Purifier Robes hype. From what I saw it seemed like a good stat roll but how does that compare to other ones people have? Is it actually good?
What makes Exotics, well, Exotic, is that they have unique perks. They may be totally useless in one scenario and amazing for another. I'll give you an example.
The Hunter chest piece on sale this week is the Crest of Alpha Lupi. It lets you revive friends and be revived way more quickly than normal. When playing Skirmish this helps a little. When playing Trials of Osiris it's just amazing and can mean the difference between a clutch comeback and a loss. If you're playing Trials, this is an extremely solid option.
Now let's say you and some buddies wanna play Clash. There's no revives in Clash. All of a sudden this Exotic is way less attractive. You might be inclined to use Lucky Raspberry instead, or Knucklehead Radar.
The point is, Exotics are designed to have perks which are extremely useful for specific situations. Outside a few generally underwhelming ones, all Exotics have a shining moment.
One of the most interesting aspects of the game is strategizing around your Exotic choices. Picking one means leaving another. Do I want double grenades or faster revives? A fourth Golden Gun shot or the ability to go invisible while Gunslinger? Spawn with enhanced Axion Bolt or have double enhanced Scatter grenades?
Bungie has done a far better job in making most Exotic armor useful than with the weapons. As a rule of thumb, you can just assume that every Exotic armor is worth owning.
The Purifier Robes are 42 Light straight out of the box, which is fantastic while you're still trying to level up. Moreover, it is a super useful Exotic that's definitely worth owning. It's only got 3 upgrade bubbles and they're all pretty cheap, you'll have it upgraded in no time.
I'd suggest you buy it and just grab a Legendary Helm from a vendor as soon as you have the marks. Since you're level 32, make sure to run the Daily Heroic missions at 32 for a nice Mark reward.
The Hunter piece on sale is pretty good but if your Alts are still low level I wouldn't start buying stuff for them until you really feel you're set with your main. Besides, Alpha Lupi is an old Exotic meaning it has a very long, grindy upgrade tree that requires a ton of XP and planetary materials.
Well, the raid is settled for Sunday then, so I can readjust my weekend schedule and do the weekly cleaning on Saturday (which is my binge gaming day if there are no plans).
I still haven't tried Prison of Elders. Does it reuse maps? The way I understand it, it is an arena for PvE?
Purifier Robes hype. From what I saw it seemed like a good stat roll but how does that compare to other ones people have? Is it actually good?
Don't bunch up during Heavy, kids.
My most treasured gun in the game.
Old Exotic? Like something it was in the original base game and got improved /updated over time, or that newer exotics from the expansions tend to be simpler?
Welp, 300 motes and no Obsidian Mind.![]()
Old Exotic? Like something it was in the original base game and got improved /updated over time, or that newer exotics from the expansions tend to be simpler?
Oddly, this is the first ever time I haven't farmed any marks. I usually will sert for 25 daily marks, between doing the daily and then then hunt events with the Destiny Public Events App between Cosmodrome and Moon. Regarding doing a Daily on 32... Unsure. I got my ass kicked two days ago doing the Mission were you protect the warmind and could not finish it solo... and it was a 28, I believe. I had it hard even on its vanilla flavor to complete it.
Don't bunch up during Heavy, kids.
Purifier Robes hype. From what I saw it seemed like a good stat roll but how does that compare to other ones people have? Is it actually good?
I have 73 dis and 100 strength on mine. No idea if it's good or not.
All weapons and armor introduced with House of Wolves have a simplified upgrade tree.Old Exotic? Like something it was in the original base game and got improved /updated over time, or that newer exotics from the expansions tend to be simpler?
Oddly, this is the first ever time I haven't farmed any marks. I usually will sert for 25 daily marks, between doing the daily and then then hunt events with the Destiny Public Events App between Cosmodrome and Moon. Regarding doing a Daily on 32... Unsure. I got my ass kicked two days ago doing the Mission were you protect the warmind and could not finish it solo... and it was a 28, I believe. I had it hard even on its vanilla flavor to complete it.
Some others are a cakewalk. Give them a try! The rewards are super generous. There's a few guys here who do the Daily on each of their characters every day here. Over a few months this means literally thousands of upgrade materials stashed and ready for the next expansion, and capping your Vanguard Marks every week in just 4 days without grinding Strikes.
Not sure if I should buy anything from Xur or keep the money. I could buy the purifier robes, but since I don't have a legendary helmet yet I'd have to stick again with a blue one.
Could buy stuff for an alt, though. Having a 32 Warlock, should I go for the Titan or the Hunter?
