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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury


Seems like Planet Destiny deleted their reddit post about The Taken King release date and new subclasses, and removed everything else like comments and tweets about it.

I guess their source freaked out and asked them to take it all down. I guess that confirms the legitimacy.

What was the release date?


Seems like Planet Destiny deleted their reddit post about The Taken King release date and new subclasses, and removed everything else like comments and tweets about it.

I guess their source freaked out and asked them to take it all down. I guess that confirms the legitimacy.

Someone got in trouble lol
Appreciate the write up. I feel the same way about a lot of your points, especially regarding the story and cohesiveness of the whole package. PoE is a neat idea but I still expected a lot more as far as presentation and challenge goes. Despite being different every week, it's gotten somewhat stale to me. I think it's just the general claustrophobia of being confined to a dark room with adds on all sides and not much happening as far as map traversal unless you're fighting Skolas.

On that note, Skolas void burn is one of the better encounters in the game. It's held back only by the holes with the entire PoE design and of course Destiny's enemy behavior in general. But it's the main activity in PoE that I've enjoyed.

If nothing else, hopefully Bungie has figured out a new way to design encounters for the next Raids.

How Bungie believes us to tank the boss or deal with the mobs without any tank class or aggro abilities. I enjoy they approach of adding rpg mechanics in bosses but you cant just win or form strategies with pure DPS alone, I think thats the challenge they have to overcome and tweak it for future DLC or in Destiny 2.

Also please Bungie NEEDS add some sort of "overlimit" mechanic to add a Boss extra defense is receiving a huge amounts of damage, just blasting every boss you see with the Horn is not fun at all yet put a way to survive the boss mechanic without hiding or running around the map waiting for a windows to shoot him is boring too.

Just look at VoG bosses that gives you space of take a break and positioning between phases, the closes thing we get in PoE was Qodron but was nerfed to oblivion.

Deku Tree

Seems like Planet Destiny deleted their reddit post about The Taken King release date and new subclasses, and removed everything else like comments and tweets about it.

I guess their source freaked out and asked them to take it all down. I guess that confirms the legitimacy.

Lol I wonder if Bungie asked them to take it down or if their source got caught. Anyway the news is out now and them taking it down makes you feel like it is legitimate.


Seems like Planet Destiny deleted their reddit post about The Taken King release date and new subclasses, and removed everything else like comments and tweets about it.

I guess their source freaked out and asked them to take it all down. I guess that confirms the legitimacy.

Look Ma, it never happened.

Hyun Sai

On that note, Skolas void burn is one of the better encounters in the game. It's held back only by the holes with the entire PoE design and of course Destiny's enemy behavior in general. But it's the main activity in PoE that I've enjoyed. .

I agree, this week's Skolas was a blast to play, and I wouldn't mind it staying Void forever.

I wonder if Bungie will post the number of people that completed Skolas for each week / burn, that would be interesting.

Deku Tree

Capturing mine zones when there is a burn like arc or solar (especially arc) is pretty much impossible without using a super like invis on the hunter or Titan Bubble or Warlock revive. It's too much IMO.


I have a full set of OG Warlock FWC gear (hand cannon reload gloves to boot) that I plan on ascending.

I'm so glad I picked all that up before HoW. Better perks and vastly better aesthetics (to my eye at least).
Can't find anything about it. Where is the info?



How Bungie believes us to tank the boss or deal with the mobs without any tank class or aggro abilities. I enjoy they approach of adding rpg mechanics in bosses but you cant just win or form strategies with pure DPS alone, I think thats the challenge they have to overcome and tweak it for future DLC or in Destiny 2.

There's a lot wrong with the combat in end-game Destiny, but I don't think that the lack of a tank class/aggro generator is one of them. IMHO, this game thrives on not having to deal with the RPG trinity, and I'd hate to see them deviate off of that.

