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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury


Jury duty update, back from my lunch break...still just waiting. FML, Please just lemme go home already. Complete waste of a perfect day off.

Oh god, I usually get called every 3 years and try to make every excuse possible not to get selected as a juror.


Disc +117

More Grenade Throw, More Super from Grenade, Health on Orb

This is the titan one, I assume the other two are similar
Holy hell. I can easily dismantle some of my older helms for this one. Nice!
Definitely going for 8 wins on all of my characters this weekend and at least one trip to Mercury.
A real problem was how deeply inconsistent his behavior (and thus our attempts each run) became. Sometimes we took out barely a quarter of his health with him getting lucky teleports off and getting way too close to us, other times we burned him all the way down to the mine phase before the adds spawned. As a result of this, even though I'm sure we were making "progress" in total (improving), it felt a little more like any given attempt was a dice roll.
That can be largely mitigated by landing those high impact headshots, but we've had him creep up on us a couple of times.

This was our last Skolas Void Kill. Obvious critique aside (we would have burned him down had I hit all of my headshots) I believe it does a great job showing off why Skolas is probably my favorite PvE encounter. Every class and super is very helpful. Every death is anticipated and dealt with before it happens. Map movement is planned with safety and accounting for the random variables. Mid-map Super tweaks and armor switching. The final Devouring Essence is transferred with two seconds left. I really like the encounter :]


Oh and after using Bumper Jumper exclusively this weekend without switching back to Default, I'm now fully converted!

Melee with R3 has been the toughest part of the transition especially with blade dancer. But after a few fails it got to my head. I'm in love with bumper Jumper again

Yup, I trained myself to get accustomed to bumper jumper midway through the beta. It's super useful to be able to simultaneously jump while aiming your reticle. Only drawback is that I rarely accidentally press R3 too hard in tense situations, which makes me melee.


My flatmate just moved out (permanently or temporarily I don't know yet for sure but he's gone to Gaza for atleast 2 months), and the fact that this is summer time means almost everyone I know has left too. Meanwhile I am stuck here doing my project, sorting out my PhD (and also looking for jobs on side), while having no one to talk to...not even my GF.

Feel so lonely man :/
Worst part is, that all of this will stay like this for the next month or two.

Ah man so sorry to hear that! At least you have Destiny Gaf!

On the positive end, try to enjoy some peace and quiet during this time! Life has a way of going in extremes, and no doubt in the near future you'll be super busy and think back fondly on the summer you got to spend studying!
Jumper setting in the controller layouts.

Jumping with L1 keeps your right thumb on the stick full time. No more hitting X to jump and readjusting aim. Super is now activated with X. No more accidental grenades when popping it. Grenades move to R1.

Thanks for the description. It caused me to look at it And realize that melee is on the stick like green thumb!


Still haven't even been called for a panel. Started with about 500ppl and maybe 200 have been called. Rest of us are just sitting here in the giant waiting room staring at the walls.

In my experience, the best thing you can hope for is wasting just the one day sitting in the pool and never getting called in for a panel.

If you get called in, you run the risk of getting on a jury. If you never get called, you wasted the one day, but dodged a multi-day/week bullet.
Oh god, I usually get called every 3 years and try to make every excuse possible not to get selected as a juror.

Sometimes you can have your employer write a letter about how crucial you are to the company, and how it will cost X dollars to go without you for that period of time.

Works especially well for small local businesses.
Really? I thought everyone was just burning him down with ghorns and black hammers.

Tried it with a group of max horns and hammer but he was shutting us down helluva fast.

He was at the ramp by the time we had fired our 3rd rocket. Never seen him do that.


In other news, I'm really enjoying playing as hunter with TLW in crucible. Only thing is I don't seem to making the most of my golden gun. 1 or 2 kills outta 4 is pretty poor imo.


Still haven't even been called for a panel. Started with about 500ppl and maybe 200 have been called. Rest of us are just sitting here in the giant waiting room staring at the walls.

You should work in insurance! Lawyers for both sides seem super quick to cut anyone who is in the insurance industry!
lord of pwn i haven't forgotten about your video. just haven't had time on a PC to sit down and watch. i'll get to it though.

anyone who wants critique please be sure to write "zoba" in the post so i can find it when i search the thread.


My flatmate just moved out (permanently or temporarily I don't know yet for sure but he's gone to Gaza for atleast 2 months), and the fact that this is summer time means almost everyone I know has left too. Meanwhile I am stuck here doing my project, sorting out my PhD (and also looking for jobs on side), while having no one to talk to...not even my GF.

Feel so lonely man :/
Worst part is, that all of this will stay like this for the next month or two.

Man--when you said that, I can't help but think of this:

Cheer up--DGAF is here 24x7x365.
I've heard people talk about the loadouts app for iPhone but never got down to trying it until today.

This thing is pretty amazing. I've been using it to create loadouts and it just 'figures it all out', you can even specify which items you want to be equipped with any given loadout. What's really impressive to me is that it just pools together all of your gear (partitioned by type) into a massive inventory for selection. In other words, it doesn't matter which character it's on - it's irrelevant. The app just shows you everything across all three characters and you can select anything to include in a loadout no matter where it is (including the vault).

I'm super impressed with it. Just a few taps to transfer a predefined loadout and equip.

Has anyone had any problems or issues with this app that I should be aware of?

i love this app. it's very efficient and convenient and works like a charm. as others mentioned, the only issue is the long start up time (making it not so ideal in the middle of battle) and it sometimes disconnects, so you have to reboot it or wait longer for it to resync. but as far as transferring items between the vault and 3 characters, it's way ahead of Bungie's own app.


Hosting Gorgons Hard CP for the next 30 minutes or more depending on traffic. On remote play, so no mic. But I'll hear you spawn in and if I'm idle, give me a minute and I'll wipe.
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