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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury


Just found out Eye of Sol has 61 Aim Assist. I need to use it more.

Is that confirmed? I see different numbers being reported for AA on that gun. It seemed OK in PVP for me but nothing spectacular.

Edit: N/m, I think it was an older version of the Eye that has lower AA.
Man, sorry your still having trouble with it. We've killed him before and died from some add splash damage before they de-spawned. It was pretty frustrating. Have your Warlock go for the middle mine and use his self resurrection if he goes down. We've run two titans and a warlock on the (edit) arc modifier before. I was the Warlock and had to do exactly that. It helped that we had a blessing of light shield from the second titan when the first weapons of light shield died. I dipped into it before I ran middle. You should all be moving together anyway on the Void burn modifier.
Thanks. I may request the help of certain sherpas this week, lol.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Don't mean for this to come off the wrong way, but after failing an encounter for more than an hour, i'd be inclined to realize that something is being done wrong. 4 hours is insane.

There's only so much trial and error you can go through before you discover that there's an inherent problem with the approach. My Skolas attempt on Arc burn was unsuccessful for around 45 minutes until I started using a rare Arc sniper. It wasn't anything close to 365, but that alone gave us the extra stun and DPS we needed to defeat him.

On Void burn, i hardly used stealth for Hunter. Once the bonds were broken and Skolas was weak enough, we'd run to the mines as a team. This is of course dependent on Skolas not putting his feet up on the one mine, but I can't imagine that he'd be there enough for the run to be unsuccessful for that long.

What was the main issue with the run? Stealth is certainly helpful for the mine part, but on Void burn I don't think it's a necessity.
First, just to make sure I'm not confused about some mechanical aspect- both the servitor bonds breaking and the mine waves spawning are based on hard HP thresholds for Skolas. i.e., you can't have the mines spawn without the bonds having been broken first.

I'd love to admit to you that something was being done wrong. I'd love to be able to say that in hindsight I simply held our group back by failing to do something or giving incorrect instructions. But I can do nothing other than generically disagree. Watching Mindlog's video in particular it is clear we were approaching the encounter in the same way. On our best attempts we came close to simply succeeding, in the same way, but did not. Even in the context of that success, there are a couple of lucky "rolls" as far as which mine spawns where and which guardian is tainted at which moment. I would love to hear that there was some inherent problem with the approach, because I would have been rather reassured if it seemed that we were doing something wrong. I'd prefer the notion that we could have just changed tactics and succeeded- rather than acknowledging we were doing everything right, but not well enough. It just seems like the latter was the case.

There was no "main issue" I could identify. We made "regular" progress (we were getting him closer to dead more frequently during the last few attempts than the first). All signs pointed basically to our group being able to beat him, with continued persistence, adaptation and a little luck on the RNG aspects, but simply ran out of time to be able to continue trying.

The biggest pain point for me was that sometimes he'd "slip by" during our first DPS phase and teleport, sometimes even twice in a row, and thus be way too close and hard to hit to do the damage necessary to even break the bonds before needing the second servitor. If we were able to do that every single time the progress would have felt more natural, but for ever 3 or so runs where the necessary DPS was done to break the bonds, there was one where he started teleport-hopping and we had to hunt for the second servitor. I still have no concept of where the inconsistency with this part was coming from. But it would be totally unfair to call that the "main issue" because we did get past that phase, sometimes very easily, a number of times, and still couldn't quite make it through the rest of the fight.

It was a group formed of three people who had never completed it before, and fatigue was an issue at least for me. I didn't hit every single headshot. Sometimes I missed captains on my radar. Got wire rifled a lot.

You're free to consider 4 hours insane... for my first Atheon kill it was 6, HM Atheon was somewhere around 4 or 5. HM Crota was over 10. All of the above over two or more nights. I honestly don't have the slightest issue with those numbers. It ought to be hard, and require patience and perseverance. It ought to be a significant barrier to overcome. My main frustration right now is that I simply can't go back and try again, even if my fireteam was willing. It's a rather different fight as of reset, with all of the key HP thresholds shifting in importance due to the extra persistent DPS afforded by Black Hammer and Gjallarhorn, and of course with the extra danger that comes with his Scorch cannon being solar. I don't mind taking my stab at this challenge, but it isn't the same one I've been trying to conquer, and so I just have to put all that empty progress on hold, and that feels pretty bad.

edit: Started at 11 and called it quits at 3:00AM, so it wasn't actually 4 hours on Skolas burn on the PoE 35 in total


The tower ghost android app can't see my HoW weapons at all, any other recommended app?

