My brother in law is on his 3rd kidney stone. He passed the last one. I'm still waiting for him to connect the dots. The last one he passed was 7mm.
Yes, the dots were explained to him very clearly by his doctor each time
My brother in law is on his 3rd kidney stone. He passed the last one. I'm still waiting for him to connect the dots. The last one he passed was 7mm.
Yes, the dots were explained to him very clearly by his doctor each time
the thai product is based on japanese drinks. source: both factories that produce the stuff (yes, there's only two, they ship it in cans) are less than 20 mins away from here.
EDIT: it's also on the german wiki:
Seems like it's saying that the first energy drinks with taurine were first created in Japan for pilots in WW2, no? I don't think anyone who knows the history of Red Bull would say that makes the sentence "Red Bull was invented in Japan" anywhere close to true... there are a whole lot of energy drinks that use taurine.Die Idee für taurinhaltige Getränke stammt aus Japan, wo sie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg japanischen Piloten zur Steigerung der Leistung verabreicht wurden. Aus Thailand importierte später der Erfinder von Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, die Idee nach Europa. Bei einem Besuch 1982 in Thailand stellte er fest, dass ein Getränk namens Krating Daeng ihm half, den Einfluss des Jetlag zu überwinden.[1] Er übernahm Name, Marketingkonzept und die Grundrezeptur, passte diese dem westlichen Geschmack an und ging damit 1987 auf den österreichischen Markt. Ende der 1980er Jahre wurde Red Bull vor allem durch geschicktes Marketing in der alternativen Jugend- und Club-Szene (Techno, Mountainbiking, Snowboarding) sehr erfolgreich.
They grow up so fast T_T
So good
I think the Korean ones are called Bacchus. Similar label to Redbull. Haven't had any since I was last there though... about a decade ago
Haha, I don't know how specifically you mean to be parsing words, and my German is atrocious, but from this paragraph
Seems like it's saying that the first energy drinks with taurine were first created in Japan for pilots in WW2, no? I don't think anyone who knows the history of Red Bull would say that makes the sentence "Red Bull was invented in Japan" anywhere close to true... there are a whole lot of energy drinks that use taurine.
Always warms my heart to hear a great first timer's experience. I can still hear my PUG's shouts of joy when we finally took down Templar on release day: "We've totally gotta make a clan together guys!"
Yeah I honestly did think it was pretty tasty. Ordered a whole lot of it in places where water was a no-no
Terrbile ToTP.
Here, use this:
ironically it was more like drinking red bull instead of drinking coke, lol.That's like snorting coke instead of getting a sandwich.
The only knock against Oracles is that everyone cheeses it and falls asleep. Also, having Confluxes-Oracles-Templar in the same place makes it drag. In hindsight, I wish they'd combined the C-O phases somehow and had <7 Oracle waves. I know it's Bungie and 7 but maybe do O-C-O-C-O-C-O, although they probably felt that was too much to throw at new players at once.
My point is the Oracles phase is good, damnit! #TeamOracleDefenseForce
lmao are you guys all using speech to text or what
Ahhh that must be what all this is about. I'd never heard of Lipovitan. I imagine its name must not have been so helpful in terms marketing success, lolI did some googling, you're absolutely right, it's Bacchus-D (or F)
And it's all Korean, I remember being told it was Japanese though, but that looks like misinformation
Edit: from that page it looks like Lipovitan was the Japanese original that spawned all of these.
Edit 2:
What is even happening here? Disco Party?
Glad you got a group man. Vault of Glass is just so fun. You probably just went through it but the area is a lot bigger than you imagine. There's a ton of empty space which is really nice to explore around.Bloody hell that was so intense ! Vault of Glass is amazing !
Haha, I don't know how specifically you mean to be parsing words, and my German is atrocious, but from this paragraph
Seems like it's saying that the first energy drinks with taurine were first created in Japan for pilots in WW2, no? I don't think anyone who knows the history of Red Bull would say that makes the sentence "Red Bull was invented in Japan" anywhere close to true... there are a whole lot of energy drinks that use taurine.
Iv never had an energy drink on my life.
@Boguester: The part is boring no matter how which way you do it. You stand around turning in circles for 15mins dodging charging minotaurs.
I can't really see how that's fun.
everyone i played with said it's boring. i dunno why they're defending it now.
