As it should.
Stay classy, Luke.
As it should.
Stay classy, Luke.
I just hope they make good on the existing players that caved and bought the digital CE already for the extras.
Stop being so entitled.
Return of the TIGER.
The VIP goodies look fucking awesome by the way...
Is that the superblack shader?! Also that sparrow, good god!
Not sure if I'm reading it.
Standalone is still $40 but if you want the CE stuff, it's an additional $20? $20 is a bit much for cosmetic stuff.
For those looking for a little more context about Emotes and Class Items in The Taken King, we will be introducing new Class Items with stat attributes. These will provide players with another gear slot that can contribute to both your Guardian’s look and build preferences. The Class Items included in the Collector’s Edition are a welcome addition for players looking to level up newborn Guardians or fresh subclasses, but they are not the only new Class Items available in Destiny: The Taken King. This is part of our focus on making the game more rewarding and adding more variety options for players. The same goes for Emotes.
Not sure if I'm reading it.
Standalone is still $40 but if you want the CE stuff, it's an additional $20? $20 is a bit much for cosmetic stuff.
So we can now wear 2 class items? Emotes have their own slot too, cool. And there are more than just the CE ones.
Players these days will never know how real that struggle was ~_~
Not sure if I'm reading it.
Standalone is still $40 but if you want the CE stuff, it's an additional $20? $20 is a bit much for cosmetic stuff.
Written by either Arthur Gies or the Kuch.O P I N I O N P I E C E
It's all about the physical CE. Glad I got mine reserved, and I won't cancel it after Bungie has kowtowed to
Not sure if I'm reading it.
Standalone is still $40 but if you want the CE stuff, it's an additional $20? $20 is a bit much for cosmetic stuff.
When thinking about the value of the CE, I was in the opinion that the price broke down like this (digital):
$40 TTK
$35 Destiny and two expansion packs
$5 for the CE stuff
Not $20 for the CE stuff.
$20 for the cosmetic stuff..? Feel like I'm playing some mobile game where I'm paying $20 bucks to dress up my character. Should have been $10 max.
Here's the full layout. I'm guessing they're also going to announce a Year 2 Season Pass later down the road for more $$$.
They should have cut the price of the digital LE to $70 and offered the exclusive items for that price. Maintaining price parity with the physical CE and selling the small number of CE items for $20 is not a solution people are going to welcome.
It's worse than the infamous Horse armor. At least that was just $2.50. This is $20 for some shaders most will never use, 3 emotes, and 3 class items that will get replace a day or two later. Horse armor was bad but this is taking it a bit far. This really should have been $10 tops, preferrebly $5.Yeah, I don't see the point. At all. Value is subjective but surely this is a bit much for what's offered?
Stop being so entitled.
Return of the TIGER.
Yeah, i'm not sure why the digital and physical CEs are the same price... considering the digital gets you less for the same money
Neither - the last-gen versions are awful and are holding the current-gen versions back.Hey, peeps!
I'm really interested in playing this after the E3 showing, but I'm not currently on the market for the expansions. Maybe when they lower in price...
Still, I want to give this game a try. Which is the better version: The PS3 one, or the 360?
Yeah, I love the game but that right there is some filthy pricing. US$10 at most (I'd prefer something like US$8), and especially when compared to the US$40 pricing for the TTK DLC.Correct me if I'm wrong.
We'll be able to get:
- Three Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses
- Three Armor Shaders
- Three Class Specific Emotes
for 20$, right?
Yep anytime. Agreed its upsetting. I would be fine with double XP or whatever but a quest? Mehh I tend not to judge things until I know more information to be "fair" as possible (still rubs me in a wrong way especially with the wording used). Until I know what the "quest" is, could be "go through this story map backwards and kill X" or kill X, Y, Z then beep bop boo.Thank you! So yea looking at the whole Red Bull promotion.....that's just hella dumb to me. Are you really telling me I have to buy a Red Bull to get access to a quest? I mean I know it'll be available to everyone in january but still that just doesn't sit right with me.