Uhhh--it does show all of the HoW weapons. When you first start it, it should say there's an updated version. Make sure you update it.

To force an update check, just tap the screen with three fingers.


Etheric light opinions.

Praedyth's Revenge or Her Benevolence?

I need a good Void sniper. Does the lower impact tier for PR mean it's not useful for burning, say, Skolas during Void burns?

Eying that Field Scout perk and leaning PR.


Don't mean for this to come off the wrong way, but after failing an encounter for more than an hour, i'd be inclined to realize that something is being done wrong. 4 hours is insane.

On Friday or ThursdayI beat Skolas on the third attempt using void snipers.

Last night I spent 4 hours on the same strategy and never killed him.

Sometimes it comes down to execution, group composition, luck with the mines -- all manner of other stuff.
"#lf4m got checkpoint gjally preferred and people who know not to kill the fucking knights" -Guy on Destinylfg

I was going to do Crota HM, but what knights is he talking about and why are you not supposed to kill them?
I've done everything but HM Crota, the VoG, Trials, Skolas, etc., but I only did easy CE twice, back when it was just released.


Do what I'm planning to do: wait for the nerf.

That's not going to happen. When comet releases and you can hit 35, the fight will be a cakewalk.

You're free to consider 4 hours insane... for my first Atheon kill it was 6, HM Atheon was somewhere around 4 or 5. HM Crota was over 10. All of the above over two or more nights. I honestly don't have the slightest issue with those numbers. It ought to be hard, and require patience and perseverance. It ought to be a significant barrier to overcome. My main frustration right now is that I simply can't go back and try again, even if my fireteam was willing. It's a rather different fight as of reset, with all of the key HP thresholds shifting in importance due to the extra persistent DPS afforded by Black Hammer and Gjallarhorn, and of course with the extra danger that comes with his Scorch cannon being solar. I don't mind taking my stab at this challenge, but it isn't the same one I've been trying to conquer, and so I just have to put all that empty progress on hold, and that feels pretty bad.

Oh it's insane. What you're describing isn't difficulty like Atheon. Being outleveled and having a flat 33% damage reduction isn't particularly hard or challenging. It's just stupid.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Etheric light opinions.

Praedyth's Revenge or Her Benevolence?

I need a good Void sniper. Does the lower impact tier for PR mean it's not useful for burning, say, Skolas during Void burns?

Eying that Field Scout perk and leaning PR.
You definitely want high impact snipers for Skolas.


"#lf4m got checkpoint gjally preferred and people who know not to kill the fucking knights" -Guy on Destinylfg

I was going to do Crota HM, but what knights is he talking about and why are you not supposed to kill them?
I've done everything but HM Crota, the VoG, Trials, Skolas, etc., but I only did easy CE twice, back when it was just released.

He's talking about the boomers in the tower. You don't want to kill them, just distract them with a Titan bubble.


Every week it seems like the connections in PvP get worse. Just had two matches back to back where at one point we all went red bar. Generally I'm the only green bar when everyone goes red but now even I'm going red when that happens. Ugh.
I'm still in disbelief that I spent another four hours on Skolas last night for a total of about 13 throughout the week with nothing to show for it. I should have just kept doing IB... I didn't even get a single character to rank 5 (was close). It was too late when we called it quits.
i feel your pain, hawkian... ;_____;


Thanks. I may request the help of certain sherpas this week, lol.

I'll be around all weekend, but I don't think I'll have time during the weeknights to give it a go. I don't have a Gjallahorn but would rather try the sniping method anyway (failed to beat him two weeks ago on the original Solar burn, but have learned a ton since then). I'll probably give an ascended Black Hammer and Hunger of Crota first crack at it.


Ah man so sorry to hear that! At least you have Destiny Gaf!

On the positive end, try to enjoy some peace and quiet during this time! Life has a way of going in extremes, and no doubt in the near future you'll be super busy and think back fondly on the summer you got to spend studying!

Man--when you said that, I can't help but think of this:

Cheer up--DGAF is here 24x7x365.

Yea man, it's a bit hard.
I've done close to 9 months without my GF, I can do this for 2 more months. Should probably take advantage of that summer weather and lack classes, just that it's nice to have someone to spend time with during the summer as my city becomes extremely lively during summer with music, festivals, ship arrivals (I live at the docks) etc.


He's talking about the boomers in the tower. You don't want to kill them, just distract them with a Titan bubble.

