I can do a 32. Do we have a third?
Sure, no mic at the moment though. Anyone else for a 32?
I can do a 32. Do we have a third?
Red bull just put out a teaser trailer for the promotion
Doesnt show us anything.
Sure, no mic at the moment though. Anyone else for a 32?
I'll be online shortly and game for whatever.
Anyone have a HM Crota checkpoint?
There's nothing you can tooken with my avatar so I won't even ask.
Is he a MLG Destiny player?
Man, I played a bunch of doubles yesterday and this morning and I have to say that going up against 2 radiance warlocks is incredibly annoying. They all use the exact same build too where the melee gives them an overshield.
Man, I played a bunch of doubles yesterday and this morning and I have to say that going up against 2 radiance warlocks is incredibly annoying. They all use the exact same build too where the melee gives them an overshield.
I'm also at work in Europe. Let's group up for a VoG tonight after work! I had one other person mentioned they were interested, fresh noobalways makes the raids more fun when someone is discovering.
Let me know if you'd be available and lets get 3 more.
I did finish it earlier this week but I actually have another one I could do if you were looking. It's my 4th so it'd just be a shard to add to the pile but at least it'd be out of the inventory.
A few questions from a nub titan about the Defender Subclass.
1. Which grenade to use? It seems the first one, with double explosions does the most dmg.
2. Which force barrier? Fast reload, create orbs on kills, force barrier recharges.
3. Should i stack armor/recovery/agility? Keep them even across?
4. Increase bubble time or increase benefits?
I'm also at work in Europe. Let's group up for a VoG tonight after work! I had one other person mentioned they were interested, fresh noobalways makes the raids more fun when someone is discovering.
Let me know if you'd be available and lets get 3 more.
too soon?
Destiny |OT♦25| Activision gives you wiiings
too soon?
Destiny |OT♦25| Activision gives you wiiings
People are upset about a 3 month exclusive quest?
Did everyone just ignore all the mountain dew partnerships over the past 8 years? I don't understand why people are so upset.
The Red Bull stuff is a 50% xp boost that lasts for 30 minutes.
The Quest will be available to everyone on 1/1/16 if you don't want to buy any.
Just bad timing. Ppl are still full of "outrage" over Emotegate.
People are upset about a 3 month exclusive quest?
Did everyone just ignore all the mountain dew partnerships over the past 8 years? I don't understand why people are so upset.
Just bad timing. Ppl are still full of "outrage" over Emotegate.
After running Crota normal x3 since launch, a Swordbreaker finally dropped for me last night. I now have all weps from Crota.
Feels good, lol, but was shocked to finally see it on the screen.
Hey Drizz, don't forget about the PM I sent you. ;-)
1. I like to use Magnetic grenades in almost all situations as Defender, except when fighting Hive. Suppressor grenades completely stop Wizards in their tracks and they don't have any abilities for a short period of time.
2. I like creating orbs to keep the chaining active.
3. I boost Armor and Agility. Recovery seems the least important.
4. I use increase benefits, no particular reason. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
How is this possible? I have no idea.
A few questions from a nub titan about the Defender Subclass.
1. Which grenade to use? It seems the first one, with double explosions does the most dmg.
Magnetic Grenade is the standard. Suppression grenades are fun and freak people the hell out.
2. Which force barrier? Fast reload, create orbs on kills, force barrier recharges constantly?
Punching is very situational. I like War Machine because I'll drop bubbles on yellow-bars or VIPs and melee/shotgun them to death. increased reload speed is nice. Unbreakable is a good option for PvP if you're using a very low ROF shotgun and need some damage in-between shots.
3. Should I stack on armor, recovery, or agility? Keep them even across?
Generally, regardless of subclass, it's personal preference. I like Armor and Agility for normal Crucible, and for Crota's End. I do Armor and Recovery for Trials. Just play around with it.
4. Increase bubble time or increase benefits?
Are you talking about the last column? I go for Untouchable, reduced cooldown, over Illuminated for Increased Benefits. The perk for Increased Bubble time is in another column, Bastion, and I definitely take it.
A few questions from a nub titan about the Defender Subclass.
1. Which grenade to use? It seems the first one, with double explosions does the most dmg.
2. Which force barrier? Fast reload, create orbs on kills, force barrier recharges constantly?
3. Should I stack on armor, recovery, or agility? Keep them even across?
4. Increase bubble time or increase benefits?
How dare Activision continue to promote Destiny with a product that video game players use! And they're going to give these people a quest that anyone can have three months later?? No other publisher has ever done something this terrible!
I am outraged.
1. Magnetic is a one hit kill if it sticks (except for max armor goat heads). It also makes Minotaurs cry. Suppressor can be clutch in a few very specific situations. It stops Captains from teleporting and Wizards from being total assholes. Still, Flashbangs on Strikers are the true "dude chill out" grenades.A few questions from a nub titan about the Defender Subclass.
1. Which grenade to use? It seems the first one, with double explosions does the most dmg.
2. Which force barrier? Fast reload, create orbs on kills, force barrier recharges constantly?
3. Should I stack on armor, recovery, or agility? Keep them even across?
4. Increase bubble time or increase benefits?
Sure, no mic at the moment though. Anyone else for a 32?
I'll go. PSN: RentALine
no mic as well
I'd like to take your avatar and punch it in the face.
I guess I just have a problem with the way Bungie has been trickling information to us. Not just about Taken King, but all their DLC/Expansions in general. There is something about the way they do things that leaves me feeling very unsatisfied.
I dunno. I guess I feel like they should just hold out on new info longer if it means we can have all the info at once. Part of me wants to be excited about Taken King, but it's hard to when I don't know exactly what to be excited about.
Thanks for the quick 32 gentlemen.
I feel the same. Their presence at E3 was odd. I was expecting a full reveal of TTK, including all the content we can expect. Instead we were told a few things, and there were a few interviews with Luke and Deej where they were very careful what they said. I suppose they don't want to promise something and have to backtrack later on, but why go to E3 at all, and not reveal what they did in a weekly update with the ViDoc to accompany it?
So this might be a strange thing to ask but any Xbox guys in the mood to carry my level 24 ass through some stuff to get some sweet gear?
The first time I buyWhen it's free in January.![]()
The game lacks content already, so why not lock it behind more bullshit deals. You'd think maybe the TTK CE would include this.
I sure wouldn't mind being Taken if my avatar works!
Do me!
me please?
Taken with a Red Bull can?
I only kid.
There's nothing you can tooken with my avatar so I won't even ask.
There's nothing you can tooken with my avatar so I won't even ask.
Which would you choose for pvp?
Which would you choose for pvp?
Activision has their own plans for marketing, the game needs to continue to sell. I'm disappointed that we'll have to wait a couple months to play it, but I'm not upset by it lol