About to run the NF psn is greyblade if you would like to join.
I'm wondering if Aggressive Ballistics + Smallbore will put me to the range cap on my new Matador. It also has Shot Package & Final Round, so reducing the magazine size appeals to me.
My old Matador has Aggressive/Shot Package/Reinforced Barrel/Cascade, so I want to replace it with one that has a better last perk. Final round + Smallbore seems ideal (along with Luck in the Chamber), as long as I'm still at the range cap.
I guess I can wait until I level it and use the app to compare the range, but I would prefer to figure it out now, so I don't have to waste bounties/materials leveling it if I'm just going to have to reroll it.
Anyone wanna do PoE 35 or HM CE/VoG?
I agree, if you miss the boat on poe or NF then you need to spread out to find someone to do those with. The Xbox community is really thin and these 3 man events have split the community and divided groups up. We only have a few people that are able to help out in trials like unstable, we have a guys that are really great at it but they are only a few people and can only do so much.
I'm not the greatest PVP player, People tend to want to play with other great players, at the same time I'm not really ever going to better at it unless I play more of this play style, no rumble is not going to help me get better at a 3 man game mode. Perfect example was trying to get a group last night to just run trials, not try to get to 9-0. It took over an hour just to get that team together. I need to learn this map, by the time we were done last night guitar we were getting better but it also didn't help we were running into true TEAMS and the try hards.
At the end of the day, the lack of finding a trials team just means I have more time for my backlog.
Just check the Reddit HoW Shotgun Reforge thread.
Max range cap is 32. Matador starts at 20 + AB 3 + RB 12 = 35 which is over the cap. Small Bore is +6. So nope. AB 3 + SB 6 would only get you to 29.
I can't play PvP anymore. I keep getting mauled by thorn and tlw. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Maybe I need to change my perks for Red Death because so far nothing's working for me.
Use Thorn or TLW. The game is currently fubar.
I am hanging back with MIDA though. Never used Scout in PvP before but I like this approach. Thorn still beats it from range which i find hilarious.
am i the only one who thinks the hand cannon needs massive nerfing for crucible? it's literally the only type of gun that people use in crucible matches.
Room for one. We're doing Templar and Atheon x 3 and then normal Crota x 3.
Doing poe level 32 join me
Psn v1br4t1ons
am i the only one who thinks the hand cannon needs massive nerfing for crucible? it's literally the only type of gun that people use in crucible matches.
Looking for one more for trials. Join on
Darryl_m_r or manicstreet
Fatebringer is god-tier in PVE, but the other hand cannons are pretty meh for it. They got hit by the last nerf.I rather see they buff the other weapons, but yes. Hand cannons are god-tier in this game both pvp in pve.
Running NF if anyone wants to join. Psn is greyblade.
I'm down, PSN is Thrillho. FR sent.
Anyway want to run trials?
We are looking for 3rd for 8 wins. Are you for the serious run?
Hello DGAF!
What's happening? Everyone Trialsing?
I'd quite like to do a 34 prison or two, the Crota raid or maybe a hard VOG.
Anyway want to run trials?
Hello DGAF!
What's happening? Everyone Trialsing?
I'd quite like to do a 34 prison or two, the Crota raid or maybe a hard VOG.
It keeps giving me the stuff I got the first week: Eye Of Sol, The Messenger and Jewel Of Osiris.Trials is trolling me. My 6th arc messenger.
Come on in!
I'm down for those! psn = dorssom.
Thanks for joiningThanks for the quick run! With that Suros, Gjallarhorn is officially the only droppable exotic I'm missing.
I'd be down for it. PSN = IkkarusGreat! One more for a 34 trials?
Anyone wanna do PoE 35 or HM CE/VoG?