wow jewel of osiris is a really good handcannon
isnt that the real high impact one? I think from using handcannons alot, that in PVP, a higher rate of fire is better like the revelator.... reason being that all handcannons (save that dastardly thorn) need three headshots to kill, including the high impact ones at 95 damage... see I had a timurs lash that did this damage...
soo, the problem ends up being that the higher impact doesn't give you less shots to kill unfortunately, leaving you with the same amount of shots, 3, but that slower fire rate.... however I did try the timurs lash with luck in the chamber and explosive rounds the other day in crucible and it was pretty good... was able to two shot a few people... and the explosive rounds of course are a bitch to play against....
just my 2 cents... I used to love my red hand IX and I see they are selling it again so if you have the marks give it a try too see what you think... or if you have a revelator compare them.