How did they end up making weapon parts more rare than armor and weapon upgrade materials? That's actually impressive.
Impressive AKA really annoying
How did they end up making weapon parts more rare than armor and weapon upgrade materials? That's actually impressive.
who wants to join the glimmer farm weapon parts train?
- farm 25000 glimmer at gatekeepers
- with a polyphage popped, you net 592 glimmer per lap around the vault, which takes less than a minute. so you should hit the cap in less than half an hour
- then you buy all the jewels from brotha vance (requires 7 wins on a ticket) and dismantle them.
- 1 jewel = 500 glimmer and dismantles into 2-3 weapon parts. assuming you buy them until you run out of glimmer, you'll have dismantled 50 jewels for 100-150 weapon parts
- rinse and repeat until you have enough weapon parts to gamble at the gunsmith again -_-
i sound like graverobber
2 per character. One at rank 3 and one at rank 5.
Yes only two
I would like more weapons parts to re-roll for the perfect weapons with the optimal perks etc.
But then I realized the other day that I am better off working on my very average PvP skills with the huge number of very good weapons that I already have rather than grinding for even more OP weapons. This is probably more fun too.
BTW, should I buy the "increased grenade throw distance helmet" from the crucible quartermaster and the "increased hand canon reload speed and increased melee attack speed" gloves from the DO vendor for PvP purposes? Is that the best way to get all three of those perks? (It would suck to not be able to use one my my favorite exotic helmets in PvP though.)
How nice I will do this tonight. Hopefully I can get the checkpoint from someone.
What subclass are you?
That's great, but you're going to have ammo problems pretty soon, most likely. Also incredibly situational.
It takes 3 of you to melt a L35 Captain with the same weapon, but I can 3HKO a 35Captain with my own shotgun and safe a lot more ammo.
I'm talking strictly pvp. Say I killed someone with The Last Word and I have 3 shots left in the magazine and someone comes around the corner and is backpedaling and I pop them with the last 3 shots but don't kill them, this is where Vestian Dynasty comes in. I don't use it all the time but there are situations where it was great. On the flipside there were a lot of times when I wished I would've had a shotgun.That sounds like a terrible reason to need a weapon type. Something to pick off with when you've run out of other options?
Every other special weapon can be used primarily (and pretty much should be) assuming you have the ammo for it.
Damn.Not going to happen. Warlocks still don't have exotic boots.
I usually run Titan Striker or Hunter Gunslinger or Warlock Voidwalker in PvP.
Was thinking generally since I have Crucible marks to spend and all the perks are the same on the armor for each class.
who wants to join the glimmer farm weapon parts train?
- farm 25000 glimmer at gatekeepers
- with a polyphage popped, you net 592 glimmer per lap around the vault, which takes less than a minute. so you should hit the cap in less than half an hour
- then you buy all the jewels from brotha vance (requires 7 wins on a ticket) and dismantle them.
- 1 jewel = 500 glimmer and dismantles into 2-3 weapon parts. assuming you buy them until you run out of glimmer, you'll have dismantled 50 jewels for 100-150 weapon parts
- rinse and repeat until you have enough weapon parts to gamble at the gunsmith again -_-
i sound like graverobber
Deku, I bought and ascended my quick HC reload gauntlets from the vendor. No regrets.
Hunters have a nice handcannon reload glove from the Vanguard with I/D (and I think melee speed up) called Sanction Six. Just pair that with Symbiote head for the Ashes to Assets. I'd probably prioritize Ashes to Assets > HC reload > grenade throw, and then Rain Blows for PvP.
For Warlock...the current FWC arms are scout reload up. I have an old Astrolord Glove with HC reload so not really sure the options there.
Need 1 for trials. Mr-Stephen on PSN
I never really got around to posting impressions of the House of Wolves; I was too busy playing it to do so (which in some ways is all that needs to be said). Since the Comet reveal is days away (OMG) I thought I'd do a short version of what I found notable in this expansion.
I think it was Daemul who said you hate scouts but love pulse rifles? I'm the opposite. I absolutely cannot stand the Pulse Rifles in this game. In my conscious, the higher pitched a weapon sound effect is, the faster it should fire. So it throws me off when Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles and even Auto Rifles (except Suros) fire very slowly. The Red Death was my first exotic and I didn't like using it because it used to fire very slowly. The high fire rate weapons tend to have terrible impact or small magazines, so it defeats the point of using them. Hand Cannons on the other hand have deeper tones, so they can get away with slower fire rates.
Maybe I'm just too used to TLW. Everything else is too slow.
Got two Jewels this week off the chest.somehow managed 9-0
lol got an Adept messenger
I'm not the greatest pvper but I like using skullfort with red death, then select the perk that gives you a chance to instantly recharge melee ability. Basically any kill you get can regen health. Have the rest of your gear all int and disc since melee will be recharged on death and a chance for recharge when you punch or shoulder someone.I play a shitload of Hunter and Warlock PvP, but nearly never Titan. Best exotic for Crucible?
I'm guessing Armamentatium? Any other fun builds?
I assume most folks are too smart to run into a St. 14 bubble.
