Do you guys ban burns from Warlock nades as well?You haven't? Sometimes we play it and when it's just hawks and last words it makes for a better game, ticks are cheap.
Do you guys ban burns from Warlock nades as well?You haven't? Sometimes we play it and when it's just hawks and last words it makes for a better game, ticks are cheap.
Honestly I prefer using Vision of Confluence over Fatebringer. The range and auto fire means I can be extremely lazy with it, whereas Fatebringer requires some effort.
If we can ascend Year 1 weapons over to Year 2, VoC will be the first primary I ascend for sure. :3
Red Bull Destiny Code Giveaway
I started a spreadsheet for those in need of Red Bull Destiny codes and for the benefactors that are giving them away: Destiny GAF Red Bull Giveaway List
Simple rules if you want a free code and can't get one for whatever reason:
1. Limit to one per NeoGAF ID.
2. Quote/Reply to this post.
3. Codes will be given in signup order. First come, first served.
4. No guarantees that everyone on the list will get a code.
5. Signup will stay open as long as there are still benefactors giving away codes.
6. Rules are subject to change based on feedback from recipients and benefactors.
7. If you get a code from somewhere else, please let me know so we can cross out your name on the list.
8. Codes can be used worldwide as far as we know. If you can pull up your profile on Bungie.net, you should be able to redeem it.
9. If you don't see your name on that list after replying/quoting this post, please PM me with a link to your post and I'll make sure you get into whatever position you belong in on the list.
You can find out more about this Red Bull promotion and redeem the codes at: Red Bull Quest web site.
For the benefactors who will be giving codes away, please Private Message me with your email and I will give you "edit" access to the Spreadsheet so you can "check-off" who you've given a code to and when. To be fair, please giveaway codes in chronological order and edit the spreadsheet as soon as you send the code.
We need more code donations. I can't drink more than one can a day. LoL.
Edits since the original post are in italics.
What time will you be available? Haven't confirmed yet but I assume I'll be doing our usual Stabie, Wicked and the Driz runs from 1 to ~4pm EST. if Wicked's internet cooperates we'll be done by 5 at the latest then I could hopefully help out a little. Ideally snag another decent player to tag along, although 3 wins isn't a tall order.
With the current Meta everyone basically has the same stuff so it's similar to a CoD style pick your guns. Like anyone playing even semi seriously will have all the Exotic HCs, a Matador/Felwinter's with the same damn roll, Benevolence/LDR/clone with no FR and a high impact/Velocity RL with the same damn roll also.That's exactly why it would be great to have custom matches as a Crucible option! I would love to do something like that.
Honestly I prefer using Vision of Confluence over Fatebringer. The range and auto fire means I can be extremely lazy with it, whereas Fatebringer requires some effort.
If we can ascend Year 1 weapons over to Year 2, VoC will be the first primary I ascend for sure. :3
Adding optional matchmaking to everything should be a priority at this point.
Not that you can't get a group or people to do them with here but for most of the content it would really make things simpler.
With the current Meta everyone basically has the same stuff so it's similar to a CoD style pick your guns. Like anyone playing even semi seriously will have all the Exotic HCs, a Matador/Felwinter's with the same damn roll, Benevolence/LDR/clone with no FR and a high impact/Velocity RL with the same damn roll also.
For practical purposes setting a standard load out for a match would be super easy, everyone has near identical stuff.
That would lock players who don't have PS+ out of doing the Daily Heroic missions though.
My team and I have been doing sweaties lately. It's alot more fun than playing pubs. Also more competitive.
We should get a little DGAF tourney going.
I can't even tell how much hate I got for that mission... And literally anything with with those green magic circles, so I am available to help with that and have my revenge.
The DLC missions have been triggering rage close to causing a ragequit. Namely:
- The Warmind
- The final part of the urn quest
- the final HoW mission against Skolas. I found a way of cheating with this one, but I was this close to uninstalling and putting the disc in a blender.
I wouldn't mind, but this isn't how they've done it. If something has matchmaking in the game - like Strikes - it's just locked out for people who don't have PS+. The toggle would be a nice idea but for whatever reason they have chosen not to do this since launch.You just make it optional.
Like a toggle between playing solo or matchmaking.
My team and I have been doing sweaties lately. It's alot more fun than playing pubs. Also more competitive.
We should get a little DGAF tourney going.
Reposting for new page since it probably will get missed.I will be up around 1pm and will have to leave by 5pm PST.
If it works out great. If not, I am sure I can find some other folks around.
Going to bed now for about 6 hours sleep.
Who have you been matching with? Playing against your own clanmates or other teams? A tourney would be super fun (and sweaty). Not sure what kinda prizes we could put up for grabs. "Get to pick the next OT title" or something, lol.
