It sounds like folks are keen on ironing some banners tonight to chase that sweet etheric light.
As such, rather than post a suggested itinerary of raid-related activities, I'll just use this post as a roll call for who wants to team up for IB, and ask you to respond with:
- if you can play tonight
- confirm your desired start time (8:30 PM Eastern or 9:30 PM Eastern)
- if you want to run NFs 1/2/3 times before starting IB
Team 2
1) ich00 (PSN ichabod00) ??
2) kazeshini (PSN rasengan1337) ??
3) Rollo Tomasi (PSN kreepmode) ??
4) manicstreet (PSN manicstreet) ??
5) Frostburn (PSN US-Frostburn) ??
6) LTWood12 (PSN LTWOOD12) ??
Alts/Team 3
1) T-44 (PSN T-44) ??
2) Lnkn52 (PSN Lnkn52) ??
3) Deku Tree (PSN DekuBleep) ??
4) Hung Wei Lo (PSN Kinezo) ??
5) Narmer212 (PSN GKW212) ??
Unable to play tonight
x) stb's pal (PSN Capt_Verde)