We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. You think I'm entitled, that's fine, that's your opinion. My opinion is that I think you're missing the point entirely.
Right. It would be even better if they just offered the e-motes for $1 each, or $.50, or $5 for all of them, et al. Again, irrelevant. They didn't do that, and yet, enough people saw that the value proposition works for them. Hence, that CE is sold out.
The Collector's Edition "sold out" because it came with this:
Baffling that the digital one is the same price and only comes with the digital extras. People are upset about the digital edition, not the physical one.
Then don't buy the digital edition! That's all. Simple. No one buys the digital edition because it's "too much for not enough." That's what's going to send the message. But I'm not going to make that judgement for anyone else but me. I didn't buy the digital edition.
Unstable is your man.
TLW is way too much fun in regular PVP
Anyone need a level 32 poe by chance? Join on definityxmg.
Helping a friend to finish it.
Anyone up for poe35 add bigmanny287
Ahhhhh, finally got a shader from Dead Orbit!!!!!!!
Is that the all-black one??
Ahhhhh, finally got a shader from Dead Orbit!!!!!!!
Didnt the shader rewards from being a old player gives you a black shader too?
I'd be so happy if the hammer bro subclass gave titans a decent melee on part with the other classes. The T Rex arms are too awful.
Jelly the only one I really want :/Ahhhhh, finally got a shader from Dead Orbit!!!!!!!
True, but we also have gamers that pay for remasters/HD collections.
I'll helpi need 2 for PoE 32 im on the last boss anyone wanna help?
i need 2 for PoE 32 im on the last boss anyone wanna help?
TTK shaders are available already?
I'll help
Just waiting for the renege they are going to try to explain on the next weekly.That's not as big of a deal. People who didn't play the first time around buy them as well. Plus its not the exact same product. They usually are the superior version of the game. They put some work in is what I'm trying to say. $80 dollar digital edition is you paying $40 dollars extra for the same exact stuff you already own. It's highway robbery for those of us who already own the game and 2 dlc packs.
Won't let me join the fireteamsent ya a friend request ffxigaiaknight
Won't let me join the fireteam
Says activity about to end
sent ya a friend request ffxigaiaknight
That's not as big of a deal. People who didn't play the first time around buy them as well. Plus its not the exact same product. They usually are the superior version of the game. They put some work in is what I'm trying to say. $80 dollar digital edition is you paying $40 dollars extra for the same exact stuff you already own. It's highway robbery for those of us who already own the game and 2 dlc packs.
gah, wish Revanant looked better on Kell armor for Titan. They add white onto certain armor parts for some reason. Maybe I'll just try to collect ToO armor next weekend. I'll be begging Ruben for a trip back to Mercury.
Sad but true.
It won't even matter anyway if they don't increase Vault space. I have absolutely no room for shaders or emblems or even guns at this point. I guess now I have so many more choices to make when TTK come out, right Bungie?
I like to call my Revenant shader the Evil Cow with how it looks with warlock gear.
Damn, some horrible games from me tonight in Trials, I think I wasted my bladedancer nearly every time by getting stuck on walls and doorways and just to add to the pain of it all I also walked off the outside edge and blinked off the ship to my death.
do they look good on Purifer Robes. might give it to my Warlock and see.
Purifier Robes don't change from default white. But I love how it looks with VoG gear (even with the purifiers mixed in). Black Warlock helmets always look hawt. I like Revenant best on my Warlock out of the 3 classes.
Anyone else doing ToO tonight? Would like to at least get the chest piece for my Titan.
I will be, but not for an hour probably, gotta pick up batman first
Sounds good to me.
No but really. She must be mean. Queen of the Hive has a ring to it. Maybe her and Oryx had a bad divorce.
Awesome, I'll see you around 9:15 PST
Then don't buy the digital edition! That's all. Simple. No one buys the digital edition because it's "too much for not enough." That's what's going to send the message. But I'm not going to make that judgement for anyone else but me. I didn't buy the digital edition.
Jesus. I hope I'm not alone on this sentiment.
I fully understand why people are upset about some of this stuff. Personal opinion is that people are taking it all too seriously and should just speak with their money. But, forums are built to let people express their opinions so for the most part all is fair.
But holy shit. Between the multiple Reddit threads and the thread over on Gaming, the shit people are saying about Luke is fucking embarrassing. Yeah, dude said some dumb shit. I just can't believe that people think that justifies the absolute venom they are putting out in the world.
Makes me embarrassed that by virtue of being a fan of this game and a member of the community I can be associated with that garbage. Speak your piece about the pricing and Luke's mishandling of the situation. But people are giving it back in spades, far worse than anything Luke said.
Ughhh. What a disaster for the community.