CE flawless is easy with a good Sword.
Now that Khepri's allows infinite invisibility doing Abyss solo doesn't even require any skill at all 
Bridge with a full team, Legit, is both easy and fun. Play the hallway safe because tracking Void farts are dangerous. Really no rush, break the bubble then go way back (maybe camp a Titan bubble) and wait for the flying trackers to fizz out, be careful not to kill yourself with a rocket and Thralls jumping at you. Death singer: take it easy. The 30 seconds of her song are plenty of time to kill her and she stops moving while she's singing. Take the time before she begins to clean up those majors with a sniper so you don't try to DPS her with a million knights in the room.
I'd be down to help if you need a body for Flawless CE. Sadly, I'm not good enough for VoG flawless. I choke the jumping ledge under pressure