Breakfast at Noon
Dont know if this is new, but here anyway.
Dont know if this is new, but here anyway.
and he;s not gonna sell Ghorn. What exactly do you want him to sell to not make it a Xurrpointment/disappointment?
Boots will be the least sold exotics, assuming a random distribution, because there's so little of them. There's only 4 in the entire repertoire. There's more Exotic chests, gauntlets or helmets *per class* than boots in totalThe boots, especially since there aren't boot engrams.
Why is he not going to sell Ghorn. I've looked around and never saw any confirmation for this from Bungie. Anyway, he Has sold Ghorn before, but today is the first time he's sold Hard Light (I think, I may have missed a couple of weeks).
Also, I need a Thunderlord yet as well.
Third time Hard Light is sold. You also missed Thunderlord! It was on sale a month ago.Why is he not going to sell Ghorn. I've looked around and never saw any confirmation for this from Bungie. Anyway, he Has sold Ghorn before, but today is the first time he's sold Hard Light (I think, I may have missed a couple of weeks).
Also, I need a Thunderlord yet as well.
Well the day PS exclusivity ends actually *will* be a new DLC day since it coincides with TTK launchPeople trust datamining way too much. You're talking looking so far ahead that there will be multiple updates and patches that will change plans between now and then, not even mentioning there will be guns/armor/etc that are being worked on and aren't done yet that would end up populating the tables.
Ballerhorn will likely be sold again. Probably around Taken King or for Bungie Day, but it's clear no gun or armor is considered "too sacred" for Xur to sell.
And it'd make sense to sell Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, etc. It'll sorta kinda be like a new DLC day for most of the userbase when the PS exclusivity expires.
BTW, is the random teleport during the Gulrot fight a glitch? It stopped happening to us after a certain point. It was weird.
It's a PoE anti cheese mechanism which glitches out. If the game believes you're trying to break through geometry or camp a cheesy spot it'll teleport you to the middle of the fray.
It happens to me sometimes in Hive room while taking cover near or against the walls. Basically don't wall hug and it should stop teleporting you.
People who have constantly been disappointed by Xur...what exactly is it that you want him to sell? lol
He's got two new armour pieces, the weapons from HoW are all locked behind PoE bounty, and he;s not gonna sell Ghorn. What exactly do you want him to sell to not make it a Xurrpointment/disappointment?
I found one in my postmaster. That's usually a sign of impending sale but no luck this time. One day...I was damn near convinced that Xur would sell the ghorn today. They've been dropping like crazy this week and Bungie even brought one to e3.
I figured before TTK comes they would let Xur sell it again so everyone could enjoy it....
I think it goes both ways, though. Many people also play less because they've put in 400+ hours and are maybe disheartened because they still don't have the flipping thing. I've pretty much said to hell with it, and have played maybe 4 times in the past 3 months after being an everyday player since release. It's really a BS move by Bungie to not have xur sell it (again).Back before Bungie did a few patches to stop datamining, the data miners looked at Xur's table all the way through September and Gjallahorn wasn't there.
In practice, Xur won't sell it because Bungie knows it's the unicorn of Destiny. Many people play more than they would chasing it. It's the same reason Xur likely won't sell Hawkmoon, even when it comes to Xbox. Bungie wants us to chase them.
Not playing because you're tired or some makes a lot of sense. To stop playing because you don't have one particular weapon on the other hand, I find a little strange.I think it goes both ways, though. Many people also play less because they've put in 400+ hours and are maybe disheartened because they still don't have the flipping thing. I've pretty much said to hell with it, and have played maybe 4 times in the past 3 months after being an everyday player since release. It's really a BS move by Bungie to not have xur sell it (again).
Aaaaand now I need etheric light again
Doesn't want to go back in the Prison
Might have to go back in the Prison
Ruthless just arrived home, will be on in about 5 mins for some weeklies. Do we have a third?
Dont know if this is new, but here anyway.
Ruthless just arrived home, will be on in about 5 mins for some weeklies. Do we have a third?
EJ what are you guys up to? Weeklies?
I thought he was glitched out until The Taken King came out?
I'm trying to con my son into doing them for me. He's the one in the family good at pvp hahahaThat's the idea, don't need the coins but some rep to grind towards a faction shader is always welcome. Just waiting for Ruthless but you're welcome to join!
People who have constantly been disappointed by Xur...what exactly is it that you want him to sell? lol
He's got two new armour pieces, the weapons from HoW are all locked behind PoE bounty, and he;s not gonna sell Ghorn. What exactly do you want him to sell to not make it a Xurrpointment/disappointment?
Bungie needs a weapon for everyone to keep chasing,
So it doesn't make sense for Xur to sell Ghorn.
