You killed Mr. Fantastic? For shame, miss Panda
tbf I killed him before I knew he could do that
You killed Mr. Fantastic? For shame, miss Panda
How about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
How about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
How about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
Actually if you spec a Titan and a Warlock for full armor they have basically the same health (203 vs 202). Wearing The Ram actually makes Warlocks significantly stronger than anything possible on either of the other classes.
DisturbingHow about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
The funnest thing about all this is how the class balance works out.
Titans are by far the fastest class.
Warlocks are by far the strongest.
And Hunters are... Hmm ... The Blinkiest? No... No... Urm. Ah! They're absolutely the most Invisible class! Yeah...
The funnest thing about all this is how the class balance works out.
Titans are by far the fastest class.
Warlocks are by far the strongest.
And Hunters are... Hmm ... The Blinkiest? No... No... Urm. Ah! They're absolutely the most Invisible class! Yeah...
Voidwalker has axion bolt and blink. *Barf*
Plus the Ram is op for both classes.
Lightning grenades I have absolutely no issue with. A couple other folk have complained about them as well. I'm not quite understanding why, but everyone has their own set of hatred. I absolutely despise Red Death for example.
Remember when I thought you were from Portugal? I had been taking some illicit substances.
Those were the good old days.
The funnest thing about all this is how the class balance works out.
Titans are by far the fastest class.
Warlocks are by far the strongest.
And Hunters are... Hmm ... The Blinkiest? No... No... Urm. Ah! They're absolutely the most Invisible class! Yeah...
Hunters (well Bladedancers) are the best class at getting killed by every other super in the game.The funnest thing about all this is how the class balance works out.
Titans are by far the fastest class.
Warlocks are by far the strongest.
And Hunters are... Hmm ... The Blinkiest? No... No... Urm. Ah! They're absolutely the most Invisible class! Yeah...
It's their jump. It gets me killed more than anything else in the game. I get stuck on ceilings, float around like a giant parade float target, and am generally totally lacking the agility that Hunters have with their rapid movements (Hunter is my main character). Warlocks have their place; the self res is a great fallback to prevent wipes and nova bomb is pretty great. But of the three classes the Warlock is far and away the least fun, IMO.
That might change with the new subclass. Going all Palpatine while floating around frying everything goes a long ways with me.
Hunters (well Bladedancers) are the best class at getting killed by every other super in the game.
How about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
Titans being fastest makes no sense. You'd think that would go to Hunters
If Sunsingers could blink, it'd be a different story.Hunters are the best class and this is coming from someone who used to have three warlocks.
Hunters rock at shooting. This sounds weird but hear me out. Gunslingers gain buffed stability and reload speed for precision kills. Blade dancers can switch weapons and aim super quickly (this is so damn useful). Not quite as flashy as being faster or stronger but I think it makes as big a difference in the class "feel".The funnest thing about all this is how the class balance works out.
Titans are by far the fastest class.
Warlocks are by far the strongest.
And Hunters are... Hmm ... The Blinkiest? No... No... Urm. Ah! They're absolutely the most Invisible class! Yeah...
lol Is it your first time doing skolas? In the 10 completions I've done I have only had a weapon drop twice.Skolas didnt drop anything for me and one teammate, I am done for PoE35 until Bungie fix that
Hunters are the best class and this is coming from someone who used to have three warlocks.
never thought Id give up my hunter for crucible, but the warlock has grown on me lately so much its now my favorite PVP class to play. its got the same jump as the hunter, better grenades and melee. And once I finally get around to upgrading my ram, ill feel like a god,. A pagan goat headed god!
How about this for rag doll physics?
~space magic~
He's on blink juice.What have you been drinking, Rob?
It's a work in progress but what do you guys think of it so far? Feel like changing the text to "Welcome to Destiny-GAF Year 2"
I shudder at the thought, that's the only downside to a Sunsinger.If Sunsingers could blink, it'd be a different story.
LOL I'm sorry deku, I'm soooorry!!Noooooo!
What? What's wrong with Blink? And axion bolt is so weak.
Lightning Grenades on the other hand are insane.
Most of times I throw and forget about them only to get a double kill 10 seconds later.
Titans being fastest makes no sense. You'd think that would go to Hunters
How do you get the Mercury grimoire card? I have it but my friend doesn't. Google isn't helping. Anyone know?
Honestly I don't have too much of an issue with blink as I've learned how to counter it for the most part, but it is still an unfair ability since movement is limited by the controller. If it was m/kb then it would be much less of an issue.What? What's wrong with Blink? And axion bolt is so weak.
Lightning Grenades on the other hand are insane.
Most of times I throw and forget about them only to get a double kill 10 seconds later.
Yeah it makes no sense. Titans should be big and slow and durable given what the class means. Buff Hunters pls
Yeah, doing so. Give me a few minutes to post up the new one.Add GAF. Make it unique to our thread. Someone will steal it
It's a work in progress but what do you guys think of it so far? Feel like changing the text to "Welcome to Destiny-GAF Year 2"
He's on blink juice.
It's a work in progress but what do you guys think of it so far? Feel like changing the text to "Welcome to Destiny-GAF Year 2"
What have you been drinking, Rob?
You gotta make the pilgrimage to the Lighthouse my friend.
Let me ask, have you heard the good news about Osiris?
That's awesome Nami!
I hope Destiny 2 has a class builder with points for balance or something. A Hunter with dual Lighting Grenades would be fantastic. We get shorted in the dual grenade category.