That's my fear as well. Aside from the Horn, I rarely use any exotics that aren't primaries. I was leaning toward LoW, seems like the most interesting one. Though I do love using the Queen's pea shooter.
I wish I had the time, but I'm stuck at work most of the day. And even if I wasn't, I'd probably focus on trying to get some PvP gods to help me complete the ToO passage I currently have at 4-0.
I didn't even get the ship after beating that asshole! And no elemental primary either! Did get the emblem and the shader (which looks cool on my main), and the exotic bounty, but yeah, disappointing after about 3 hours...
We were thinking of trying to coax you into trying a run if we could manage a time, but we don't want to pressure you. I know exactly how you feel about that fight...
ToO was interesting. I could only play yesterday and Gav was also online but not Dec. So Gav got a friend, Brunadas, to join us. We were actually getting some good matches and managing to win, which was surprising. Then Gamarra's team showed up... Still won 2 matches against them, but then they crushed us.
The helmet is kinda cool, but I just don't see myself using it... Obsidian Mind is kinda glued onto my character's head.

I would've prefered the boots cause they look cool. Maybe next time.