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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury

Deku Tree

Best part was when I asked why he had a white Deacon rocket launcher. He was like, I don't really care I don't use heavy weapons anyways.

#1 ranked ToO PS4 player, doesn't use heavy.

You can just imagine how scrubby I felt :p

Nghtly lost a round in trials because he was trying to kill the last player who was blade-dancing with his Hawkmoon. He could have just nova bombed the other player but he said he felt using the Nova Bomb would be "too easy" or something like that as if using supers is not really winning.


quoting for new page and hopefully more bodies...

Hey GAF!

So i have a friend of mine who has never ran a raid before, so i thought i'll try and gather a few people who would want to come through it with us. It will need to be VoG as he doesnt have the expansion yet.

What i was thinking is if anyone has not run it before and they want to join, that would be a good experience and i could guide through what is required. Or if you know what you are doing and dont mind carrying some less experienced people through then that would be good also.

looking to start at 7pm GMT, so about 30 mins from now.

Send me a FR to Langoit on psn, and message if you have or havent done this before and we'll see how it goes. also put your name below aswell incase we get too full!

1. Me (langoit) (experienced)
2. my friend (not)
3. wearethearmada (exp)

Will decide difficulty when we know who has or hasn't done it before!


Starting Atheon hard mode X3

1. US_Frostburn
2. Ikkarus
3. wearthemada
4. Da_1_hated_tito
5. Wheelhoss1
6. Soup

Going to start up a party chat now so free to join me and game if you're on my friends list already.
Anyone interested in doing Atheon hard mode x3? We would have to start at gate keepers the first time.

Looking to get started in about 30 min.

1. US_Frostburn

Quote and add yourself

Am I too late?

I've been looking for VoG/Crota for ages but everyone seems to be busy doing POE.
Kadey went there for pilot servitor and it killed her.
We tried going there for Skolas and dude teleported in front of us and killed us.

The biggest problem is getting Skolas near you and get him down on health enough to break the bonds in the 15 seconds you have.

Well it works but nobody said it was flawless. You might get unlucky on a run.


I've been wanting to have a white weapon run lately but I'm not sure what would be attainable other than a Daily. I did Exclusion Zone with the Khvostov once and it took forever but I was also by myself.
So, I was in a 34 PoE the other day with some friends and we got to discussing the gifts that Variks presents during the rounds. We were thinking that a couple of the gifts that show up should be the Relic from Vault of Glass and the Sword from Crota's End.

It would give people a chance to practice with them in a bit of a lower pressure setting. I'm thinking that would be a welcome change from the Scorch Cannon.

Full disclosure: I miss using the Relic.

Would be nice, especially since no one even bothers picking up the scorch cannon when it shows up. The sigh of dissapointment can be heard all around lol
I posted yesterday about how little I cared for the Elder Cipher bounties, and I think most everyone agrees the PoE loot leaves a lot to be desired (the systems and the actual armor/weapons). But the ToO loot is pretty fantasitc all around imo. Some great weapons, slick armor, the ceremonial Mercury trip, very generous drops for good players while still offering attainable and valuable drops for less MLG teams. You can even get some decent armor drops from the matches, like INT/DIS gauntlets with HC reload and grenade throw distance. I like everything about it except the lack of Passage Coin drops during matches and not enough coins in blue packages (to encourage less skilled teams to keep trying).

I'm a huge fan of the Trials stuff, and part of why I like it isn't just because it's actually obtainable - it's because the guns are designed with specific perks in mind and not random in any way (aside from the element of Adept primaries). I'm kind of sick of everything having so many randomized components at this point. Leave that shit to the IB/Faction stuff, please.

It was touched on earlier, but I'd love for Prison to reward players at the same rate if the players could fulfill similar weekly PvE requirements (e.g. completing level 35 without wiping during the week guarantees an elemental primary and piece of non-strength armor).
quoting for new page and hopefully more bodies...

Dude, make sure you:

1) Run normal first so he can enjoy the run and not be dead for most of it.
2) Don't cheese anything. He can learn the cheese later. Make sure to show him all the mechanics on this first run. Maybe let him use the relic during the templat fight so he can learn.
3) Let him die on Gorgons a couple of times just for the lols.
4) Same thing on the disappearing plataforms. Let him figure his way out of that part and laugh a bit when he fails. :)
5) On gatekeepers, make him stay outside for one portal and go inside for the second one so he sees both areas.
6) On atheon, make him use the relic at least once.

