Planetary Materials, Bungie pls!
Back when the game launched, you could only get your Spinmetal, Relic Iron etc from chests on their respective planets and growing wild.
Weapons and armour used a lot at a time to upgrade, 8 or 16 per bubble.
So naturally, people were left to farm these materials to fill up those bubbles, and some complained.
On the flip side, If you had an abundance of these materials, like I did, Bungie had a system in place and the Vanguard and Crucible Quartermasters would let you exchange them in for respective reputation, I levelled up crucible to rank 3 without even playing more than 10 matches lol.
Then they changed the trade system so you could buy materials with marks.
Fair enough for those who didn't farm for materials or patrol much, sucked for many that had plenty to spare.
Now the HoW weapons use 15 total, just 15 mats and it's done.
Yet the game can't stop giving bundles of 20 at every opportunity.
Done a public event? here have 20 spirit bloom and 20 helium
The queen is pleased with your bounty completion, have 20 relic iron and 20 spin metal.
Unless you have lots of pre HoW weapons to upgrade and are way behind on getting/upgrading exotics (old exotics do still need 56 planetary mats total), then you'll be swimming in them.
We need a trade system again, or dismantling them gives something in return like the tokens for PoE rep.
I'm sat on:
1521 Spinmetal
1457 Helium
1159 Spirit Bloom
478 Relic Iron
I'm not going to discard any if I don't have to (space reasons), because I know the day after I do, Bungie will have an announcement about them.