Anyone have saved details from that Taken King leak?
I see September 15th as the date, but what other details? Did they actually mention the subclasses and such?
What leak, that never happened....

Wait for E3 they say.
Anyone have saved details from that Taken King leak?
I see September 15th as the date, but what other details? Did they actually mention the subclasses and such?
Left my Titan at just above 4 rank how many games would it take to get to 5? I want to see if I can do it before reset to get the boost for my Hunter/Warlock which are sitting at 3.
Also will need a glimmer farm later, pretty sure i have the VoG cp. Will post in case anyone wants to join.
September is MGS month. Surely you won't ignore MGS for Destiny?!Anyone have saved details from that Taken King leak?
I see September 15th as the date, but what other details? Did they actually mention the subclasses and such?
That pretty interesting. But I already have fleet footed on.It actually does more than just make you slide further, it gives you Bladedancer's Fleet Footed perk even when the gun isn't equipped
I need to farm glimmer soon.. Any glimmer farm trains?
anyone need glimmer lol
join ne0ism-
Yeah I sharded that piece of junk. I have no use for aGjallarhorn. Thanks for the help with getting my Hunter to Mercury. ToO cloak get...#SoM4Ever6th
My wife's account is breaking. Tried on multiple ps4sources different discs etc. Can't decrypt packages. Can't pick up bounties or buy certain items.
Anyone have any idea how to fix it?
Shorter range if I use Aggresssive. I can kill people a good few feet away from me.
Cool! So maybe my Matador is fine just the way it is and deserves Etheric Light (Accurized, Shot Package, Rifle Barreled, Luck in the Chamber).
Sounds good to me.Cool! So maybe my Matador is fine just the way it is and deserves Etheric Light (Accurized, Shot Package, Rifle Barreled, Luck in the Chamber).
PM "BungieUserResearch" on Reddit. Probably the fastest response.
I'm sending a gaf signal for trials. Can anyone here help me with that? I just want the armor. Thanks in advance.
I notice that you have Rangefinder (and not the popular Shot Package). Wondering about that. Sometimes, I miss my kills with Shot Package b/c the spread is too narrow. Since I have both Party Crasher and Matador, maybe I should try Rangefinder?
Also interesting that you use Accurized over Aggressive for ballistics. I was sad to only get Accurized on my Matador.
Care to give your thoughts on either or both?
Anybody doing PoE 34? Need to do it 1 last time with my Titan 33.
Anybody doing PoE 34? Need to do it 1 last time with my Titan 33.
If the Fallen can't control Vex tec. Then why don't Guardians use it to go back in time and stop the Darkness......or bring back past Guardians.
I need to farm glimmer soon.. Any glimmer farm trains?
We can start one. I'm bout to log back on.
Time Traveling will be a big part of the game. Who knows, we might travel back to the golden age...
Says the guy who went 8-1 in a gaf pug.![]()
That pretty interesting. But I already have fleet footed on.
Interestingly enough, both the tweet and the reddit post(posted by a planet destiny account) have both been deleted by the poster (not mods) already.
I need to do it on my 34 lock. casmith7509
We are set, although I got Hunter, not Warlock, sorry for mixup. My psn: Matush_SVKI still need it on my Warlock.
PSN: Ji66a_Man
Thankfully that fight was just poor before they nerfed it, it was handled really poorly and was not fun at all. It was better on the 32 difficutly with the nerf.Just look at VoG bosses that gives you space of take a break and positioning between phases, the closes thing we get in PoE was Qodron but was nerfed to oblivion.
It's from the first Queen's Wrath event. Which was last year I think.I played with a random who had a Queen's Warlock Bond. Did he have that from like, launch or is there a new one in the game I'm unaware of?
I can help with that one. Just let me know.
A little behind schedule, but that one is enough enough to remote play or call in.
back to when we see Master Chief enter the Traveler
I think it's because Aggressive increases damage by 10% over Accurized at 5%. Accurized actually extends the range more than Aggressive while sacrificing some stability. But if they are already at max range, then the extra 5% damage is preferable.
Can a non level 20 character use a armor core to buy gear?
Which level of POE did you want to do?psn AdamKoy
My Warlock has played 3 iron banner matches, and is just a hair below rank 2. Currently have one medallion, and 3 bounties almost completed. I've done the math, and it's possible that i could hit rank 3 with just one more match assuming it's a win, AND that I complete those 3 bounties during the match (heavy kills, capture points, melee kills).
Incredible. The buff today is real.
Damn. I'll be on later tonight if this is the case. Still got 2x NF to do and 2x IB to get to rank 3.
Doing PoE35 in a few minutes. Need a third. Must have ascended void weapons. Void LDRs, Her Benevolence, Spears are preferred.
Would prefer someone who has already done a PoE 35 run before and is a Titan.
Yes.hey, if i do it with my Titan again will i get the rewards from big chest because i didn't open the chest before?
hey, if i do it with my Titan again will i get the rewards from big chest because i didn't open the chest before?
i'll be on in around 10 minutes, i need to eat