PS4? I'm down for trying. PSN: OwensboroEsq
Yep, sending FR from Khorgano.
PS4? I'm down for trying. PSN: OwensboroEsq
Batman left.
Gotham City needed him
Believe!Thanks mate. I wasn't sure if you still played so I didn't try and hit you up. But if you do...
Join on me. Will host Gorgon Hard CP for 30 minutes or so via remote play. No mic, but I'll dance when you get an Exotic shard. ;-)
Thanks mate. I wasn't sure if you still played so I didn't try and hit you up. But if you do...
still got two spots left for a Newbie VoG tomorrow actually, if you can make it.
It's only guaranteed for one character per account. You can't get three keys a week this way(though there is a random chance for a Queen's package with any bounty turn-in, which includes a random chance at a key.)
Clear this up. It's per account. Not per character. And no the chest doesn't change except your first slokas
Hope that helps
Sorry Owen, filled up. I will make it up to you.
I am proud of my zero Rumble wins.
I am proud of my zero Rumble wins.
I think I have 5. I hate Rumble.
FR sentRunning NF's x3 space for one
I think I have 5. I hate Rumble.
YES! Second Hawkmoon! Going straight to my alt. Though I have no idea where it dropped, it was in the Postmaster...
Trying to come to grips with The Last Word. First Skirmish match resulted in a 1.27 KDR, but we lost. At least my KDR wasn't below 1, so that's a win already!
You should be, it's a snooze and the skills don't really translate to teamwork-based modes.
I wish I could go to the Speaker and exchange some of my 612 Raid clears for Rumble wins....
Nope Rumble is the best mode![]()
You should be, it's a snooze and the skills don't really translate to teamwork-based modes.
I wish I could go to the Speaker and exchange some of my 612 Raid clears for Rumble wins....
I've seen enough of your vids to know how you fare in PvP but this is still impressive. The side-by-side is a great touch, too.Decided to try something new and made a split screen video of when Trakan and I got matched up in Trials in a 2v3 match.
Join on me. Will host Gorgon Hard CP for 30 minutes or so via remote play. No mic, but I'll dance when you get an Exotic shard. ;-)
The Sons of Mithras have left Destiny and joined the Rocket League!
Can't wait to download tha-The Sons of Mithras have left Destiny and joined the Rocket League!
That monitor looks great! The one next to it (shown on the bottom of the page) looks even better with the 1ms response time and it's cheaper too. Granted it doesn't look as nice
It also has over 5000 reviews, and a higher rating![]()
I know I'm late to this and noomi has been giving you advice, but I also have a BenQ that I have my PS4 hooked up to. 60hz 24 inch monitor. I'll try to find the model number.
Edit: it's the RL2455HM and I'd definitely recommend it
The Sons of Mithras have left Destiny and joined the Rocket League!
Thanks for the shards, M3R!!
LolTop poster list begs to dif-
*checks top poster list*
wuuuuuutttttt?!?! How am I on top? I feel like I have barely been posting that much.
We still have a spot open for skirmish.
Holy shit that was a shutout. We had two guys quit throughout the entire match.
And now it is pouring outside. :/
Joined up with a couple lvl 32 friends last night--I was level 30 and we tried doing the PoE 32 and got whupped immediately. Two questions here--
-Would our level disparity cause any difficulty curve? We ended up running a lvl 30 strike and then the lvl 28 PoE and they both kept saying they seemed a lot harder than usual. Of course, it could've just been 'cause I suck.
-Do all five stages of the lvl 32 PoE have bosses? We got put into the Vex arena with a boss right away on round 1.
Need Gorgons.
Up for any POE, Hard Crota x3, Atheon x3 and whatever thereafter.
Hey, so does anyone know if we get that Laurea Prima emblem for each of our characters since it takes into account things like chests over all (3) characters or will I have to rotate it between characters?
42 Skirmish wins. Still have quite a many to go.
Thanks! Wow, I can't jump today!
For what?
For what?
100 wins to finish the Grimoire, I assume.
Edit: wow, what a terrible page top. Brb.