I'd love to see some warmups in Rumble. Split the top 6 into two teams, force matchmaking into Rumble and just be crazy for 20-30 minutes for viewer enjoymentWho have you been matching with? Playing against your own clanmates or other teams? A tourney would be super fun (and sweaty). Not sure what kinda prizes we could put up for grabs. "Get to pick the next OT title" or something, lol.
Sounds good buddy! Get some nice zzzz's then we'll see what's up.
Their very own grimoire card.... And on the OT for the duration of it's life span.
I'd love to see some warmups in Rumble. Split the top 6 into two teams, force matchmaking into Rumble and just be crazy for 20-30 minutes for viewer enjoyment![]()
Just within our own group and some other Gaffers. We can do like Adamant does and have a one day event at the end of the month. The Winners can have their names up on the OT or something.Who have you been matching with? Playing against your own clanmates or other teams? A tourney would be super fun (and sweaty). Not sure what kinda prizes we could put up for grabs. "Get to pick the next OT title" or something, lol.
Huh sounds interesting. I don't follow the competitive seen super closely though, just occasionally see 13Devils play sweaties.
I'd love to tune in to some GAF action! Set it up, I'll buy popcorn.
Do you guys ban burns from Warlock nades as well?
Yeah I saw 13d do it the other day and it looked super fun. All of them on part chat trash talking and joking around. It was only 5 though so each round included the unluckiest random in the world ;poooh, now you are talking!
That sounds like fun! ... except it involves playing Rumble BibleThump
It would be funny if everyone was in party chat, joking and talking shit about killing each other.
My team and I have been doing sweaties lately. It's alot more fun than playing pubs. Also more competitive.
We should get a little DGAF tourney going.
Am I missing something? How are people doing this when Crucible is matchmaking?
I wouldn't mind, but this isn't how they've done it. If something has matchmaking in the game - like Strikes - it's just locked out for people who don't have PS+. The toggle would be a nice idea but for whatever reason they have chosen not to do this since launch.
If it had MM I'd do the Daily every day, which I very seldom so. Mi doubt they'll add it though.
I'll join. Tired of playing skirmish with randoms.I have about an hour to play Salvage, so if anyone wants to join up you're welcome. Join on either me (PSN same as GAF) or blazeuk.
Whos up for a quick poe 32?
i am, PSN: Narasingh
2 people on opposite teams that are geographically closest to each other host their own lobby. Team mates join. The 2 opposite hosts then attempt to matchmake simultaneously. While in chat you update each other on the MM progress.Am I missing something? How are people doing this when Crucible is matchmaking?
Chamber of Night mission. Go to orbit if you don't get them all first time.
Nice edit. Cryptarch complex?of course they're exactly the same. /s your team are probably some hot garbage anyway, so stay quiet.
Finally rolled a near God roll for party crasher
Aggressive ballistics
Shot package
Small bore
Luck in the chamber
I think people would rather have reinforced barrel, but smallbore synergizes with luck in the chamber by lowering max ammo so that seems good?
Also, it looks like accursed ballistics gives more range... Yet people prefer aggressive for the impact?
Honestly I prefer using Vision of Confluence over Fatebringer. The range and auto fire means I can be extremely lazy with it, whereas Fatebringer requires some effort.
If we can ascend Year 1 weapons over to Year 2, VoC will be the first primary I ascend for sure. :3
Nice edit. Cryptarch complex?
Does anyone know which Gaffer owns the Legendary Engram Twitter account?
Awesome, I have sent you a friend request.
One more who wants to play a quick poe 32?
edit1: ^ lol, glad you liked it Tears!
edit2: Skele7on is the Twitter Cryptarch if that's what you're talking about Lik.
Why would I have a complex? Your post just annoyed me.
As you blatantly misread it said sometimes.
If you're truly into being competitive you'll know how annoying thorn is, so taking that tick out leads to cleaner fairer gun battles.
That would be FRENDEN. I own TheCryptarch.
I will if you're still looking. PSN same as GAFAwesome, I have sent you a friend request.
One more who wants to play a quick poe 32?
Were you under-leveled for any of these missions? Being even 1 level below the enemies is a huge disadvantage and being above their level doesn't help in any significant way. Doing any of those missions solo can be a pain regardless of your level, especially if you don't have all the best weapons and gear.
A lot of Destiny encounter design forces you to play very conservatively when tackled solo. Stay behind cover a lot, don't overexpose yourself for very long, wait for your shields to recharge, etc. Large mobs can kill you in a split second and some of those missions have long final encounters where a death will send you quite a ways back.