The Armory says stat range is 58-103 for each stat individually so your Str roll is top tier, disc in the middle.
Xur roll is mid-tier all around.
Purifier Robes hype. From what I saw it seemed like a good stat roll but how does that compare to other ones people have? Is it actually good?
I think it's 20 for the highest level no? As for having nothing to do with Vanguard Marks: yup. We just don't need as many planetary materials as we used to.I think one of my characters has been capped with Vanguard marks for weeks now. I can't even be arsed to buy some materials anymore. I guess I could just buy & shard some weapons, but meh. Bungie needs to do something about that. ( change them for weaponparts pleassse?)
Also! HoW dailies get you 14 marks (i believe, correct me if I'm wrong)
Mine have 69 discipline, 95 strength.Purifier Robes hype. From what I saw it seemed like a good stat roll but how does that compare to other ones people have? Is it actually good?
164 total stat is above average. I like them but like most Warlock Exotics, or just exotics in general, they are strong but not exactly vital. Great if you get swarmed in Nightfall and rez. Average for trials as you get shotgunned to death as soon as you rez. Though they do look hella sexy, but don't change colour with shaders.
Ahhh so you're that fucking scumbag that holds on to their heavy until the next round of heavy shows up.Don't bunch up during Heavy, kids.
Ahhh so you're that fucking scumbag that holds on to their heavy until the next round of heavy shows up.
...yeah I do it too.
I think it's 20 for the highest level no? As for having nothing to do with Vanguard Marks: yup. We just don't need as many planetary materials as we used to.
On top of that, Vanguard no longer has attractive weapons. They used to have some top tier stuff like The Swarm, The Comedian, LDR, The Devil You Know, Epitaph, Badger CCL... Now everything Vanguard is selling is meh
Not sure if I should buy anything from Xur or keep the money. I could buy the purifier robes, but since I don't have a legendary helmet yet I'd have to stick again with a blue one.
Could buy stuff for an alt, though. Having a 32 Warlock, should I go for the Titan or the Hunter?
All weapons and armor introduced with House of Wolves have a simplified upgrade tree.
Take a look at the armor sold by vendors. It'll have one or two upgrade bubbles with perks, but it's sold at 36 Light and that's the end of it. Previously, you bought a Legendary which was 24 Light at the Vendor, then had a ton of "Defense Upgrade" bubbles to bring them to 30. It took a long time and a ton of materials.
Exotics have also been simplified. If you look at a "new" Exotic like Purifier Robes, you'll see it comes at 42 Light and only has 3 upgrade nodes.
Two words: Revive Snipe.
Makes the purifier robes very situational. Ram and LBN are way better for pvp.
What are some decent PvP (specifically Trials) int/dis/str rolls to use with Titans and Warlocks?
Ive got 34s of each character but I've only ever used my hunter so I'm looking to branch out.
You really want high discipline for both those classes. Mix it up with the other two.
Is Plan C worth buying?
With both titans and warlocks (and hunters for that matter) I like to have max discipline. With warlock I don't really care where the rest of my stats go as intellect and strength are great. Fuck strength with striker titans. I think my current titan build has me at 90% int and 100% DisWhat are some decent PvP (specifically Trials) int/dis/str rolls to use with Titans and Warlocks?
Ive got 34s of each character but I've only ever used my hunter so I'm looking to branch out.
Is Plan C worth buying?
Man.. Either Xur has been a let down the last couple weeks, or I just don't need any of these weapons.
It's an amazing fusion rifle.... But it's fusion rifle.
It used to be beastly, until they nerfed the FR (and not the shotguns, smh). Now HC's & shotguns roam the PvP streets. It's still sorta good though.
OK thanks. Guess I will skip it then as I only have 23 coins and there are some other items he might sell any time that I really want.
Man I hate doing the fallen majors bounty. After all this time I still don't have a good spot for these assholes.
They are really meant for PvE anyway. Pulling the numbers out of my ass but let's say that 90% of Sunsinger warlocks in PVE just have their super charged for a long time and just wait until they die to use fire born. So let's say there is something with light switch and you die. Often after reviving yourself you will just die again. Not with purifier robes. Then again there is also no reason to use anything other than the Ram even for PvE. The ram is just too OP.
The Archive mission on Venus. Keep a Heroic checkpoint on that mission and it's easy as heck to get that bounty in a few minutes.Man I hate doing the fallen majors bounty. After all this time I still don't have a good spot for these assholes.
Well I suppose that's better than running the archive mission.Venus Patrol - Ishtar cliffs.
There are 3 majors there, sometimes even 4 and they respawn within a minute of you killing them.