What I dont get is, who asked for the coin patch?
Ive never heard this mentioned ever. Was there a loot problem I was unaware of?
where there alot of voiced complaints about not getting enuogh coins?
and why did they think it should effect the palyers getting to Murcury?
Bungie appernelty has some secret visionf or this game that is not overly appernent to the players. let us in on yopur vision bungie, let us know your thinking, otherwise we just wonder around confused by your decisions.
Ive never heard this mentioned ever. Was there a loot problem I was unaware of?
where there alot of voiced complaints about not getting enuogh coins?
and why did they think it should effect the palyers getting to Murcury?
Bungie appernelty has some secret visionf or this game that is not overly appernent to the players. let us in on yopur vision bungie, let us know your thinking, otherwise we just wonder around confused by your decisions.