Progress report on my new hunter:
In aprox 12h after it's creation, it hit lvl 34

(Dinged 20, then i used armor and weapon cores on Varikses ''Judgement packages''. Got really lucky, he gave me the PoE helm, INT/Disc roll + fallen, what more would i want? Then i got the chest with disc roll and Fallen perk and i bought the gloves he sells this week. Had boots from before and Lucky Raspberry... so i was immediately set).
Finished NF, Trials (got the cloak) and today did the HoW questline and PoE 32+34 (the latter 2 - manned, this week's are really easy).
Funny, the Bladedancer tree is nearly maxed, missing only the last 2 bubbles. Oh, and i got lucky to get Exile gloves from the 8-wins pack (hand cannon reload and special reload - altho str roll). Crota gave me the boots and gloves, so i am super happy. In fact, this one day hunter has better PoE and Trials armor then all my 3 titans in 5 weeks. RNG ftw.
Enjoying in PvP, arcbolt granades... maaaaan, this is insane. Also blink+quickdraw is the bomb! Loving it!
Ready for Skolas, when servers come back up