I'm the protagonist of a popular series. Throughout most of my childhood, I lived with members of my family who treated me rather poorly. Then one night, everything changed for me. As the years went by, I made many friends, some who would become lifelong friends and family in years to come. But things became rather dire for me soon after that fateful night. I did not know of the dangers that awaited me. But I faced them head on and overcame many of them. One year, I made a terrible mistake. I allowed myself to fall into darkness for a bit. It nearly cost the life of one who would become an acquaintance of sorts many years later.
I lost many loved ones in this dangerous journey. I also forged many lifelong friendships. I experienced many strange things after that night. Some best left unexplained.
I nearly had this side antagonist for lunch. Who am I and who did I almost eat?
*****Bonus points for whoever names the series.*****