I rolled one this morning on a helmet engram from Xur.
Oh my god...........
Im going to try this. Im so stupid, I didn't even think of this.
I rolled one this morning on a helmet engram from Xur.
How and where are you getting Celestial Nighthawk?
"I need to start gathering sweet artwork of heavy firepower from some new foundries for you to ogle and covet next week."
We'll get some glimpses of guns next week.
imagine a hawkianless world...Almost makes me wish there was a monthly sub.
Careful. The odds of getting one thing you want with Helmet engrams are not good, don't go nuts unless you have a billion motes.Oh my god...........
Im going to try this. Im so stupid, I didn't even think of this.
My buddy griffith let me borrow his. That guy is legit the best hunter in this game.
awwww shucks 3/4 ash factory
hard launch
perfect balance / heavy payload / snapshot
G & H
keep it or keep looking for javelin?
Pretty successful trials run with Xplicit and Pirate. I couldn't tell if it was due to the strength of our team or it being Friday, but the competition didn't seem to be as strong as the past couple weeks save for a few great snipers.
Shit all he needs are the Hard raids, PoE 35, and 3 more Golden Chests.Hey Deej, you should post here and LFG with the best Destiny community in the solar system! It worked for Kotaku and it'll work for you too!
A SINGLE mote of light from a Dead Orbit package.
Why Bungie
Here's your correct grimiore cardMy buddy griffith let me borrow his. That guy is legit the best hunter in this game.
In my experience running w Stabie and Wicked, the best players aren't on midday right when Trials launches. We had one sweaty match against some clan that had a 97% win record in Trials and it was only sweaty because we wore green armor to start, lol. Then Stabie went HAM and we won 5-4, but most matches are against very average to poor teams. I think more serious players get on later in the evenings during prime recreation time.
Just my observations anyway. Maybe it's a small sample size effect or just the Stabie effect but it's been consistent every week.
This is great. But...
It saddens me that Bungie has seemingly abandoned the game til September. There are still major issues with House of Wolves. Crucible is in rough shape with Thorn and max-range shotguns being the only thing there. Prison of Elders is growing stale and the lack of checkpoints really sucks. Will Prison of Elders ever be updated again? Or is it fixed as is for the rest of Destiny?
I really hope there is some sort of large patch soon ish. Not just for PvP but I large weapon reworking perhaps or some alteration to PoE challenges and rewards. But I'm thinking we'll just have a large content drought and momentum loss until Taken King. Almost makes me wish there was a monthly sub.
I'm sure we'll get some updates between now and then.
Destiny will never have a monthly subscription.
So, on the subject of gold chests - I went from "I'll find them myself, hrumph" to "fuck it, where are some guides" in the span of three days. (I found two more on my own, and a dead ghost, woo.) Right now I'm missing two.
Thing is, I've gone and gotten all the ones from the guides, in the case of some of them, twice. But Earth and the Moon are still at 4/5 completed. I followed Datto's guides for each (Earth, Moon), grabbed them between yesterday and today, and am still at 4/5 on each. Does the context you get them in matter? For example, if you get them while on patrol, might they not count if you don't get them on the right story mission?
Drizzay, lemme know if you're up for some CE raids to tonight. I need another shot at exotics.
Here's your correct grimiore card
There basically is. $20 to buy the game, $6-7 per month, $80 per year.Almost makes me wish there was a monthly sub.
Spent 3 tries worth of motes on Xur this morning trying to get the Celestial Nighthawk. Got 2 Titan helms redeeming the engram as my Titan, switched to my Hunter and got another Titan helm![]()
I really hope there is some sort of large patch soon ish. Not just for PvP but I large weapon reworking perhaps or some alteration to PoE challenges and rewards. But I'm thinking we'll just have a large content drought and momentum loss until Taken King. Almost makes me wish there was a monthly sub.
Lack of a sub fee is a weak excuse for the game's misgivings.
Between launch and the game's first anniversary we'll have paid at least US$70 in DLC - more for people getting Collector's goodies - on top of the base game's price. Spread this out and it's over US$5 a month for a sub in a game which:
- has zero dynamic content, everything is static and on a timer and completely unchanged since launch
- has no World Events
- has had exactly zero new enemy types added
- has no dedicated servers for PvP
- still has extremely limited or just absent matchmaking and LFG features
- still has no clan / guild integration whatsoever
- can take months to address and ultimately do something about bugs
- ignores balance issues for ridiculously long times despite constant community pressure
I could go on. The point is, Destiny generates revenue in a similar fashion to titles charging a subscription but the game does not receive the kind of support a subscription title would demand despite this.
Whatever, I'd happily pay monthly for a game I like so much, but I really really hope it doesn't happen because it would break the community (biggest asset they have).
Let me know if you need one more for any of those things.Gotta get some food and do life stuff a bit now but I'll be around. Not sure if people will want to do Trials or if Stabie will need help w carries or whatever, but busting out some CE would be fast and easy if we can find a few folks to help.
I really hope there is some sort of large patch soon ish. Not just for PvP but I large weapon reworking perhaps or some alteration to PoE challenges and rewards. But I'm thinking we'll just have a large content drought and momentum loss until Taken King. Almost makes me wish there was a monthly sub.
Hey Drizz, if your offer still stands, I can run Trials whenever. If you are busy thats fine, I can get a pickup group.
In your experience when would you say the best players ARE on?
As I have pretty much given up on gettng a Gally...
I currently have
Hunger of Croata
Uppercut Payload
The Dreamwaker
Ash Factory
Wastelander V2V
Pax Totalus EPR8
Admonisher III
I'm sick of passing HoC between my characters, any reccomendations on what Rocket Launcher I should start rerolling and for which perks?
Makes me feel fortunate, I got one on my first engram.
From a recent Reddit post, it was suggested that all of these launchers are better than Crota. I don't know if this person was full of crap or not, but they made a decent case for:
Radegasts Fury
Ash Factory
Tomorrows Answer
Uppercut Payload
Exodus Plan
The Fear
The link below has more detail on perks, but Tripod should always be a goal.
It happened again.
8-0, loss boon gone.
We face a team of Warlocks.
"Capture the zone!"
Ok guys lets GO! WTF! Shotgun him?! He wont die?! O well, Round lost. Shit happens.
"Capture the zone!"
Lets take it this time! I will smash the zone. *uses Smash* ... they dance.
... and at this point I put down my controller and went for a smoke. Fucking hackers.
Not a dumb question at all! I honestly wish that more of my teammates would look into more strategy for this part than just rushing down the stairs at the enemy.This may seem like a dumb question, but I have to ask it.
In hard mode VoG Atheon fight, when I get teleported and grab the relic, I seem to die too often before I can kill the enemies, even at level 33/34. I think I'm drawing their fire too fast immediately. Is there a good strategy for survival here?
Anyone for trials? PSN: Sentinalprimus
The link below has more detail on perks, but Tripod should always be a goal.
thanks for the link!
Almost time for some ToO action.
Thanks for the VoG run! Got my Mythoclast! Just need a fatebringer.
Almost time for some ToO action.
Need 1 more for Trials. Please be level 34 and have thorn 365 maxed. Join on
Kaijuseijin PS4
Do you have a team? I'm playing with Kirk again around 6 est and need a third.