The thirst is real; over 1k people watching a rebroadcast thinking it's live:
hell I just want to be able to use the companion app.
The thirst is real; over 1k people watching a rebroadcast thinking it's live:
The thirst is real; over 1k people watching a rebroadcast thinking it's live:
Didn't realise we had so many BF vets in here!
Love the series myself and played since Bad Company 2.
Played BF3 competitively, not really got into BF4 as much though! Should all pop on for a few games of conquest some time, i'm one of those pesky jet pilots![]()
Didn't realise we had so many BF vets in here!
Love the series myself and played since Bad Company 2.
Played BF3 competitively, not really got into BF4 as much though! Should all pop on for a few games of conquest some time, i'm one of those pesky jet pilots![]()
So seriously, what happened to Bastion, First Light, & Skyshock? Were they completely removed from the game? Haven't played any of these maps since the first couple of months.
Combined Arms only.
People bitched so Bungie took them out. I think they're only in the Combined Arms rotation or something. Kinda sucks, I didn't mind those maps.
Has Bungie or Activision released any updated stats on how many people are playing the game recently? I thought they mentioned something about unique user counts at one time but I forget the number.
Has Bungie or Activision released any updated stats on how many people are playing the game recently? I thought they mentioned something about unique user counts at one time but I forget the number.
Thank You!The other one is yours.![]()
I MAY have put more time into that series than Destiny, and that's saying something. Man, the clan intense.
Has Bungie or Activision released any updated stats on how many people are playing the game recently? I thought they mentioned something about unique user counts at one time but I forget the number.
For today, zero.
Thank You!
Please add me if you are on Playstation 4: Kyuubi-no-Youko
I'd like to help you with anything you might want in Destiny
Great, thanks.I'll definitely add you, but please don't feel like you owe me anything. Just enjoy the quest and XP.![]()
I was HUGE into SOCOM and SOCOM2. Yes, we are old.
I miss clan wars so much (even though we weren't that great). I also just loved palling around with my clanknowing everyone's tendencies, annoying my buddies with headshots from across the map, all the laughs.
It was also a great community. The fact that no one EVER touched grenade and rocket launchers even in casual matches was pretty hardcore.
I'd kill for a PS4 SOCOM (as long as it didn't suck like SOCOM 3 and on).
Every week I do Nightfall, fresh with hope that I will get a Ballerhorn and every week I'm crushed with the reality that I'll never get a Ballerhorn. ;__;
I said the same thing for months and I got my first gjallorhorn from a Nightfall last week. The game has taunted me for months but then it finally happened. It'll drop when you stop hoping for it to finally drop.
GzusSo lately I've been hoarding Public Event rewards packages. I have my PS4 going through the XB1 so I can do them concurrently with the snap feature. Fun fact: they trigger in a particular area on both consoles at the exact same second.
I know I'm super late on this, but if we already have Destiny and both expansions, what's the cheapest way to get all the Taken King stuff (emotes, class items) without spending $80 for the Collector's Edition? Is there any way?
I just noticed the expansion has a promo for 24 euros.
I can't believe I bought it for 34 and it dropped like one or two days later. My luck...
I know I'm super late on this, but if we already have Destiny and both expansions, what's the cheapest way to get all the Taken King stuff (emotes, class items) without spending $80 for the Collector's Edition? Is there any way?
Don't expect any patch notes. Thorn will still remain king and AR's will still suck. KappaDeej: Sorry, man. It's behind-the-scenes server stuff. We'll have nothing to report today. Pardon our dust.
OMG. Socom 2 was my jam for over 1500 hours worth. Frostfire all day! A new Socom is the biggest game I'd look forward to than any other game.
Desert Glory, Frostfire, Crossroads, The Ruins, Night stalker, heck even Blizzard.
You just gotta truly believe it's gonna happen.
Man, I'm really bummed out now.
Oh man, great maps all around. I remember all of those so vividly. Just like some Destiny Crucible maps will be etched into my brain for years to come now.
I'm sure our paths probably crossed in SOCOM at some point.
24 euros is much better than 40 quid...
I got Fourth Horseman last night on my first POE run. Is it worth leveling?
I just noticed the expansion has a promo for 24 euros.
I can't believe I bought it for 34 and it dropped like one or two days later. My luck...
God I love Bad Company 2. Made so many insane kills in that game. Favorite remains killing 4 on a moving boat all the way across the map with the Engineer's AT4. You know how hard that was?! I thought I missed and somehow got them.
24 euros is the 2 DLC passes not the Taken King.
Haha I made some good friends from that game. Even visited 1 of them. He introduced me to MySpace Hahaha. We ran into each other a few times so we then became online friends then IRL. I hung out at US East/west a lot. But yea, sooo many memories. I ran a gamebattles clan too and had some ridiculously intense matches. G^
If only saving videos was an option then haha
I'm now having Socom 2 withdrawals.
PSN needs to hurry up and get back up!
Don't expect any patch notes. Thorn will still remain king and AR's will still suck. Kappa
Well that is a bummer!
There's a $60 package now that comes with the expansion + CE extra digital content.
Do it. One of my favourite weapons in the game. Incredibly fun to use once you've upgraded it to its exclusive perks and fast reload. Its basically Found Verdict on steroids, but takes up an exotic slot.
When does this maintenance end?
I can only play at certain hours because housemates
I hate server work, screws us night shift working folk, not to mention the EU's bungie.