I think that hammer is just a glowy bit of the regular class item, not a second class item.
I don't think so, if you look at the picture from the back you can see it physically sticking out in the shape of a hammer head.
I think that hammer is just a glowy bit of the regular class item, not a second class item.
By 'you' I mean persons who are upset over the latest weekly update and Bungie's solution therein.
I don't think so, if you look at the picture from the back you can see it physically sticking out in the shape of a hammer head.
This might have gone over better if you could buy individual pieces and it all added up to $20? Maybe? I don't know but $20 is steep, and I don't think this is the same as a MOBA or CS or something. They're trying to build good will and make fans less angry. It would be different if everyone was thrilled with the game right now.
Maybe I was just generalizing from Lik's thread in gaming side, but if all your upset about is the overseas pricing then I apologize, because my comments weren't directed to that. And I agree, they should do something about it.
Wait, does that mean you guys regularly pay more than $60 for a new game release?
/ignorant American
So, uh, Destiny? Where's that Narmer guy?
Right... It's definitely a hammer but I think it's just part of the actual butt towel, like the knives on the faction towels.
Does anyone have a gorgons cp i can get?
Me? Psn Is kinezoNeed 1 for 32 PoE!
Me? Psn Is kinezo
A bit worse framerate, inventory menu takes a few seconds to load, and at least on PS3 some armor animations are omitted or run at a much lower framerate/frequency, like:
They're fine. Longer load times for things, and your usual lastgen vaseline smear, but otherwise they are 100% the same game.
Oh, wow! I thought it was that all versions could play with each other.The real problem is, no one plays on those systems. This game Is garbage without friends. But with friends, it's amazing
Yeah well I think you're a butt towel!
Good evening dgaf!
I'm running the nightfalls x3. Join on ichabod00, no mic at the moment tho.
I think for me it the 2 expansions left a terrible impression. If there is even one mission in TTK where you have to run through a map backwards, then they already failed. Especially if they are charging 40 bucks for it.Just to play devils advocate, obviously we still aren't sure this expansion is worth the entire $40 price. It could also very well justify the price with the right amount of content.
I mean, if TTK has as much content as the game itself has now, wouldn't you say that $40 is justified?
Lol, I feel like I am doing my best Crossing Eden impersonation
Oh, wow! I thought it was that all versions could play with each other.
Honestly, I felt like this was an MMO or something. Never mind, then. I'll wait until I get a PS4.
Thanks for all the answers, guys.
I'd pay $20 for a butt towel.
Just to play devils advocate, obviously we still aren't sure this expansion is worth the entire $40 price. It could also very well justify the price with the right amount of content.
I mean, if TTK has as much content as the game itself has now, wouldn't you say that $40 is justified?
Lol, I feel like I am doing my best Crossing Eden impersonation
If you live overseas and are upset about the price, then you are totally justified IMO. That sucks.
You're in the same boat as I am friend. I've got the Solution, and both the Bittersteel and Hanged Man shaders. The last item I actually got out of a Dead Orbit package was 3 packages ago and it was a Unwilling Soul Auto Rifle ~_~In my quest for Revenant I got a 2nd Fermi Solution. Why lord? Some other poor soul needs a ship. I do not.
Just to play devils advocate, obviously we still aren't sure this expansion is worth the entire $40 price. It could also very well justify the price with the right amount of content.
I mean, if TTK has as much content as the game itself has now, wouldn't you say that $40 is justified?
Lol, I feel like I am doing my best Crossing Eden impersonation
As a UK GAFer as far as i'm concerned, in regards to pricing TTK = Vanilla Destiny. So it should be at least equal in content minimum. That means 4 planets and 1 raid minimum
$94 is what we are paying in the UK for TTK + upgrade.
Just to play devils advocate, obviously we still aren't sure this expansion is worth the entire $40 price. It could also very well justify the price with the right amount of content.
I mean, if TTK has as much content as the game itself has now, wouldn't you say that $40 is justified?
Lol, I feel like I am doing my best Crossing Eden impersonation
Joining! I need to do 2x. Pretty sure we are PSN friends already
What would make you guys happy? What is it that you want?
I'm honestly just curous why people are so upset. Everyone and their mother was clamoring about having to pay full price for the CE stuff. Now they make it so you don't have to spend $80 if all you want are the CE stuff, and people are upset over that??
If you live overseas and are upset about the price, then you are totally justified IMO. That sucks.
Yep, I'm the UK, and the fact that Bungie are pricing their expansion at the same price I picked up the base game for at launch for is really rubbing me up the wrong way, because we all know that there isn't going to be enough content in TTK to justify the expansion going for the same price as a brand new game.
Like seriously, just imagine TTK being priced at $60, because that's what we're having to deal with over here in the UK, and man people are pissed, I've already lost most of my clan, down from over 30 members to just under 10. The anger is such that I'm not even sure if people will come back even if Bungie fix the price, because Brit's have a tendency to hold grudges for a long ass time. Some dude I used to annoy back in primary school is still pissed off at me to this day ffs lol
As a UK GAFer as far as i'm concerned, in regards to pricing TTK = Vanilla Destiny. So it should be at least equal in content minimum. That means 4 planets and 1 raid minimum
$94 is what we are paying in the UK for TTK + upgrade.
That VIP shader is sexy as F. Super happy to get that.
Not sure i'll pay $20. Have to see the emotes first.
Stop being so entitled.
Return of the TIGER.
Need 4 more for a full VoG run, come one come all!
Aww yiss!
You will get those 4 planets
In 3-4 expansions after probably $300+
As a UK GAFer as far as i'm concerned, in regards to pricing TTK = Vanilla Destiny. So it should be at least equal in content minimum. That means 4 planets and 1 raid minimum
$94 is what we are paying in the UK for TTK + upgrade.
TTK and the VIP rewards. Not the new emotes, shaders, or class items in the CE. Those will cost an additional $20.I need some help.
- Digital Guardian Edition
- TKK $40 preodered
What I will get with these? Please GAF.
Hey guys we have 3 spots left to do a fresh start for HM Crota. Join up psn blunoise1
You will get those 4 planets
In 3-4 expansions after probably $300+
Someone needs to take that goddamn shovel away from Bungie lol.
Anyway. Trying out new stuff in Crucible because what else is there left to do.
Radiant Skin, Firebolt Grenade, Viking Funeral, Touch of Flame
Heart of Praxic Fire
I burned them. I burned them all. Laughs were had by all. Killed so many enemies hiding behind cover. Pair it with Thorn for ultimate DoT brutality. Once I captured B on Pantheon I just sat on it killing all the wannabe hall snipers and Thorning everyone that tried to flank. It was Guardian Fondue.
LOL! You're probably right m8
Looking forward us to being asked to pay £20 for the cosmetic stuff because $20=£20 in Bungie world.
Bump. We need 2 more spots. A sword bearer would be awesome![]()