The controller is just that good.
Just wait until the Lonely Boners all band together and buy you a shiny new Elite controller.
PS can have its Hawkmoon and 4th Horsemen exclusives, we want Unstable.
The controller is just that good.
Yeah if he opens the chest after fall 2015![]()
Legendary Edition dropped price on Amazon UK?
Its now 46 pounds.
To be fair, the reward system is basically what made it replayable. People were grinding for credits to buy more stuff, which is something that just doesn't exist in PoE.Now that I think of it, it's depressing that a FREE multiplayer mode for Mass Effect 3 had more variety and replayability than Prison of Elders.
Seriously, you could think developpers play other games and get inspired by what's done right or wrong, but no.
lvl 34?All about those 0 kills, working as intended. Also, I'm disappointed Lima needed 2 swords for the kill. Where was the 1-sword triple down?
Doing the daily 1x starting now.
Jump in if you want to do it.
No mic.
PS4 DekuBleep
Lol forgetful or intentional Xboner troll?
So.... how useless are defender titans without any exotics in Trials
I need to get those titan boots.....
So.... how useless are defender titans without any exotics in Trials
I need to get those titan boots.....
lvl 34?
Normal: One sword and 2 downs and crazy combo.
Hard: Two sword and 4 downs and normal combo (the last sword/down is just needed due the Fury/oversoul time).
It is crazy how easy it is... the only think that hold you are the glitches like Crota seeing you invisible lol
You like the Xbone controller more than the PS4?
So.... how useless are defender titans without any exotics in Trials
I need to get those titan boots.....
So.... how useless are defender titans without any exotics in Trials
I need to get those titan boots.....
Lol forgetful or intentional Xboner troll?
Lol nice, I stand corrected. To be honest I've never looked at the Scrota results screen.![]()
The controller is just that good.
Totally doable, I assume you kept your good guns.
Only exotic that seems kind of handy for the Titan is the Alpha Lupi chest piece, but if the other two are wearing quick res stuff, it should be ok.
Noticed if you use a defender Titan in trials some consider it as a joke... Troll... It's downright on the bottom of all classes for pvp
My ps4 froze in the middle of my super![]()
Gonna be a long weekend...
Should have leveled up Striker first if you wanted to go into Trials with titan. You have the weekend, grind away..
Totally doable, I assume you kept your good guns.
Only exotic that seems kind of handy for the Titan is the Alpha Lupi chest piece, but if the other two are wearing quick res stuff, it should be ok.
Noticed if you use a defender Titan in trials some consider it as a joke... Troll... It's downright on the bottom of all classes for pvp. Will carry your ass on Monday lol
Drizzay where is your video of Fist of Panicking a Trials teams inside a defender bubble and wiping them out?![]()
I am a well known Dualshock 4 hater.
Drizzay where is your video of Fist of Panicking a Trials teams inside a defender bubble and wiping them out?![]()
I'll definitely play with you on Monday, will use my hunters though![]()
Two things I hate about the Bone controller: The bumpers. There is a special circle in Hell reserved for them. The buttons and sticks are just unbelievably loud. I could wake up the neighbours with them.
Great Xurday for me!
Had to spend like 300 motes but I got:
Celestial Nighthawk
Skull of Ahankara
That 3rd Eye Helmet for my Hunter
Upgrade on my MoTM
Upgrade on my Ram
Upgrade on my Simbiote
Upgrade on my Blinding Helmet (forgot the name!)
You forgot the name of the best exotic helmet in the whole game?
Sorry I'm just getting back into destiny. You can repeat the daily heroic story for more marks? Since its house of wolves it says 20 marks do you get that every time?Doing the daily 3x starting now.
Jump in if you want to do it.
No mic.
PS4 DekuBleep
It's deserving of hate. We doing Trials at the regularly scheduled time or will you be too busy Boning?
You forgot the name of the best exotic helmet in the whole game?
Sorry I'm just getting back into destiny. You can repeat the daily heroic story for more marks? Since its house of wolves it says 20 marks do you get that every time?
I'm really not too keen on The Division's "loot other people and even betray your own group" mechanisms. While it's all fine and dandy on the paper, I fear it will lead to a nasty and toxic community, at the opposite spectrum of the light-hearted and welcoming community of Destiny, shaped this way because there's no real way to troll other people in the game...
I will keep on eye on it, but I'm wary of this.
I know. I knew it yesterday. WTF is wrong with me?!
Edi: Saint14! Fuck that!
Man I want that read death but I think I have to not be dumb and take the 20 light upgrade on the Peregrine Greaves, will take me from 26 to 28
Deku has 3 characters. You can only do it once per day per character for rewards.
I am a well known Dualshock 4 hater.
Helm of Saint-14.
Etch its greatness in your brain.
Ah, didn't know that. I'm on the other side of the coin.
There is always an exception from the rule.
I'm not saying that I would recommend playing with a Defender Titan, super is pretty useless in Trials. But the Suppressor grenades are good and...ah who am I kidding
But it is certainly doable to get at least the boots.
Oh I'm dumb I was gonna say I thought it was one and done. I regret taking a long break from the game I'm so lost now. My hunter is stuck at level 30.
Said everyone who bought armor week 2 instead of Gjallarhorn
Two things I hate about the Bone controller: The bumpers. There is a special circle in Hell reserved for them. The buttons and sticks are just unbelievably loud. I could wake up the neighbours with them.
I'm really not too keen on The Division's "loot other people and even betray your own group" mechanisms. While it's all fine and dandy on the paper, I fear it will lead to a nasty and toxic community, at the opposite spectrum of the light-hearted and welcoming community of Destiny, shaped this way because there's no real way to troll other people in the game...
I will keep on eye on it, but I'm wary of this.
Dang, as a pvp'er, this sounds kind of awesome (minus the rl threats). Fights to the death!I used to play a different MMO, Runescape (yes, i know), and it also had an area where everyone could attack eeveryone, and if u died, u would lose all the items u had with u and the guy that killed u could pick it up.
The community there is incredible toxic. There was this whole pvp vs pve players hate going on in the game at all times.
It also created pvp clans that fought each oother with an intense rivalry. I was part of a top pvp clan for like 6-7 years. Hacking of clan forums, ddosing communication tools, rl threats, everything u can imagen was happening all the time.
And because of the rivalrys, nobody wanted to lose, so in clan fights everyone kept returning to the fight, so the the worst they would last up to 24h.
Oh I'm dumb I was gonna say I thought it was one and done. I regret taking a long break from the game I'm so lost now. My hunter is stuck at level 30.