This is slightly OT and it's not meant to be an old man yells at cloud thing but here goes.
Getting into Destiny MP again started making me miss Halo, so I went back to it today. To be fair, I only played one game, but here was my experience.
I went to Big Team because I figured I would be less of a detriment to my team if I sucked. We got Halo 3 Assault on Valhalla. It was a total disaster. People had no concept of weapon pickups, map control, or teamwork. People were running out into the middle of Valhalla without picking up a BR. No one used grenades effectively. Someone on our team quit, we scored once, and then the other team got on the Warthog and started wrecking everyone at our base. People would spawn and just run back into the Warthog's line of fire. I ended up getting back to the base with the shotgun to try and clear them out but because I've been using Destiny shotguns I vastly overestimated the range and failed. We ended up getting scored on 3 times in a row to lose the game.
I haven't played Halo for any extended period of time for longer than I can remember. I played a bit of MCC when it came out but got quickly frustrated with it not working so I quit. I played the Halo 5 Beta the last few days it was available and enjoyed it. Keep that in mind because I got the second most kills on my team and was also one of two people that actually had a positive K/D. I get that K/D isn't everything, especially in an objective game, but one person had 0 kills and 10 deaths while another had 1 kill and 11 deaths. People were running into me with the Mongoose while I was trying to fight. They were bumping me while I was getting into a BR duel. And while I guess it could have been trolling, they weren't doing it often enough to make it seem intentional.
Shooters have really changed post Call of Duty. Everyone expects sprinting, perks, loadouts, and there's no concept of map control at all. People just ran around like chickens with their heads cut off with no regard to their current weapons or the situation on the map. I don't think I'll step into Halo MP again without friends.
I bring this up in the Destiny thread because I think it's the type of game that has contributed to this situation, even though I really love the game. I don't hate Call of Duty or Destiny or Battlefield or anything. But it seems like some serious damage has been done to the type of shooters I played as a teen and continue to enjoy.
*Falls over in rocking chair. Breaks hip.*
I kind of wish Destiny didn't spawn you with special ammo so special ammo points are actually worth contesting over.
It's quite a change when spawns for shotguns and snipers in Halo were vigilantly timed and then Destiny just hands them to your free.