4, and it definitely felt like that. One of those we came back after being down 1-4. Winning those kind of matches, however, is an exhilarating feeling which I haven't felt with other games in a long time.
The key is to be corageous, not reckless, and not let the nerves get to you.
Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. My void setup is as follows:
- 331 Word of Crota
- 365 LDR 5001 with High Caliber Rounds
- 365 Truth
- 300 Corrective Measure
- 331 Wolves' Bane with High Caliber Rounds
I'm out of Etheric Light at the moment, so upgrading anything else isn't happening (and I'm not a great PvP player, so I don't want to drag anyone down by asking to be on their IB train. If I can find some folks to help, I may try again tonight. That's asking a lot, especially if folks have done it already.
We should play PVP together again. been a while.
We had two matches yesterday which we won 5-4, and it definitely felt like that. One of those we came back after being down 1-4. Winning those kind of matches, however, is an exhilarating feeling which I haven't felt with other games in a long time.
The key is to be corageous, not reckless, and not let the nerves get to you.
We had two matches yesterday which we won 5-4, and it definitely felt like that. One of those we came back after being down 1-4. Winning those kind of matches, however, is an exhilarating feeling which I haven't felt with other games in a long time.
The key is to be corageous, not reckless, and not let the nerves get to you.
My poor Titan has been extremely neglected as far as trials. I really should try and get him the gauntlets today.
Is it just me or do some of you get nervous/psyched out when playing with really good AAA Trials teams.
It always takes me a few games to get my nerves out when playing with GAFers. But then I usually end up playing really well once we gel.
My poor Titan has been extremely neglected as far as trials. I really should try and get him the gauntlets today.
Sure, shoot a FR to squidhands when you're online. You're an hour ahead of me, and I probably won't be ready to play until around 8pm my time/9pm your time. If that's too late, I totally understand.I still need to do it. Want to try again later? Would be nice to get a 3rd who has been there, done that.
psn is kreepmode. I won't be ready until after work though, around 7PM EST.
It always takes me a few games to get my nerves out when playing with GAFers. But then I usually end up playing really well once we gel.
1 or 2 games for me to warm up usually. Then it's on.
My poor Titan has been extremely neglected as far as trials. I really should try and get him the gauntlets today.
Let's team up! I see you're in IB, i'm down for trials or IB or PoE haha
Everyone has such different play styles too, so it's a matter of learning how your team plays together and what to do/where to go.
Most groups I've played with like to stick together and hang back safely, some teams I've played with split up and have one guy flank, and some other teams are very aggressive and go right into the battle. I've seen all these tactics work, and it seems like it's just a matter of executing all of them at the right time and place.
Either way, it's good to see it all, and then pickup on all the good stuff
Last night though I had a few of my worst ToO matches by far. I was playing so terribly it was embarrassing, to the point where Zocano just starting fucking yelling at me lol. I scrubbed it up so damn hard.
Is there a reason Titans use their fists of havoc randomly on one guy even if they're not in danger? This happens a lot in crucible and I quote don't understand it. They just run up to me and use it. For no reason. A shotgun would have easily done the job.
It's just weird. And a waste.