Ruthless just arrived home, will be on in about 5 mins for some weeklies. Do we have a third?
EJ what are you guys up to? Weeklies?
I'm trying to con my son into doing them for me. He's the one in the family good at pvp hahaha
I do hope they change their mind with the CE.
347 Vesta Dynasty
Purifier Robes
Celestial Nighthawk
Peregrine Greaves
Heavy Exotic Engram
Now this is how leveling legacy gear should be. Fatebringer all day, every day for PvE. Thank you, Bungie.
Now tempted to go through VoG to get the slick armor.
Hahaha nice, but I'm sure you'll do just fine in the weekly, nothing PvP there
But if you want me to run him through, I would have no problem with that.
Lol dude he did the Thorn bounty at 10 and the VoG on NM and HM. He's quite capable.
Much appreciated, EJ.And DJ.
Third time Hard Light is sold. You also missed Thunderlord! It was on sale a month ago.
As for Gjallarhorn, it was sold on week 2 and never again. Back then, nobody had any idea it was a special weapon. Even having the coins, launch players either bought armor to level up or saved their coins waiting on a good primary like SUROS Regime (different times).
It's now the most coveted weapon in the game. The big carrot. I think it's unlikely that they'll sell it soon. It's been 40 weeks since it was sold, with many (many) repeats in between. Back when Xur was data mineable and some guys figured out upcoming stock they said that Gjallarhorn was not one of the options on Xur's future offerings.
This of course can change - they could decide to sell it at any moment. They could also tell us a lot of things. /Speakertalk
How often do you see the Mk.44 Stand Asides? They're extremely situational and very rarely, if ever, worth using. If they'd been rolled into one with both the'd still be a Rare sightThe Greaves.... I have yet to see these in-game!!!! BUNGIEPLS
That'll never happen lol. He doesn't sell weapon engrams.
347 Vesta Dynasty
Purifier Robes
Celestial Nighthawk
Peregrine Greaves
Heavy Exotic Engram
Hello and welcome backSo last fall I started out playing Destiny on PS4, even signing up for the GAF group and getting GAF East 6. Played til I was Level 27 when I realized all of my IRL friends were playing it on XBox One, so I switched over to that console and proceeded to dump hours into the game, beating all the content (Dark Below and House of Wolves as well) and racking up exotics/armor.
I'd like to get my PS4 guy back on track in preparation for Taken King since I know a lot more people with PS4s now. It's slow going, though, as I'm stuck with very outdated legendaries from around October and only two exotics (Juju and Saint 14). However, I know pretty much everything about the game from my time on XBox One, so I'm looking to speed up the process this time. Let me know if anybody can perhaps give me Gorgon's Chest checkpoint tonight, do either Vault of Glass normal or carry me through the first two stages of Crota's End for a shot at the armor, or run the weekly. PSN name is in my GAF profile, and my name on is the same as my GAF username.
I was damn near convinced that Xur would sell the ghorn today. They've been dropping like crazy this week and Bungie even brought one to e3.
I figured before TTK comes they would let Xur sell it again so everyone could enjoy it....
Lol dude he did the Thorn bounty at 10 and the VoG on NM and HM. He's quite capable.
Much appreciated, EJ.And DJ.
Hello and welcome backI actually have hard gorgon checkpoint that I can load up if you want it now. PSN is the same as my gaf name.
Well I guess this offer is for anyone that want it. I can hang out for ~15-20 mins.
I buy everything. I don't know if we'll be able to keep it all with TTK but it would suck if this turned into a game where I have to chose which exotics I can own because of space limitations.I bought the horn on week 2. Had the coins, barely.
I remember telling someone how amazing it was once I got the wolfpack rounds unlocked. He still had time to buy it, had the coins, but stated flat out that he was miserly and wanted to save his coins.
He went a long, long time before the horn dropped for him. Like, 7 months or something.
I buy everything new that Xur sells for my class, no matter what.
How often do you see the Mk.44 Stand Asides? They're extremely situational and very rarely, if ever, worth using. If they'd been rolled into one with both the'd still be a Rare sightI wish it triggered Shoulder Charge more quickly instead of making it last longer.
I'll buy the greaves when they're sold because I'm a collectionist and upgrade them because I'm insane but it wouldn't surprise me if I never once put them on except when feeding them bounties.
I'll regret not wearing them next time I shoulder charge a blade dancer in mid air. Any day now right?
Warlocks=SithSo Warlocks are now Destiny's equivalent of siths.
Sure I tend to be around, so throw a post or something up when you are available and if I see it, I will load it up for you.I won't be on until after work tonight, but I can send you a friend request now.
I buy everything. I don't know if we'll be able to keep it all with TTK but it would suck if this turned into a game where I have to chose which exotics I can own because of space limitations.