Thats a really good idea, Colonel!
Bungie LISTEN.
@bungie #welisten
Am i doing it right?
Surprise top of page. This will have to do unless I can think of something better.

Thats a really good idea, Colonel!
Bungie LISTEN.
About to start NF. One spot open. PSN: Hzoltan969
Big thanks to Rubenov and zewone for ToO. Went 9-0 and 8-1.
They could do it like IB , twice a month with double the amount of rewards. To me trials is one of the main advertised features of HoW but for me it's locked behind a time gate lol
Still looking for a third for ToO.
PSN: HidingMyThunder
Anyone wanna do the nightfall later or soonish?
I sent you a fee fr..or so I thoughtStill looking for a third for ToO.
PSN: HidingMyThunder
is there a list of shotguns / perks i should be trying to get somewhere?
ugh, nothing like getting 5-0'd multiple times in trials...
i love the mode, which is odd considering i don't play normal pvp (i think it's garbage). But trials hits the right buttons for me i suppose.
But god, i wish they implemented some sort of BALANCED matchmaking. There's no reason why i should keep playing people who have gone 9-0 multiple times while i have yet to even hit a level 3 package or whatever. Just blows my mind.
Party Crasher+1is there a list of shotguns / perks i should be trying to get somewhere?
ugh, nothing like getting 5-0'd multiple times in trials...
i love the mode, which is odd considering i don't play normal pvp (i think it's garbage). But trials hits the right buttons for me i suppose.
But god, i wish they implemented some sort of BALANCED matchmaking. There's no reason why i should keep playing people who have gone 9-0 multiple times while i have yet to even hit a level 3 package or whatever. Just blows my mind.
Looks like Bungie will be giving us opportunity to really customize our armour set ups. Man feels like Destiny is about to get flipped on its head. That's pretty cool. Gonna feel fresh
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
Anyone want to farm points for Elder Cipher?
I just started one. Gimme 10 mins?I need like 300 more points so I'd be down for a couple runs
It'll probably be closer to 4 EST if that's fine with youI'll do one
Party Crasher+1
Matador 64
Felwinters Lie
Perks: Shot package, rifled barrel, aggressive ballistics, any 3rd perk.
That's for pvp. For pve you want Found Verdict or Swordbreaker.
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
I'm up for at least a few of each if you need someone
Kadey if you do Crota or VoG shoot me an invite.
Trials - well, you've seen me play.
I wish they would do sort of a bronze, silver, and gold tiers for matchmaking. Depending on your win/loss ratio you get put into a certain group.
I just started one. Gimme 10 mins?
Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
Need one more for PoE lvl. 35
PSN: Arrrammis
Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
right, was talking to my friends about something similar. even tiers or whatever for people who go 9-0 might work in some way. you hit tier 1 (by going 9-0) and you'll only play others who have hit that tier, never those who haven't.
Could have multiple tiers to keep things competitive as you go, so those who do well won't just run over teams since they'll play others people who do well.
But somehow give others a freaking chance to win some games... jesus.
right, was talking to my friends about something similar. even tiers or whatever for people who go 9-0 might work in some way. you hit tier 1 (by going 9-0) and you'll only play others who have hit that tier, never those who haven't.
Could have multiple tiers to keep things competitive as you go, so those who do well won't just run over teams since they'll play others people who do well.
But somehow give others a freaking chance to win some games... jesus.
I agree, if you miss the boat on poe or NF then you need to spread out to find someone to do those with. The Xbox community is really thin and these 3 man events have split the community and divided groups up. We only have a few people that are able to help out in trials like unstable, we have a guys that are really great at it but they are only a few people and can only do so much.Yeah, I'm not sure if a separate thread would work or not. There was that separate Nightfall thread that didn't really work that well and I think any platform specific LFG thread would have to be moderated pretty heavy to keep discussion out of there instead of in here.
I honestly think the focus on 3 player end game content in HoW is actually part of the problem. Nightfalls and Weeklies have always been the hardest for me personally to get a group together since vanilla. With the low player count, people tend to stick with their regular clicks and friends, then knock them all out at once (usually on reset day) and I've noticed usually during the 9-5 work hours that a lot of the rest of us have.
Raids on the other hand by virtue of being 6-player groups tend to force people to recruit people they don't normally play with to fill the teams. I didn't really have too much trouble finding Raid groups going (pre-HoW), I was usually just restricted by the time commitment. I rarely have an issue getting an Iron Banner train going either. That was one of the reasons I was hoping PoE would have a 6-player version.
That would be great, but wouldn't it eventually filter everyone into the 9-0 tier and we'd be right back at the start? Either that or the competition would be so sweaty at the top that no-one would be able to go 9-0 again.
Personally, I think with some super elite teams, lag, and animal errors, they should get rid of the streak requirement altogether. Bump up the number of wins, but don't track losses.
I'll definitely be down for some stuff in about an hour and a half or so.Last Trials match from last night was probably the maddest I've ever been at the game. Almost 9 - 0 and we just had to face a laggy team.
Up for some more trials today. Also I need to get both CEs, hard VOG, and several POEs done. Going to be a fun filled day. Thank you rain for making me stay in.
I'll run hard crota with you. Can do the rest too if you don't find enough players..
I'll do Vog and CE (need 3x) and depending on lvl PoE if you need more people.
5 and 6!
PSN AdamKoy
5 and 6!
PSN AdamKoy
Looking to do VoG, CE, PoE lvl 32, I'd even switch to my hunter and do nightfall if someone needs it. No one from my friend list is on right now. :-(
PSN mr_vandemar
I'll do poe 32. PSN Priestfact
Looking for a 3rd to farm Elder Cipher points.
PSN - Palom12