Thursday, 6/25/15 - 9:00PM EST - Crota's End Newbie Raid & Sword School - Normal -
Sign Up Here (2 spots left)
These are weekly raids available to all, but intended for newbies. Bring your highest leveled character, your best weapon, and your most patient self! All encounters will be explained (quickly, but still) as though it was a brand new group, so please be willing to listen. The only restriction on attendance is that participants shouldn't come two weeks in row, just to allow many different GAF Guardians to cycle through. There is no pressure to understand anything before having it explained, and no pointing fingers when things break down. We will laugh at ourselves when we wipe, and then do better the next attempt.
During Crota's End newbie raids, participants are welcome to try out the Sword against Crota if desired, but no one is required to do so. Instructions will follow upon reaching the Crota checkpoint.
Minimum level for Vault of Glass Normal is 26.
Minimum level for Crota's End is 30.