I apologise.
What perk should i use ib tlw? Never really used it be fore, but i guess its time to learn
The flavor text could say something like how it was built out of scrap aluminum from ancient pleasure beverages of the Golden Age.
Don't worry guys, Google list inbound... I kid, I'll be helping out and many others I bet.
DAT Titan helmet
We should definitely start a list. I'm going to stop at a 7-11 this weekend and may grab a 2-pack if they are there, so if there is a list, I can gift one of the codes.
Pleasure beverage is, like, maybe the grossest two word combination I've ever seen. Amazing, haha.
Assuming the Red bull codes work outside the US, I'll be giving some out soon as I can find them around here.
Holy fuck how do pulse rifles kill you so fast?!??!??
Aggressive Ballistics barrel and Perfect Balance in the middle column. The only way to play.
As your fellow clan memberI would appreciate itand leaderNo worries if you can't get it though.
I'd be more than willing to bet some strange coins on a Redbull color themed shader being one of the quest rewards for the the Redbull quest.
I would wait and see if the codes will work outside of the US, someone's going to have to drink all those cans.
Oh you guys are most definitely at the top of my list. That was never a question. Just hope they do work on for you guys. I'll start paying em along soon as they pop up around here. Checked this morning but no luck.
Don't you dare change a thing
Don't worry fig, I'm responsible for my fair share as wellWicked barely talks so we know it can't be him. I've started attending meetings so hopefully it'll subside soon.
There should be a legendary edition for $60. It's Destiny + exp 1 + exp 2 + Taken King but I'm not sure if there's a digital version.That's this one, correct? https://store.playstation.com/#!/en...=pdc:us-en:weekly-deals:playstation-nav-games
I don't see anything not labeled a "collector's edition," so I'm guessing this is the only one.
Wait till they start putting different codes via RNG on the Red Bull cans. Then we'll really be getting the true Destiny experience.
Thanks you're awesome Grim! Would be awesome if it worked but the thought is what counts.
Edit - Got an email saying that my Nepal shirt will be shipped soon, nice!
Oh you guys are most definitely at the top of my list. That was never a question. Just hope they do work on for you guys. I'll start paying em along soon as they pop up around here. Checked this morning but no luck.
Wait till they start putting different codes via RNG on the Red Bull cans. Then we'll really be getting the true Destiny experience.
Wait till they start putting different codes via RNG on the Red Bull cans. Then we'll really be getting the true Destiny experience.
Edit - Got an email saying that my Nepal shirt will be shipped soon, nice!
The flavor text could say something like how it was built out of scrap aluminum from ancient pleasure beverages of the Golden Age.
lol I got an email saying please don't send emails to our support about the tshirt and emblems :/
That's the Legendary Edition, not the Collector's Edition. CE won't be on Amazon because it's exclusive to GAME.
Oh yeah? Well I got BOTH emails, so there!
I'm wearing my sun breaker shirt.Oh yeah? Well I'm wearing my shirt right now! ;-)
lol I got an email saying please don't send emails to our support about the tshirt and emblems :/
Finally got one of these to drop. Let the reroll adventure begin.
It is up already?Hey guys me and spidy are looking for one more person to join for a flawless trial?
Is the pricing at least more in line with being appropriate over there?
I've been trying to wrap my head around this stuff over the past two weeks while simultaneously trying to avoid the shit storm.
Oh yeah? Well I'm wearing my shirt right now! ;-)
Hey guys me and spidy are looking for one more person to join for a flawless trial?
Yeah, I'm in the same boat for streamers honestly. I like Triple Wreck better than most others but the gif pop-ups and sound bites get annoying. AEGabriel is a great player and you can learn a lot about Titan speed, but he barely talks and doesn't really explain anything. Plus his chat is super immature and there's no actual discussion going on, just pp jokes. Giggle Monster is pretty good if you haven't watched him before, his clan also has a lot of raid speed run records so they do both high level PvE and PvP. That Tfue guy (first to solo Skolas) is decent, I've seen a few sweaty matches but he doesn't give a ton of explanation either.
Some of the other big streamers like Goth, Broman and Lauren are just "entertainer" streamers, a place to hang out, not what I'm looking for. Honestly Stabie and Nghtly are the two best PvP streamers I've watched. I'm always amazed how relaxed Nghtly is considering how much I rage out, haha. Phaethon was doing a pretty legit impression of him last night.
It is up already?
I will be online in some minutes.
I'm on if you're still looking
PSN: joshcbrugby
Yeah that one was in my spam folder haha. Few seconds later I got the actual email confirming the shipment.
I've been rolling my matador whenever I get spare weapon parts for weeks. It's heartbreaking.
What is the twitch name of giggle monster? I just did a search and couldn't find anything... Thanks!
I'm down for that.Looking for 1 more for flawless Trials
What time is the SoM's Varsity squad gonna start their Trials run?