So nice. For control I've been partial to Aftermath instead. The number of kills I've gotten after the initial strike is crazy. That coupled with putting down a pulse grenade (a few times on their heavy) works great to not just kill but restrict their movement and funnel them up nicely if the rest of my team is paying attention.
The video didn't actually say that, right? More like Destiny was the more "egregious" instance of it or something
Man I really feel like the nerf hit other people harder than it hit me somehow. Damage wasn't touched; the spread only affected shots from ranges that FRs really shouldn't have been killing people in one hit. I guess it could've been PvP only though. Anyway there's a ton of variance in spreads between different rifles. Give/Take Equation has a ridiculously tight spread to this day.
Seems to me like the combo of the shotgun PvE buff (which happened at the same time as the spread nerf) and widespread easy availability of the crazy-tier shotguns in PvP affected their role waaaay more than the spread nerf itself did. I really believe people just underestimate their effectiveness in light of the fact that shotguns are obviously much more effective from close range; but Destiny pushes the absolute limits of what could be considered "close range" for a shotgun. I'm really not sure a buff to FRs would be appropriate, at least not before a shotgun range nerf on its own and something to dull Blink + Shotgun.
Just watched the video and summed up my feelings pretty well. I've said this a few times, but my biggest problem with Destiny is not that it isn't a good game, it just isn't the game I thought I would be playing. Despite that I've had a lot of fun and have gotten my money's worth, but it often does feel manipulative as if rather than the dopamine drips being there to carry me through the game, the game is instead there to just barely connect the dopamine drips. To equate that to all of us that have been enjoying it to mindless crack addicted sheepbots is silly. I don't think the video was saying that at all, though some seem to take that message from it.
Funny enough, fatebringer might have been the last hit I needed. Right now I'm thinking of passing on TTK (though it looks great) and waiting until we see what Destiny 2 has in store since there will be some upgrade path at that point.
Switching gears, I agree and think making shotguns more effective in PvE (and a lot more fun) is what really upped their adoption. It completely changed my Titan play style to much more aggressive. Maybe FR could be buffed with shorter charge times or ridiculous spread (might need to reduce that green ammo even further in PvP). Weird side effect of the shotgun buff was I now use them so much more that my play through of the library of halo ce was much more fun as I have a new found appreciation of shotguns in general that has overlapped games.
Wow, did not mean to write that much, sorry (but no one will get to this point anyway)