This poor titan thought he was safe in his bubble.
I hate Shotguns so much because they're so OP. That Defender still had his overshield and you 1 shot him from 35 feet away.
Bungie, where is my Crucible rebalance?
This poor titan thought he was safe in his bubble.
Yeah I saw that. No worries.
Anyone wanna run trials?
PSN - rolyreyes
Looking for 2 experienced Trials players level 34 with full Thorns, etc. I've been to the lighthouse. Looking to go now.
PS4: Kaijuseijin
Don't have thorn, but I'm able to hold my own. Psn biggy70686
So, this Urzok Public Event. I'm assuming there's a fixed time for it or do I have to hang around Skywatch just waiting for it?
It shows up with public events, either warsat or enemy moving against each other (warsat is easier.) Use to see the timer.So, this Urzok Public Event. I'm assuming there's a fixed time for it or do I have to hang around Skywatch just waiting for it?
Use Destiny Public Events site and track Skywatch Public Event. Urzok pops up during the public event.So, this Urzok Public Event. I'm assuming there's a fixed time for it or do I have to hang around Skywatch just waiting for it?
He usually shows up when the enemies move against each other, or defending the warsat.
It shows up with public events, either warsat or enemy moving against each other (warsat is easier.) Use to see the timer.
Use Destiny Public Events site and track Skywatch Public Event. Urzok pops up during the public event.
You been to the lighthouse biggy? I'm really wanting to get to at least 5 wins to pick up my titan helmet.![]()
Xur's by the jukebox with Purifiers, Raspberry, and Eternal Warrior. Also Plan C.Wait, today is friday?
Where is Xur this week? is Widow court the ToO map? whaaaaaa
If I have an adept Messenger, is there any reason to grind for a Hopscotch Pilgrim?
Whats so much better about the pilgrim though? I though stats were nearly the same, and it looks like people are re-rolling it to the same perks pretty much
My Level 29 actually contributes quite nicely in Trials!!
2 more wins to get the Trials helm and I should be 31/32 and can play everything wohoo
Thanks for inviting me. Was a lot of fun. Owned a lot of folks along the way. Props to that one guy who stay when his teammates abandoned him.
Man, Unstable is a wrecking machine lol
Man, Unstable is a wrecking machine lol
Man, Unstable is a wrecking machine lol
Wait, today is friday?
Where is Xur this week? is Widow court the ToO map? whaaaaaa
Man, Unstable is a wrecking machine lol
So I guess we can throw the whole planetary rotation theory for Trials maps out the window. Sucks that Bungie is repeating maps two weeks in a row. to stream? I'm bored at work and need to pick up some tips lol
If I have an adept Messenger, is there any reason to grind for a Hopscotch Pilgrim?
Edit for top of page.
This poor titan thought he was safe in his bubble.
I wanna do ToO once this week any competitive players wanna join me?
I wanna do ToO once this week any competitive players wanna join me?
If you're trying to play right now then I'm in.
Thanks. Will check this out then.
Red Bull Destiny Code Giveaway
I started a spreadsheet for those in need of Red Bull Destiny codes and for the benefactors that are giving them away: Destiny GAF Red Bull Giveaway List
Simple rules if you want a free code and can't get one for whatever reason:
1. Limit to one per NeoGAF ID.
2. Quote/Reply to this post.
3. Codes will be given in signup order. First come, first served.
4. No guarantees that everyone on the list will get a code.
5. Signup will stay open as long as there are still benefactors giving away codes.
6. Rules are subject to change based on feedback from recipients and benefactors.
7. If you get a code from somewhere else, please let me know so we can cross out your name on the list.
8. Codes can be used worldwide as far as we know. If you can pull up your profile on, you should be able to redeem it.
9. If you don't see your name on that list after replying/quoting this post, please PM me with a link to your post and I'll make sure you get into whatever position you belong in on the list.
You can find out more about this Red Bull promotion and redeem the codes at: Red Bull Quest web site.
For the benefactors who will be giving codes away, please Private Message me with your email and I will give you "edit" access to the Spreadsheet so you can "check-off" who you've given a code to and when. To be fair, please giveaway codes in chronological order and edit the spreadsheet as soon as you send the code.
We need more code donations. I can't drink more than one can a day. LoL.
Edits since the original post are in italics.
I wanna do ToO once this week any competitive players wanna join me?
This highlights the key areas on the improvements Hopscotch is over Messenger.
Stability, the most important factor in a Pulse Rifle. HP can max out at 100%.
Faster reload speed.
Larger magazine size, leading to two extra bursts.
Better Aim Assist for easier headshots, not to mention the fact you can reroll it with Hidden Hand to improve on this.
Equip Speed, the gun is ready faster after swapping. Very important in PVP.
Throw in the fact it's rerollable and you'll see why it's more desired.
I would love to reach the 5 wins at least, ShikiAoi
Is that you? Hah, shit man... that was awesome.
I love the part "watch this...." NOVABOMB "huehuehuehu"
Red Bull Destiny Code Giveaway
I have started a spreadsheet for those in need of Red Bull Destiny codes and for the benefactors that are giving them away: Destiny GAF Red Bull Giveaway List
Simple rules if you want a free code and can't get one for whatever reason:
1. Limit to one per NeoGAF ID.
2. Quote/Reply to this post.
3. Codes will be given in signup order. First come, first served.
4. No guarantees that everyone on the list will get a code.
5. Signup will stay open as long as there are still benefactors giving away codes.
6. Rules are subject to change based on feedback from recipients and benefactors.
You can find out more about this Red Bull promotion and redeem the codes at: Red Bull Quest web site.
For the benefactors who will be giving codes away, please Private Message me with your email and I will give you "edit" access to the Spreadsheet so you can "check-off" who you've given a code to and when. To be fair, please giveaway codes in chronological order and edit the spreadsheet as soon as you send the code.
well, that was a bust.
The guy seemed unkillable. Barely made a dent in it and he is only there for 5 minutes with a bunch of guys around him. Ugh.