If you do all that, the run might take longer but he will love the VoG as much as all of us do.
who are you and what have you done with RAWR

Uguuu (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Yeah another 2 of my rl friends, 1 of them one of my best friends, suddenly decided to start playing again. I cant refuse to help them out when I have spare time just because that's who I am. I am trap forever ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

Unless I shareplay with kermit the frog or make a bet that I know I will lose and bet all my exotics..hmm...

Deku Tree

Nghtly saw this thread and was talking about it on his stream just now. He asked me to post and say "thank you" to everyone for watching etc.

And he said he was using BHammer because it was the only high impact sniper he had.


I've been wanting to have a white weapon run lately but I'm not sure what would be attainable other than a Daily. I did Exclusion Zone with the Khvostov once and it took forever but I was also by myself.
It's fun setting little goals for yourself, when I was working on my grimiore score (yes I'm sick) and needed shotgun kills I just equipped myself with universal remote and another shotgun and it was shotguns for everyone.

I actually got pretty decent with the universal remote, and that was before the PvE buff ... I should really do that again since shotguns seem pretty good in PvE now.


All this talk about white weapons and what not is really making me want to go back and delete my Hunter and make a new one, just to get the fun whites and the scarf the Hunters start with.

Someone talk me out of it...


Killed Skolas yesterday and got 2 elder ciphers, went to 34 PoE, opened the chest and got 2 Queen Ciphers. Also another HB sniper that I dismantled and I'm regretting after catching up on the thread. I have one that has max stability with ambush, rodeo and hand-laid stock not sure if I should re-roll it since I have LGH with Hidden hand, Hand laid - Stock and unflinching


ocran, Eye of Sol has horrible stability, it kicks so hard it hurts. That's bad for a low impact sniper.
Yeah, it knocks pretty hard.




Still love it though.


All this talk about white weapons and what not is really making me want to go back and delete my Hunter and make a new one, just to get the fun whites and the scarf the Hunters start with.

Someone talk me out of it...

You could just try buying white engrams from the Cryptarch.


I'm trying to roll a good PVP sniper and have the following Low-Grade Humility:

Sightsys SLS20
Shortgaze SLH10
Ambush SLH25

Perk 1:
Triple Tap

Perk 2:
Skip Rounds
Custom Optics
Injection Mold

Perk 3:

I think it looks good and going by this guide only the second perk sucks. Should I keep it?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm trying to roll a good PVP sniper and have the following Low-Grade Humility:

Sightsys SLS20
Shortgaze SLH10
Ambush SLH25

Perk 1:
Triple Tap

Perk 2:
Skip Rounds
Custom Optics
Injection Mold

Perk 3:

I think it looks good and going by this guide only the second perk sucks. Should I keep it?
you don't want triple tap.,


It's fun setting little goals for yourself, when I was working on my grimiore score (yes I'm sick) and needed shotgun kills I just equipped myself with universal remote and another shotgun and it was shotguns for everyone.

I actually got pretty decent with the universal remote, and that was before the PvE buff ... I should really do that again since shotguns seem pretty good in PvE now.

I liked running Dailies with UR sometimes, before the buff. It presented an extra challenge. Good stuff.
Took some screenshots of my characters with some of my new shaders from Prison of Elders, Dead Orbit, Queen's Wrath, and Trials:


Aaru's Passage:

Pallas Victorious:



Judgment Cast:



Trial By Ordeal:

Trial By Ordeal:

Imogen's Fire:



Trial By Ordeal:


Judgment Cast:




Trial By Ordeal:

Aaru's Passage:


Judgment Cast:


I think they look cool :)
I was totally hoping for a gambling type system. Every round you finish increases the drop chance if you choose to open a chest and every time you wipe that chance decreases. Win all 5 without wiping it's 100%, win 4 but don't want to try 5 you get a 75% chance. Win 5 after wiping 10 times it's back down to 75%. It would of given the arena a fun risk/reward system instead of just banging your head against the wall for two hours on the last encounter and leaving with nothing to show for it. Maybe forgive two wipes or something.
I like that idea a lot. Something I thought of was an earning of buffs in your favor as you progressed, which would stack as long as you didn't wipe. A wipe would clear out any buffs, adding a little more pressure to stay alive.

But PoE really has a poor loot system, really not sure why it devolved so badly from the raids.

you don't want triple tap.,
What's bad about it, or is it just completely useless?
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