yeah give me 2 mins
Alright thanks take your time, I'll be hanging in orbit.
yeah give me 2 mins
got a key from teh little chest and used it
kehe. I can probably roll the fusion into something usable at least.
You guys still have a spot by any chance? Still need the trophy.Why do I keep thinking it's Sunday?
Anyway, the "Get Twilight Flawless Raider" train will be leaving the station in 4-5 hours. We will be streaming this.
I will be streaming it from my perspective @ twitch.tv/Namikaze01
Don't know who else will be streaming nor what raid we shall be doing.
Raiders involved:
Twilight Gap
Things I'd like to do:
- one more Nightfall with my Hunter
- PoE 32 and/or 34 with my Titan
- PoE 35 with my Warlock (preferably, could also bring a Bubble Titan - got Gjallarhorn btw)
Things I'd like to do:
- one more Nightfall with my Hunter
- PoE 32 and/or 34 with my Titan
- PoE 35 with my Warlock (preferably, could also bring a Bubble Titan - got Gjallarhorn btw)
EDIT: could I get an invite to the chat please? TheSilverHawaiian on twitch
Kurumi is looking for a NF a couple of posts above you.
I'll invite you to the chat!
My 34 Titan needs the 35 PoE. My 32 Warlock needs the 32/34 PoE. Problem is: I don't have the best weapons.
At normal gorgons now if anyone wants the chest or checkpoint..
Why do I keep thinking it's Sunday?
Anyway, the "Get Twilight Flawless Raider" train will be leaving the station in 4-5 hours. We will be streaming this.
I will be streaming it from my perspective @ twitch.tv/Namikaze01
Don't know who else will be streaming nor what raid we shall be doing.
Raiders involved:
Twilight Gap
For those asking to join in, it was originally gonna be the old raiding group getting back together. We're probably gonna wait for Math to be back online. Not sure yet.
For now, we won't be looking for alts till much later.
I got no mic, but I sent him a message a couple of mins ago...
I'd prefer to start with the easier ones anyway - it's too early in the evening to ruin it with Skolas. 32 shouldn't be any problem and with another 34 we should be able to drag you through the 34... we just need a volunteer.
Rolled "Her Benevolence" with HIdden Hand and Grenadier, keepable?
What scopes does it have?
Best roll would be Shortgaze, Hidden Hand, Injection Mold and Unflinching if you have the weapon parts/motes ofcourse.
Eagleeye, Longview, Ambush
That looks like a great roll. I love my Noblesse. It is good enough to put the Rapier out to pasture.
I got Firefly and Luck in the Chamber. Full Auto could make it next level godlike. Only concern is how it handles since its stability is ok, but not the greatest. VoC has Zen Moment for a reason.
Please report on it once it is maxed. I would reroll mine for that of it works well.
I would say re-roll if you have the resources. Hidden Hand is perfect and Shortgaze works really well with Unflinching, while Ambush and Unflinching don't seem to work well together. In my opinion Quickdraw instead of Injection Mold would work as well, but that's probably because I don't have Injection Mold on either my HB and LGH.
Anybody up for a PoE 35? Got a 34 Hunter with Nighthawk and Gjallarhorn. PSN Buttchin-n-Bones
Thanks for the help guys! One more NF run to go if anyone's free
At the Phogoth part of the Thorn bounty if anyone could come and help
Thanks for the advice, EJ!
Anyone care to help out with the last part of this Thorn bounty? PSN: saveweyard
At the Phogoth part of the Thorn bounty if anyone could come and help
are you still there?
Anybody up for a PoE 35? Got a 34 Hunter with Nighthawk and Gjallarhorn. PSN Buttchin-n-Bones
I'd be interested. I have a titan I could bring...
PSN: HidingMyThunder
And done with my NF runs. Thank you everyone who helped. Got a Gjallorhorn and Purifier Robes today. Feels so good.
1. Only new Exotic chest piece added in HoWBought two engrams from Xur and got Purifier Robes on my first one. Seems like this is the one exotic chest that a lot of people are after?
If nothing else this gives me a reason to start using my Warlock a bit more.
got a key from teh little chest and used it
kehe. I can probably roll the fusion into something usable at least.
Rolled "Her Benevolence" with HIdden Hand and Grenadier, keepable?
Eagleeye, Longview, Ambush
And done with my NF runs. Thank you everyone who helped. Got a Gjallorhorn and Purifier Robes today. Feels so good.
At normal gorgons now if anyone wants the chest or checkpoint..
lol. honestly I've found poe so fun except for skolas. I will embrace the nerfs
Yep. Wouldn't surprise me if ask weapons in year 2 have elemental damage.I can't use non elemental primaries in PvE.
VoG Hard starting in 15 minutes
3. xxlegitmlgtwilightgrassxx
Hold onto your butts
And done with my NF runs. Thank you everyone who helped. Got a Gjallorhorn and Purifier Robes today. Feels so good.
No problem, I have been scavenging info in this thread and on reddit.
I must say that I totally love my LGH with Shortgaze, Hidden Hand, Quickdraw and Unflinching.
Which longview? SLR10? If thats the one, I'd say keep unless you want a perfect sniper.
If itá SLR20, re-roll. You have no good scopes.