Haha, I don't know how specifically you mean to be parsing words, and my German is atrocious, but from this paragraph
Seems like it's saying that the first energy drinks with taurine were first created in Japan for pilots in WW2, no? I don't think anyone who knows the history of Red Bull would say that makes the sentence "Red Bull was invented in Japan" anywhere close to true... there are a whole lot of energy drinks that use taurine.
Anybody up for POE 34?
Took us about 4 hours to get to Atheon on the first day but we got stuck there. But we actually made that clan and it's still going strong XD
That makes sense. Thanks for the translation.Yeah it says Japanese pilots used Taurine based drinks to enhance their performance. But Red Bull specifically was brought over from Thailand.
It was pretty intense when our guns were shit it and it a race against time.
Same. Haven't meant a single person Iv played with online say it's fun.everyone i played with said it's boring. i dunno why they're defending it now.
So good
I don't think the encounter itself is boring. I just think Conflux+Oracles takes too long. One or the other or both should have been shorter to keep the action going.everyone i played with said it's boring. i dunno why they're defending it now.
Yep doing a run though of a raid no one has down yet is the best. Unless its Crota...then fuck that.
Glad you got a group man. Vault of Glass is just so fun. You probably just went through it but the area is a lot bigger than you imagine. There's a ton of empty space which is really nice to explore around.
It was even better at launch because it was so challenging. Back then:
1. Strategies weren't perfected. We now have great positioning for everything and have figured out quirks like sniping the Gatekeeper to death in seconds instead of killing him while he teleports and 50 million yellow bar Vex snipe you.
2. Shotguns did half the damage they do now, and had far lower attack stat. This means Praetorians were a fucking menace. A 274 attack shotgun only tickled them. We grenaded, sniped and rocketed those assholes with a passion. Really, run VoG without a shotgun and tell me how much harder it is.
3. Heavy ammo was expensive as hell. We have so many bunched up Strange Coins now that we buy them from Xur without remorse but it used to be a 950 glimmer emergency measure. You also lost heavy ammo every time you wiped, and you wiped often.
4. Imperfect loadouts. Most groups now have basically everyone owning maxed stuff of every kind and element. Back then you'd actually see a lot of people shooting Minotaurs with their auto rifles. The grind was so fucking real. A 300/300/300 loadout took incredibly long to build, with planetary mats not being sold, only 5 bounty slots, daily heroic not feeding weapons XP, ascendant energy being so hard to farm etc.
5. Under leveled. People complained about artificial difficulty in CE but I think it was an answer to how comparatively easier it was to reach level cap. Heroic VoG with 29s is amazingly punishing. Way, way harder than CE a level under. The time and frustration spent in Heroic VoG was directly proportional to the number of level 30s you had, and #forever29 was a very real thing.
So magical. I can't wait for the next Raid so I can feel that sensation of challenge and discovery again.
That's when I took my 3month break. A video game shouldn't get you angry. :/i remember how pissed you got over the glitches.
Where are all you "I totally do Oracles legit" people when I need you? I can't remember the last time I was able to convince a group to do it legit. Moris, Deafmedal and Sword of Doom/Ck are the only people I can think of right now that are up for it.
Damn, that's impressive. What level were your teammates? We had 2 26s (including me), 2 25s and 2 24s. Templar was brutal, Gorgons took more than an hour, and the jumping part was a good 30-45 minutes. Once the enemy levels jumped at GKs, we were toast even though we kept slugging away. It's the only time I've ever straight up fallen asleep playing Destiny, lol.
Where are all you "I totally do Oracles legit" people when I need you? I can't remember the last time I was able to convince a group to do it legit. Moris, Deafmedal and Sword of Doom/Ck are the only people I can think of right now that are up for it.
@Fig: We're to full from Red Bull to do that.
Damn, that's impressive. What level were your teammates? We had 2 26s (including me), 2 25s and 2 24s. Templar was brutal, Gorgons took more than an hour, and the jumping part was a good 30-45 minutes. Once the enemy levels jumped at GKs, we were toast even though we kept slugging away. It's the only time I've ever straight up fallen asleep playing Destiny, lol.
Finally, guardian lord!!! My second plat on the PS4 =)
The hardest part of doing VoG months ago was how little ammo used to drop. It was bad.