Going live with the Trials carry train right now! Hop into the chat if you want a chance at a carry!
Lies, she will push you off ledges and run you over with her sparrow.
Just wait until Microsoft gets backwards compatibility for Destiny 360 working on the One. Then I'll be able to play TWO versions of Destiny on one console without a Hawkmoon. So there.
I'd be willing to join if you're on PS4VoG Normal
1. Potatohater
I am only doing that to push you out of the way of enemy fire. No other person would do that for someone.
I'll tag along just for fun if you need help.Who is down to try a raid for the first time?
Going live with the Trials carry train right now! Hop into the chat if you want a chance at a carry!
VoG Normal
1. Potatohater
Doing nightfall x2 psn v1br4t1ons starting now.
Hawkmoon is coming though.
Not still September tho... way too far away.
Are those old exotics even going to worth a shit once TTK hits?
Hello destiny gaf first time posting in this OT im lvl26 hunter looking for people to try my first temples of Osiris withi bought the 3 buffs PSN is FFXIGaiaknight
You're gonna get one-shot by everyone. Level advantage matters and everyone is 33-34.
Haha, unstable is carrying a lvl 27 hunter with 895 grimiore!
Up for some trials now.
Yes, Hawkmoon is an amazing hand canon.
I'm cool to go with you if you're still looking. If not that's fine I'll look somewhere else.One more for trials.
Does the Mercury chest require a key?
Anyone wanna run trials? Just going for armor, anything over is gravy.
PSN - rolyreyes
Anyone wanna run trials? Just going for armor, anything over is gravy.
PSN - rolyreyes
Does the Mercury chest require a key?
Anyone wanna run a weekly heroic real quick so I can grab those Titan arms
I'm in PSN: Dunk7
Shur. PSN === Catfax