After the recent nerf, I found the Vex to be less effective in PVP. Kinda gave up on it there. Still pretty excellent in PVE especially with Solar burn NFs.
After getting my VoC I've retired my Mythoclast. RIP.
After the recent nerf, I found the Vex to be less effective in PVP. Kinda gave up on it there. Still pretty excellent in PVE especially with Solar burn NFs.
After the recent nerf, I found the Vex to be less effective in PVP. Kinda gave up on it there. Still pretty excellent in PVE especially with Solar burn NFs.
Trying to find a random group to do level 34 PoE but it seems like people don't want a level 33.
The problem with having Ghorn is that afterwards then it's the only exotic you ever equip in PvE.
Yep.The problem with having Ghorn is that afterwards then it's the only exotic you ever equip in PvE.
Has there been any actual reason given for the 6 hour downtime? Does it take that long to remove Thorn from the game? Bungie Day preparation?
I totally forgot to grab Gorgons NM/HM this week. Is anyone online/awake who has the cp?
Trying to find a random group to do level 34 PoE but it seems like people don't want a level 33.
I have hard mode gorgon checkpoint if you want it. If I can get online since there is maintenance?
I ascended my trusty Shadow Price yesterday and tried to use it in the Weekly. It's fucking shit.
Thanks, Bungie.
After getting my VoC I've retired my Mythoclast. RIP.
I ascended my trusty Shadow Price yesterday and tried to use it in the Weekly. It's fucking shit.
Thanks, Bungie.
That's the sad truth of how badly they nerfed the Vex. VoC trumps it easily.
You dun goofed, fig.
Bring it to Trials where it will be more effec... lololol couldn't even finish that sentence with a straight face.
The only time I ever use the vex is during the 20 fusion rifle kills
Hey silver, thanks so much for the help last night, really appreciate it. I was so tired by the end that during the last 5 minutes I actually fell asleep for a few seconds lol.
Sorry about wiping a million times![]()
lol It's cool, Noomi. Don't worry.
Try to finish some of the bounties before we go on with the story tho, so we don't run into level caps.
The only time I ever use the vex is during the 20 fusion rifle kills
VoC still useful in PVE but sorta worthless in PVP.After getting my VoC I've retired my Mythoclast. RIP.
The Thorn nerf cries are funny to me when you think Bungie already tried to stealth nerf Thorn (DoT from 7 per tick down to 4) once (sure they called it an 'accident'), but that got such a backlash from the entire Destiny community they quickly turned it back. How does it feel to live in the world you yourself created Guardians?
The problem with having Ghorn is that afterwards then it's the only exotic you ever equip in PvE.
Specialist + solar burn and it feels like new. Telling, however, that it requires a 350% boost to feel powerful.After getting my VoC I've retired my Mythoclast. RIP.
VoC still useful in PVE but sorta worthless in PVP.
I've always been pro-nerf.![]()
Yeah, my Vex is literally just a bounty gun. I see no point in using it for solar burn because Gjallarhorn is far more effective. It's sad. It used to be so good.![]()
I cleaned out my vault last night of all legendary auto rifles, rocket launchers, pulse rifles, and fusion rifles that weren't "special". Like the ones you get from the raids, Trials or iron banner. Legend arise that in some way I "earned."
I wonder if some day I'll regret it....hmm...
Tried Jumper on Patrol.
Everything was strange.
Can't get used to it this far into the game![]()
Hunger of Crota is so bad calling it a poor man's Gjally is too high praise.
Probably a good choice for Combined Arms only.
The switch to Jumper is worth it. Just be prepared for some seriously scrubby moments during the learning curve. You will fall to your death, waste your super, melee at nothing by pressing the right stick too hard, etc.
I've been using it for a week after being on default controls since launch. Just start with easier PvE stuff, spam L1 to jump around the tower, low stress normal Crucible. And then dive into Trials and don't stress if you make a bad play here or there. It's already starting to feel pretty natural for after a week.
Tiem to get burns on PVP. lol
It's a primary weapon which guarantees a kill in two headshots while aiming and at long range. If that's not broken I don't know what is.The Thorn nerf cries are funny to me when you think Bungie already tried to stealth nerf Thorn (DoT from 7 per tick down to 4) once (sure they called it an 'accident'), but that got such a backlash from the entire Destiny community they quickly turned it back. How does it feel to live in the world you yourself created Guardians?
I can't stand R3 for melee.
Why there isn't a Halo-eque control scheme blows my mind. We played with circle (B) to melee for years and it's not even an option here. I got used to R1, but I'd feel way more comfortable with it on circle.
It's a primary weapon which guarantees a kill in two headshots while aiming and at long range. If that's not broken I don't know what is.
TLW being two shot is far more difficult being hip fire based and exceedingly tricky at range. Hawk moon will only do it some times.
Adding ammo to Thorn was necessary. Improving stability and reload speed at the same time seems excessive. They can't roll it all back but it needs to be way less accurate at long range.
I feel like singing a love song to trials of Osiris. Best thing to happen to Destiny, wish it was all week long.
Not a fan of either stick clicking as sometimes I push the stick too hard and melee the air.It's weird that there isn't a pure Halo-type layout, but R3 for melee is much more natural for me. I can't imagine using one of the face buttons instead.
I equip my Necrochasm from time to time for shits and giggles.The problem with having Ghorn is that afterwards then it's the only exotic you ever equip in PvE.
It's a GREAT mode. Can't get enough of it. It would be nice to see some more consistent connections though.
Not a fan of either stick clicking as sometimes I push the stick too hard and melee the air.
Hated that in CoD
Also, Silver, get a spare wired headset!!!
Uhh, wow. That would be insanity.
It's a primary weapon which guarantees a kill in two headshots while aiming and at long range. If that's not broken I don't know what is.
TLW being two shot is far more difficult being hip fire based and exceedingly tricky at range. Hawk moon will only do it some times.
Adding ammo to Thorn was necessary. Improving stability and reload speed at the same time seems excessive. They can't roll it all back but it needs to be way less accurate at long range.
It would stop people using the holy trinity though, if only for that mode.
Question, what am I supposed to do with these tokens if I already have all the things from house of judgment?
I thought I saw something about consuming them for XP, but I'm not sure.
Good morning, ladies and gents! How was your weekend? It was nothing but rain for me. Well, it was clear for most of the day yesterday before it rained for like 30 minutes after I came back for the podcast. Clear enough to jump into my uncle's pool. Any of you Destiny dads got anything good?
Question, what am I supposed to do with these tokens if I already have all the things from house of judgment?
I thought I saw something about consuming them for XP, but I'm not sure.