To elaborate a yellow Hive Wizard with a shield will come out and make your life hell if you kill both boomers in the towers. People use a bubble to distract the boomer instead of sniping them dead. With everyone higher levels now you could probably take down the wizard that shows up with one or two rockets and a snipe. People are just more comfortable with the easy button.
Team 2 - 9:30 PM Eastern

Possible activities
- "down for whatever", but hasn't raided since HoW dropped (ich00)
- NF x3 (Hung Wei Lo and LTWood12)
- PoE 32 (Hung Wei Lo and LTWood12)

1) ich00 (PSN ichabod00)
2) Hung Wei Lo (PSN Kinezo)
3) LTWood12 (PSN LTWOOD12) - will be on around 8:30 Eastern for pre-gaming, possibly PoE 35
4) T-44 (PSN T-44) - will be on around 8:30 Eastern
5) kazeshini (PSN rasengan1337) ??
6) Rollo Tomasi (PSN kreepmode) ??

1) LkPr (PSN LkPr) ??
2) Rollo Tomasi (PSN kreepmode) ??
3) manicstreet (PSN manicstreet) ??
4) Frostburn (PSN US-Frostburn) ??
5) Lnkn52 (PSN Lnkn52) ??
6) Deku Tree (PSN DekuBleep) ??
7) Narmer212 (PSN GKW212) ??

Unable to play tonight
x) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE) - probably won't be around all week; maybe a bit on the weekend
x) StereoType (PSN Haybro_) - will be around later in the week for NF, PoE, etc.
i'm down for squishing Skolas... too many fruitless hours spent to not finish him. i'll be available at 9:00ish EDT
edit: top of page
sorry, got nothing but salt for the Skolas encounter....
edit: turns out my wife brought home a movie - i won't be on until much later....


Re-posting because it's later in the day.

Looks like both teams are gonna be 1-2 men short.

Anyone from the alt list (or anyone else) around for PoE/Raiding tonight at ~8:30 or 9:30 Eastern?

Team 1 - 8:30 PM Eastern

Possible activities
- VoG full (captscience wants armor for his Hunter + Found Verdict)
- PoE 35 (Dave_6 hasn't done one yet)
- PoE 32/34 (GRIP wants to level his Warlock)

1) captscience (PSN captscience)
2) Dave_6 (PSN DaveS78)
3) GRIP (PSN GriP17-)
4) stb's pal (PSN Capt_Verde)
5) schwagger15 (PSN spyder_ur) ??
6) captscience's bro ??
a) LkPr (PSN LkPr) - available after 10:30 Eastern
a) macewank (PSN macewank) - down for HM VoG, PoE 32/34, maybe PoE35, possibly HM CE

Team 2 - 9:30 PM Eastern

Possible activities
- "down for whatever", but hasn't raided since HoW dropped (ich00)
- NF x3 (Hung Wei Lo and LTWood12)
- PoE 32 (Hung Wei Lo and LTWood12)
- PoE 35 (LTWood12/T-44/kazeshini ?)

1) ich00 (PSN ichabod00)
2) Hung Wei Lo (PSN Kinezo)
3) LTWood12 (PSN LTWOOD12) - will be on around 8:30 Eastern for pre-gaming, possibly PoE 35
4) T-44 (PSN T-44) - will be on around 8:30 Eastern
5) kazeshini (PSN rasengan1337) - will be on around 9:00 Eastern
6) Rollo Tomasi (PSN kreepmode) ??
a) macewank (PSN macewank) - down for HM VoG, PoE 32/34, maybe PoE35, possibly HM CE
a) Lnkn52 (PSN Lnkn52) - strong preference for PoE35
a) LkPr (PSN LkPr) - available after 10:30 Eastern

1) LkPr (PSN LkPr)
2) Rollo Tomasi (PSN kreepmode) ??
3) manicstreet (PSN manicstreet) ??
4) Frostburn (PSN US-Frostburn) ??
5) Deku Tree (PSN DekuBleep) ??
6) Narmer212 (PSN GKW212) ??

Unable to play tonight
x) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE) - probably won't be around all week; maybe a bit on the weekend
x) StereoType (PSN Haybro_) - will be around later in the week for NF, PoE, etc.

i'm down for squishing Skolas... too many fruitless hours spent to not finish him. i'll be available at 9:00ish EDT
edit: top of page
sorry, got nothing but salt for the Skolas encounter....

Sorry, just saw this. I updated the post.
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