julius ceasar duh
Y u no respond to my post?lol
Just checked my legendary status and all I need is 11 golden chests. I am Guessing there is a YouTube video showing location for these?
When I was alive, I was a politician, writer, statesman, and a military general. I quickly joined the army after the death of my father. I was forced to flee from my home. That almost led to my death. I am remembered for many things, one being my death. Who am I?
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. There's no rush atm though since psn is down. I'm seeing if I can get some other GAFfers in that still need to do hard mode as well.
Just checked my legendary status and all I need is 11 golden chests. I am Guessing there is a YouTube video showing location for these?
I've been upvoted in the Destiny subreddit?!? What is this world coming to???
My results...
See this is why for my last code, all you guys are getting is a picture of something and you'll have to guess what game that pic is from.
New PS4 TTK Bundle
edit: Snaked by Homeboyd! haha
what did you post?
DestinySee this is why for my last code, all you guys are getting is a picture of something and you'll have to guess what game that pic is from.
My crazy ToO clip from yesterday.
That Gaming-side thread...yucka.
See this is why for my last code, all you guys are getting is a picture of something and you'll have to guess what game that pic is from.
Ding ding ding!
Code coming your way.
Just one code left now.
Oh holy shit, I just watched this on reddit and had no idea it was you.... that's fucking clutch man. Nice! VERY NICE!
Welp, I had to do exactly 0 things to get that emblem. Hooray. If anyone wants help getting a Skolas kill or something feel free to drop me a line.
Welp, I had to do exactly 0 things to get that emblem. Hooray. If anyone wants help getting a Skolas kill or something feel free to drop me a line.
My results...
Destiny |OT 25| The Taken Thread... lol lol lol
I want a #,000 hours and Gjhalahorn-less emblem to show others my struggles.Thanks!!
Edit: was really hoping for Bungie to send a Ghally my way as I am 800 hours in and have yet to have one drop. I have been part of this game since Alpha! Give me a Ghallajorn Bungie!!!
What's your level? I need to do a hard crota raid hopefully with a person we can be in the same team for so we can knock out the two gold trophies at once. I'm a lvl 33 titan.
Looks like I have to give up my Skolas protest of not killing him until they introduce a checkpoint system. Word on the streets is that Ghaleon can make this encounter fun, so I'll be coming for you.
Your code to giveaway now.oh no, take it back, im good. I just wanted to play!
Troy is awesome.
Holy shit the Warlock PoE boots are all strength and the Brosiris helmet is all strength while the other classes get balanced armor... Someone at Bungie really despises warlocks.
Going 9-0 in trials should have been a triumph, because those are pretty lame "triumphs".
oh crap, you too Hudson there are so many of us that havnt finished this yet. how is so many regulars havn't finished this encounter when id say about 85% of us finished Crota in the 1st 2 weeks of TDB release. They really screwed the pooch on this when no one has much incentive to beat your boss due to no checkpoints and difficulty and no loot really.
34 warlock, PewPewPewBow. Which trophies do you mean?
Your code to giveaway now.
Can't sign into PSN.
Guess I'll play the Xbone version...
Centipede. FFS.
Going 9-0 in trials should have been a triumph, because those are pretty lame "triumphs".