Just got one of these from a Dragon Strike
wut? kadey he went 49-2 before he logged off.
Watching kadey trying to get a flawless before running some errands outside: that is some high level suspense here.
They are 8-0, lose the first 2 rounds, come back to 4-2, before choking and losing 5-4.
Mercy boon got them covered, but that last match right now is tight.
To get to 80 he would've needed over half of the matches he had played so far in addition, or about 4.3 more hrs.
I don't understand why you brought this up again.
Looking for a Titan for PoE35, we have 2 Warlocks.
PSN - Palom12
Edit - Full
Again I don't want to add to that discussion, I was just saying he had 50+ games where kadey though it was 30 something...anyway don't want to continue this.
Watching kadey trying to get a flawless before running some errands outside: that is some high level suspense here.
They are 8-0, lose the first 2 rounds, come back to 4-2, before choking and losing 5-4.
Mercy boon got them covered, but that last match right now is tight.
EDIT: that heart breaking last loss.![]()
8-1 last match 5-4 in OT. Heartbreak.
Yeah I quoted kadey instead of quoting your reply to my post.
Anyone around for PoE32? (PS4)
Yup. What's your psn?We need one more for PoE 32 if you want to join us.
Yup. What's your psn?
We were down 0-3 on Noomi's last match. I played my worst Trials match ever, but we bounced back and won. Mercury for all!
Teabagging the team who teabagged you when they thought they'd run away with it, then watching them rage quit while you crouch over and over again... Priceless.
We were down 0-3 on Noomi's last match. I played my worst Trials match ever, but we bounced back and won. Mercury for all!
Teabagging the team who teabagged you when they thought they'd run away with it, then watching them rage quit while you crouch over and over again... Priceless.
That was fucking epic dude, thank you and wicked for the help.
Bastards were up, teabagged us, and we brought it back strong for the win. Justice... it was so sweet![]()
Saw Kevin Yanes just put this up on Twitter. Not sure if anyone has posted yet.
Bitsurugi went from 3, to ''only'' 2 titans... and now a hunter! ^^
I got one a long time ago but haven't used it. Didn't realise it's supposed to be a good PvP gun.
Even though everyone fully agrees on the #TitanMasterRace fact, you've made a wise decision. Hunters are a blast in PvP and lots of utility in PvE as well. The added gameplay variety is by far the biggest reward, so much so that I'd even recommend you sacrifice your 2nd #TMR to the Warlock Scrub Lords. Especially with the new subclasses coming, it's by far the best way to play for crazies with 3 characters.
Anyone want to jump into some Trials?
Oh man these stress-free crucible games were fun Colonel, we should definitely do that again!
Finally got a decent roll as well on my Party Crasher. Agressive Ballistics, Shot Package, Rifled Barrel and Rodeo. Not perfect but I'll take it.
You good to play right now, ps4?Looking for some trials today.. I just really want the messenger. Anything else is an added bonus
Jump on in manI'm up for some trials. Psn is greyblade.
Bitsurugi went from 3, to ''only'' 2 titans... and now a hunter! ^^
Jesus what the hell did he uploadCosmos just posted that he got perma banned from GAF, apparenlty for some video he uploaded by mistake.
He asked if there is something to be done about that. Feel sorry for him, he was a good member of DGAF.
Cosmos just posted that he got perma banned from GAF, apparenlty for some video he uploaded by mistake.
He asked if there is something to be done about that. Feel sorry for him, he was a good member of DGAF.
Great job, just stay away from warlocks and you'll be fine.![]()
Jump on in man
Cosmos just posted that he got perma banned from GAF, apparenlty for some video he uploaded by mistake.
He asked if there is something to be done about that. Feel sorry for him, he was a good member of DGAF.
You know I used my Warlock in our Mercury run last week right?![]()
You good to play right now, ps4?
You were blinking everywhere I must have mistaken you for the hunter master race.
Cosmos just posted that he got perma banned from GAF, apparenlty for some video he uploaded by mistake.
He asked if there is something to be done about that. Feel sorry for him, he was a good member of DGAF.
I got one with me, we good to go.Yes im free right now..just need a 3rd
Hahaha, it might be one of the few who uses their Warlock first. It's the character I started the game with and feel the most comfortable with. But in PvE I almost exclusively roll with my Titan.