The least enjoyable parts of this game have been the ones that require a person on my fireteam to have a specific set of skills. Crota's End sword bearing, VoG relic holding... I do not look forward to a time where "must be competent tank with 2000+ armor" becomes a pre-requisite for grouping in this game. The LFG circles are bad enough with their over-emphasis on some things.
Just went to Mercury 3 times, one with TearsOfBlood and Blazeuk and twice with Blazeuk and Grimlock.
GG guys, we all did our share of carrying! Grimlock even picked up a Gjallarhorn.
Think he sharded it in front of the chest

Yeah I sharded that piece of junk. I have no use for a
Gjallarhorn. Thanks for the help with getting my Hunter to Mercury. ToO cloak get...#SoM4Ever


Things I need to do with my lonely 32 hunter tonight before the reset. I was out of town for most of last week:

  • Get a key
  • 28 PoE with said key
    [*]Maybe find a Gorgon checkpoint
  • Would love to join a ToO team, but again I'm only 32 with low level weapons, so probably not yet
I can help with that one. Just let me know.
A little behind schedule, but that one is enough enough to remote play or call in.
Heard about it. Is it official? I use the Destiny app and it works fine.

Fan-made... definitely not official. Kotaku did a write up on it today, which seems to lend it some credibility, but it still seems a little fishy. It is super easy to organize your items though (I only wish you could split stacks!)
Gah, got my Titan to Rank 5, Hunter to Rank 4.5 and Warlock to Rank 2.5 in IB and I haven't had any shotguns drop for me.

Matador 64, Felwinter's Lie and Party Crasher +1 all elude me =(

Just give me one!!! I've had like 30+ legendary weapons drop while doing IB, including at least 8 Similar's Wrath ffs.

Deku Tree

Heard about it. Is it official? I use the Destiny app and it works fine.

All these extensions or mobile apps use the Official Bungie API to transfer your stuff. They just send the pre-specified commands to Bungie's servers to tell it where to transfer your stuff. It's impossible to delete stuff without being "in game" so... I have been using "Loadouts" for iOS and you can specify several different loadouts for different situations and transfer a whole bunch of gear to whichever character you are playing on in one button touch. It's great. If you have too much gear on one character it even transfers it somewhere else for you.
It's mah baby.


I notice that you have Rangefinder (and not the popular Shot Package). Wondering about that. Sometimes, I miss my kills with Shot Package b/c the spread is too narrow. Since I have both Party Crasher and Matador, maybe I should try Rangefinder?

Also interesting that you use Accurized over Aggressive for ballistics. I was sad to only get Accurized on my Matador.

Care to give your thoughts on either or both?
I hate sliding so I never use that perk. Lol

I've never had it before, but I thought I'd give it a try. Just got the gun 2 days ago, so I'm still playing with it. I'd prefer Final Round if I had a smaller mag like you, most likely. But I hate Final Round on anything with 5 or more Bullets in a mag.
Anyone have saved details from that Taken King leak?

I see September 15th as the date, but what other details? Did they actually mention the subclasses and such?


Left my Titan at just above 4 rank how many games would it take to get to 5? I want to see if I can do it before reset to get the boost for my Hunter/Warlock which are sitting at 3.

Also will need a glimmer farm later, pretty sure i have the VoG cp. Will post in case anyone wants to join.


All these extensions or mobile apps use the Official Bungie API to transfer your stuff. They just send the pre-specified commands to Bungie's servers to tell it where to transfer your stuff. It's impossible to delete stuff without being "in game" so... I have been using "Loadouts" for iOS and you can specify several different loadouts for different situations and transfer a whole bunch of gear to whichever character you are playing on in one button touch. It's great. If you have too much gear on one character it even transfers it somewhere else for you.

There's one out for Android as well called Destiny Tower Ghost. Works pretty well. Does the loadout stuff too, though I'm not sure if it will auto-move items if your inventory is full.


There's one out for Android as well called Destiny Tower Ghost. Works pretty well. Does the loadout stuff too, though I'm not sure if it will auto-move items if your inventory is full.

Tower Ghost doesn't do that particular feature, but it does everything else and definitely the best app for Android users.
I notice that you have Rangefinder (and not the popular Shot Package). Wondering about that. Sometimes, I miss my kills with Shot Package b/c the spread is too narrow. Since I have both Party Crasher and Matador, maybe I should try Rangefinder?

Also interesting that you use Accurized over Aggressive for ballistics. I was sad to only get Accurized on my Matador.

Care to give your thoughts on either or both?
Shorter range if I use Aggresssive. I can kill people a good few feet away from me.
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