Need 1 for trials. Mr-Stephen on PSN
Add me if you're still looking. PSN same as gaf name.
Need 1 for trials. Mr-Stephen on PSN
Do tell?Of course, the expansion hits the week I'm on vacation in Florida.
Why'd you leave yo ? I was starting up a new group.
Edit: Ok
PSN id?
Need 1 for trials. Mr-Stephen on PSN
Let me grab NM Crota off u! Thx.
I don't have any kind of weekly routine for Destiny. I just hop on and do what I feel like doing. Maybe I'll set a goal like "level up this armor" and then I'll need to do Bounties and Strikes for the points. That kind of manual quest making is part of the reason I've kept playing as long as I have. The activities themselves have largely been losing their invesment potential because the rewards no longer apply to me.
I could see how one would feel overwhelmed if they felt compelled to do every weekly activity more than once on top of leisurely play like Strikes and Crucible. Picking and choosing however leaves only a few activities worth participating in for the end game, and it diminishes each week. It's hard to justify the grind for one piece of gear unless you still really enjoy the overall experience. Some of us may be burnt out for any number of reasons though.
I'd personally be a lot more interested in HoW if the PvP meta game was rebalanced. that and the overall quality of the new maps have completely sucked out the luster of the expansion for me. Prison of Elders is okay, but not "45 minutes for strange coins and queen weapons" okay.
It's interesting how the game has "more content" now but a lot of what made the original release replayable has been phased out. For example, a new piece of gear dropping in vanilla Destiny would almost completely change how the game was played. Now most of it is sharded in favor of vanilla weapons or exotics that are not only better, but completely dominant and more likely to drop to begin with.
Hey what's the IB buff today? Titan near rank 4 and hope to quickly get him to 5, buy the light and armor and be done.
Not to party poop or attention seek but I might take a break for a while. Need to figure out what to do with my life. Plus my kid won't even look up from games to talk to people and it's kinda scaring me.
Anyone want to play Trials on Xbox? I want to try and get the shader.
Do tell?
My Titan is 2/3rd of the way to rank 4 in IB. With my Hunter at rank 5 and my Warlock at 4, think the Titan can make it to 5 tonight with the buff and only today's bounties to do? I don't have the class item yet but I do have a shader and emblem FWIW.
Of course, the expansion hits the week I'm on vacation in Florida.
Rosemary Beach!
It's my annual week of heaven on earth. Just hate that it's the same week as the Taken King...
I second the Solar Titan getting Blink. It's only fair, and vengeance must be served.
I second the Solar Titan getting Blink. It's only fair, and vengeance must be served.
You probably need about 3 wins and 3 or 4 bounties to hit rank 5. I played this morning and hit both my titan and warlock to 5 and rhe buff was huge, wearing shader and emblem. I think the bounties have about 500 rep each.
Just had so much fun running ToO with my buddy Xpilcit and new friend Hellgast. Ended the card with an 8-1 record with surpassed what I went in hoping for. Lots of funny moments...just ask Xplicit about his Warlock Yolo game winner and the scared puppys dogs hiding in a bubble as a pair of mean ol Strikers smashed the ever living $#!* out em.
We don't need it.
I see shoulder charge as a trade off for blink.
Blink currently messes with the game way more than it should. Hopefully none of the new sub classes have blink, and we can start to remove the ability from the game (as in, not have it at all in Desitny 2).
Make sure to visit the Lnkn family when you're in town.![]()
I call couch!
Hmm vacation in Florida or Comet! That's a tough decision.Make sure to visit the Lnkn family when you're in town.![]()
We don't need it.
I see shoulder charge as a trade off for blink.
Blink currently messes with the game way more than it should. Hopefully none of the new sub classes have blink, and we can start to remove the ability from the game (as in, not have it at all in Desitny 2).
LGH definitely.
Thanks. I'll give it a shot.Go for broke and reroll. All or nothing.
Add me if you're still looking. PSN same as gaf name.
Let's start a train.9 out of 10 times in IB I'm going into a match where my team is already losing.
There are some rare ocassions the stick would fail like
Starting a super
During a super
Moving to the sides with high agi char
Close, super long target adquisition to let the auto aim stick to the enemy
Thanks. I'll give it a shot.
I also have an amplified GEO from a NF drop that I could re-roll, but haven't heard much about that rifle.
9 out of 10 times in IB I'm going into a match where my team is already losing.
Hmm vacation in Florida or Comet! That's a tough decision.
Thankfully I already live in Florida!
I'm going to assume you're joking and don't actually live there, but if you do I definitely will! That would be an incredible coincidence.
If you don't mind sleeping on the deck
Let's start a train.
9 out of 10 times in IB I'm going into a match where my team is already losing.
Is there any point in getting DLC pack 1?
I wish to get DLC pack 2 due to the prison of elders, trials of osaris and the exotic/legendary items.
Can i still reach level 34 with only DLC pack 2? I understand that some of the crucible maps from dlc pack 1 are now available for free. Tbh, the only thing that remotely interest me about DLC pack 1 is the raid mission, but i could live without it. Im mainly crucible focused and im currently a level 28.
Any help and advice is much appreciated.
Thanks guys.
Yes. In fact I think you can even get to 34 without either expansion but it would take you a lot longer. Only fun part of DLC 1 was Crota and I guess the Urn quest was alright.
9 out of 10 times in IB I'm going into a match where my team is already losing.
Let's start a train.
Shoulder charge gets beaten by a shotgun though. Blink is a lot tougher is you don't have bionic laser vision and the fastest aiming skills imaginable.