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Destiny |OT24| Dances with Wolves

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Thinking about restarting my Titan. Don't like her look anymore. Should I do it GAF? I can obviously keep all the armor and guns but I'd lose my rep-levels obviously (the crucible, New Monarchy & Dead Orbit ones most importantly) But I can get that sweet Khostov and the starter class items again (will restart a Hunter first for the scarf). Not looking forward to struggling through the story again and levelling my subclasses but it should be easier with all the new bounties.

What you say GAF?

To me, rep doesn't matter if you have the gear; I've only seen the rep2 as a roadblock if you need the vendor legendaries. You can get to 20 so quickly that you might as well.


To me, rep doesn't matter if you have the gear. You can get to 20 so quickly that you might as well.

But levelling up factions for no rewards is so fucking tiresome, he'll need to level all factions plus vanguard/crucible + DLC factions, all for a class item that you'll never wear because you're still chasing revenant.


I think this says it all...
Not looking forward to struggling through the story again and levelling my subclasses but it should be easier with all the new bounties.

Think of ALL the Eris and HoW stories you have to do again.

Oh man. Didn't even think of those. >_< I would get the guaranteed first-time clear drops again for CE normal-hard & PoE chest though. Bungie better announce beard-patch for Taken King and the ability to change your guardians appearance this E3.

Edit: I can also delete some unwanted items with my titan this way though.


Oh man. Didn't even think of those. >_< I would get the guaranteed first-time clear drops again for CE normal-hard & PoE chest though. Bungie better announce beard-patch for Taken King and the ability to change your guardians appearance this E3.

Just wait for Destiny announcements today. I personally don't have the time to regrind a player all over again.
Ah, yeah Brunadas is also very good at pvp I believe and good on you guys for beating Gamarra's team on a few rounds at least ;p

Did you buy Light Beyond Nemesis from Xur? It's a good alternative to Obsidian when your running Sunsinger.

As for Skolas I just can't spend the hours right now due to having exams. When that's over maybe I'll give it a go. The same goes for Trials because I really want those helmets!

I already have LBN sitting unupgraded in my vault. The problem is all that Strengh, I already have too much of it...

Still bought the Osiris helmet "just in case", even if it will be left unused. Once you're free from the pit of darkness that is exam period, we can try setting up a ToO team and practice a bit in Elimination.

As for Skolas, I still want to see what actual changes they make. As it is it's a waste of time. It's funny that IMO the best thing I got out of it was the shader.
Actually, let me do PoE 32.

Anyone interested in doing PoE 32 in say 40 minutes?

Yeah I can do a 32 on my hunter.

It was unstable, myself, fig, colonelocorn, vaalbar and uh.... I forget who else. I think you can only have 8 people in the party chat though :(

I only heard unstable and colonel, everyone else was super quiet.

OR maybe the mic nazis were not letting anyone else talk..

Any interest in doing 1-3 Lv34s sometime this fine EST morning?

I could do that first, then a 34 after with whoever should finish off my 2nd cipher... unless it's glitched... like my 3rd cipher... o_O

I can do a 34 on my titan..

Also have to do 2 35's.


I only heard unstable and colonel, everyone else was super quiet.

OR maybe the mic nazis were not letting anyone else talk..


8 people trying to talk all at once might be a difficult thing to do. You guys need a moderator like in The View...


I will never regrind a new character. Sounds crazy. But I would pay a lot for the ability to re-do my characters appearance.

I've gone through 4 characters, as much as I love the game I couldn't do it again. However I too would pay real monies to be able to re-do characters looks, sex etc. Maybe add in a 'tache option so as to become space Magnum or something.....


I already have LBN sitting unupgraded in my vault. The problem is all that Strengh, I already have too much of it...

Still bought the Osiris helmet "just in case", even if it will be left unused. Once you're free from the pit of darkness that is exam period, we can try setting up a ToO team and practice a bit in Elimination.

As for Skolas, I still want to see what actual changes they make. As it is it's a waste of time. It's funny that IMO the best thing I got out of it was the shader.
Ah yeah that's right, that helmet is only STR. Well let's hope they change it up starting tomorrow with the stats of the armor Variks sells.

Yeah, definitely want to practice on Skirmish or Elimination (when it's available) a bit before tackling Trials.


So according to this post on reddit :http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/39vhm2/for_those_who_dont_know_these_are_the_times/

The Bungie presentation is @ 5:40PM EST... I thought they were doing the reveal during the Sony press conf @ 9:00PM?


I only heard unstable and colonel, everyone else was super quiet.

OR maybe the mic nazis were not letting anyone else talk..

I wasn't talking much, was listening to the conferneces, plus I didn't need to get any wife aggro either :p
alright, getting on now.

Drizzay, I'll be up for that 34. I'm doing the bounty as well.

Sounds good, I'll be on in like 3 minutes, ready to roll.

I only heard unstable and colonel, everyone else was super quiet.

OR maybe the mic nazis were not letting anyone else talk..

I can do a 34 on my titan..

Also have to do 2 35's.

If Capt Science wants to continue onto the 34 we should keep him in there but otherwise you could take his spot. Even if he does, I'd be down to do another 34 after since the only PoE I've done this week was those 3x 35s on Tuesday.

I have ~35 combined Weapon and Armor Cores clogging up my vault, really don't think I'll bother with many 32s going forward.

edit: as for group chat streams/podcast type of stuff, it can be pretty tricky to not talk over each other or have a couple people dominate the conversation. If the group's that big, I feel like there should be some way to establish a round-robin dialogue so everyone gets a change to contribute if they want. Not sure what the best way to organize that is, though...


edit: as for group chat streams/podcast type of stuff, it can be pretty tricky to not talk over each other or have a couple people dominate the conversation. If the group's that big, I feel like there should be some way to establish a round-robin dialogue so everyone gets a change to contribute if they want. Not sure what the best way to organize that is, though...