The last two missions are brilliant but too short. Stitched together, they could have formed a large, even epic mission. But apart, they're two small skirmishes and then a great climactic fight. My worry is Bungie sees story missions as something that should always be bite-sized, and we'll never get something as diverse and wonderful as the bigger missions in the Halo series (Assault on the Control Room, The Ark). I know Destiny is it's own thing, but there's a grandeur to the world and to the ambitions of the story that fall short when we only experience it in bite sized chunks.[/LIST]
Just went to Mercury 3 times, one with TearsOfBlood and Blazeuk and twice with Blazeuk and Grimlock.
GG guys, we all did our share of carrying! Grimlock even picked up a Gjallarhorn.Think he sharded it in front of the chest
I play a shitload of Hunter and Warlock PvP, but nearly never Titan. Best exotic for Crucible?
I'm guessing Armamentatium? Any other fun builds?
I assume most folks are too smart to run into a St. 14 bubble.
What's the average amount of time it takes to go 9-0 this week on a card (assuming 9 matches w/ all the buffs)? Trying to plan around some real life commitments for this evening.
What's the average amount of time it takes to go 9-0 this week on a card (assuming 9 matches w/ all the buffs)? Trying to plan around some real life commitments for this evening.
Just went to Mercury 3 times, one with TearsOfBlood and Blazeuk and twice with Blazeuk and Grimlock.
GG guys, we all did our share of carrying! Grimlock even picked up a Gjallarhorn.Think he sharded it in front of the chest
What's the average amount of time it takes to go 9-0 this week on a card (assuming 9 matches w/ all the buffs)? Trying to plan around some real life commitments for this evening.
I'm interested in the answer to this too. I haven't tried ToO yet.
I should fix that. We melted many captains with it without getting in close range with thembut yea, i mean shotguns are situational too. That's what's good about PoE, every round is basically a different loadout.
I'm talking strictly pvp. Say I killed someone with The Last Word and I have 3 shots left in the magazine and someone comes around the corner and is backpedaling and I pop them with the last 3 shots but don't kill them, this is where Vestian Dynasty comes in. I don't use it all the time but there are situations where it was great. On the flipside there were a lot of times when I wished I would've had a shotgun.
Yeah I wasn't talking about using it as an option when I actually run dry on other ammo, lol.
It's annoying when ads just appear out of thin air in skolas fight, especially that platform with B mine is very susceptible to this.Appreciate the write up. I feel the same way about a lot of your points, especially regarding the story and cohesiveness of the whole package. PoE is a neat idea but I still expected a lot more as far as presentation and challenge goes. Despite being different every week, it's gotten somewhat stale to me. I think it's just the general claustrophobia of being confined to a dark room with adds on all sides and not much happening as far as map traversal unless you're fighting Skolas.
On that note, Skolas void burn is one of the better encounters in the game. It's held back only by the holes with the entire PoE design and of course Destiny's enemy behavior in general. But it's the main activity in PoE that I've enjoyed.
If nothing else, hopefully Bungie has figured out a new way to design encounters for the next Raids.
What's the average amount of time it takes to go 9-0 this week on a card (assuming 9 matches w/ all the buffs)? Trying to plan around some real life commitments for this evening.
I'll play with you, but I can't even promise you 1 win, lol.I'm not sure you are really done.
You still have to get me to 5.![]()
How nice I will do this tonight. Hopefully I can get the checkpoint from someone.
I need to do it as well (just the GK farming). Got a decent amount of IB still to play too. :/
Nice guys, grats! Beast mode!
I'm not sure you are really done.
You still have to get me to 5.![]()
Speaking of VoC, i got a Solar Scholar yesterday, so I have a Solar and Arc one now. It's probably my favorite Scout Rifle in the game, although I'd love to roll the Vanguard or Dead Orbit ones with explosive rounds. I'd probably have more luck with those than with LGH.
Just need Fatebringer and a Solar Jewel and I'm all set for elemental primaries. Wouldn't mind a Void Summoner either.
I'll play with you, but I can't even promise you 1 win, lol.
Deku, I bought and ascended my quick HC reload gauntlets from the vendor. No regrets.
I don't know but I can tell you the average time it takes to get 3 losses... whatever the average time of a single match is and multiply it by 3!
I dunno man, I feel like the Vestian has way more range than a shotgun. I could certainly be wrong though. But the ranges that I've finished people of with the Vestian were certainly out of shotgun range. I'll certainly test it later though.But Sidearms and Shotguns seem to have almost the exact same range coverage. Both Sidearms have crazy damage dropoff just outside of 7 meters.
I guess I don't see how the situation above is beneficial for a Sidearm. It seems like a shotgun would be just as good here.
Like I said. I can't tell if the weapon type needs work, or the individual weapons. I can't figure out their role, at all, and that's really whats bugging me.
It seems like everything they can do, a shotgun can do better, and more efficiently.
I dunno man, I feel like the Vestian has way more range than a shotgun. I could certainly be wrong though. But the ranges that I've finished people of with the Vestian were certainly out of shotgun range. I'll certainly test it later though.
I'll join in 50 minutes if you're still looking. I'm pretty decent <:Looking for one more for Trials! We're at 5-0 and would like someone decent.
PSN is Zocano