Neo Member
I really hope Vault of Glass and Crota's End are worth it, because... I'm starting to dread every time I have to repeat a strike with just bigger numbers of enemies, walk all over the same places again, kill the same enemies again, repeat the same mechanics against bullet esponges.
Most flaws the people blame the game for, I can give them a pass, but the "Rinse and repeat with more bullets" its getting to my nerves. During the House of Wolves sidestory I had to resist the urges of shutting down the console and throwing the disc through the window. Playing with randoms does not make thing betters and I feel like all the loot is the same thing. In fact, I have more fun observing the tactics from other players in Clash.
I miss my 360. And Halo. The story has never felt more like a joke with the expansions. Particularlly WTF moment when you get to that time when you need dinklebot to hack into something during the expansions but it will remain silent, xD.
Yep, I am all burned, and yet I keep playing, even if I don't care about loot or reaching... How the heck can you keep playing this daily?
It's very much MMO syndrome. Being a former WoW player I'm used to grinding through the same content over and over just to get that one item that I wanted. Same with Destiny, I'll happily run through PoE, Strikes and Raids over and over to get Gjallarhorn XD