3 - 4 people is a good number. And it's hard to know when someone is done speaking without seeing their face ( alot of dead air space if trying to be too polite).

Edit: But again, we never said you guys were professionals, you're doing it for fun, so who cares.


Well, I've got a few things leaked to me, and they leaked as rumors already. ^^

I'm just a bit confused by the Bungie stuff today. I'm trying to read about it now and it looks like ign/gamestop are going to be doing some interviews before the sony conference.

As I find out more details I'll post them here.


I'm just a bit confused by the Bungie stuff today. I'm trying to read about it now and it looks like ign/gamestop are going to be doing some interviews before the sony conference.

As I find out more details I'll post them here.

So maybe this year, no exclusive gear/maps/stories for Sony?

willow ve

Anyone know how the "smart drops" in the Crota loot table work?

Do you need to have all the Crota weapons on that character for the game to read them as already attained? Seems like I've gotten 3 copies of Song of Ir Yut now.


How does that poster know anything?

Maybe Destiny got bumped by CoD?

So maybe this year, no exclusive gear/maps/stories for Sony?

Well I'm sure they will probably still show something at the Sony conference, but it looks like IGN & Gamestop will be doing some interviews first. I hope this means no more exclusivity, as I really don't like that whole system anyway....

I think the poster has the info from IGN's schedule on their site, it does show destiny before the Sony Conf...

I don't recall Bungie saying anything about them being at Sony's conference? Got a link?

I don't believe it was ever really confirmed, just assumed since they werin bed with Sony for a while....


I don't believe it was ever really confirmed, just assumed since they werin bed with Sony for a while....

Well they're definitely in bed together but there's not much point of having that at their conference. Too many other priorities.


I'm just a bit confused by the Bungie stuff today. I'm trying to read about it now and it looks like ign/gamestop are going to be doing some interviews before the sony conference.

As I find out more details I'll post them here.
IGN does list Destiny on their livestream schedule, at the same time that reddit poster is talking about, but it's *tomorrow*, long after Sony's conference.
I'm confused as well.

Or it's just that IGN will have a stream about Destiny tomorrow, but the announcement will be made during Sony's conference?
Haven't heard anything about Bungie / Destiny on the few things that were leaked to me, so I really don't know...
That would be amazing if the Bone Zone community stepped up to the point where they didn't feel they needed exclusivity anymore and/or knew they were alienating too big a chunk of their audience.

All praise to Team Bone Zone for coming through, if that's the case.


Well I'm sure they will probably still show something at the Sony conference, but it looks like IGN & Gamestop will be doing some interviews first. I hope this means no more exclusivity, as I really don't like that whole system anyway....

I don't mind exclusive content. What I do mind is exclusive content for a goddamn year. Makes no sense. Its like;

Sony : 1 month exclusive for COD huh!? Ha! Take this! We make it a whole YEAR!

... it's 14:30 in the afternoon here (monday). When is the Destiny panel? Or Sony's for that matter? I hate time-zones.


IGN does list Destiny on their livestream schedule, at the same time that reddit poster is talking about, but it's *tomorrow*, long after Sony's conference.
I'm confused as well.

Or it's just that IGN will have a stream about Destiny tomorrow, but the announcement will be made during Sony's conference?
Haven't heard anything about Bungie / Destiny on the few things that were leaked to me, so I really don't know...

ahhh! So sony should be showing them first, and then IGN/Gamestop doing interviews tomorrow ;) Got it!

I don't mind exclusive content. What I do mind is exclusive content for a goddamn year. Makes no sense. Its like;

Sony : 1 month exclusive for COD huh!? Ha! Take this! We make it a whole YEAR!

... it's 14:30 in the afternoon here (monday). When is the Destiny panel? Or Sony's for that matter? I hate time-zones.

Exclusives in Destiny prevented Xur from selling the hawkmoon, monte carlo, 4th horseman....etc Also certain strikes never became nightfalls either because of exclusivity.

I would gladly do without it.


Hawkmoon and Gjallarhorn should never be sold.

But I agree. Hurts like hell seeing you PS4 boys play around with Hawkmoon.

What hurts even more is this whole TLW/Thorn discussion ... and people yelling at me for not using Hawkmoon.



We should do a group Skype chat for E3 madness. 25 is the limit compared to PSN's 8 player limit.

Great idea, Nami.

Can someone try inviting me to the twitch chat group again? Twitch ID is PumaGAF. I'm still not seeing the chat group for some reason...


They should sell Gjallarhorn because I'm tired of dragging my team down when I'm the one that doesn't ever have it :(
Well, the only content that could somehow "require" it was solar burn Skolas, and even then you could do without it with 3 Black Hammers, which is somewhat easier to get (sorry unstable :/). Since they are patching Skolas to make it less burn dependant, there really is no reason anymore to "require" people to have absolutely have the Horn for anything.
It's easier, for sure, but that's about it.


Great idea, Nami.

Can someone try inviting me to the twitch chat group again? Twitch ID is PumaGAF. I'm still not seeing the chat group for some reason...

Just invited you, enter someones stream/chat, and on the upper right you will see 4 lines, click that and you should get the invite.

We should do a group Skype chat for E3 madness. 25 is the limit compared to PSN's 8 player limit.

I can see it now, 25 dgaffers yelling at once "OMMMMGGGGG"

I'm in :D
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