Whats the stat priority for PVP hunter? Thanks.
If you want 2 exotic chances, then do normal first.
Depends if you can wait 40 minutesVoG normal run, and then Crota anyone?
It's not! It should be SOP for everyone!Wow that was awesome indeed.
Depends if you can wait 40 minutes![]()
For whoever gets it first....
Red Bull Code: 4N37 3VX4
Believe you get both loot rolls on hard mode, so no reason not to just do it on hard?
If you want 2 exotic chances, then do normal first.
I'm assuming you weren't the first or that was one of the hacked codes. All 4 before this one were redeemable so...It's not letting me redeem...
I'll shoot you an invite!I can! I woke up actually and was like huh, wonder if Kojiro is on.
To the crucible it is! Let me know when you get on.
For whoever gets it first....
Red Bull Code: 4N37 3VX4
If you want 2 exotic chances, then do normal first.
Cheesing the bridge in Crota's End, does the person crossing have to kill the gatekeeper knight of just go ahead and hide?
Regarding these codes, is there any point to having more then one? Can you redeem multiple codes on the same account?
Nope, gave the other to friends and screwed up my first. I have a red Bull every day so there will be more...Regarding these codes, is there any point to having more then one? Can you redeem multiple codes on the same account?
Did not know that...You can redeem multiple to get more XP boost consumables.
I'm in a similar boat, although I have my character established on PS4 (34 Titan, Fatebringer and Gjally, working on VoC). It still pales in comparison to my XBox profile (all achievements, three characters, all exotic weapons). The thing with me is that I don't foresee any game in the future that I want to play on my XBox One besides Destiny, so if I can manage to make the switch, I can sell off the XBox. Easier said than done, however, because it just feels better to play with the XBox One controller (especially the triggers).
You can just hide. Most of the time the gatekeeper will get frisky, chase you, and then fall off.
You should get caps for on your thumbsticks. Helps greatly with wear and tear and you can turn your sticks from convex to concave if you prefer that.That's my only complaint about PS4 aside from dodgy network issues, the controllers on the dual shock tend to peel easily, not to mention very flimsy. Damn these man hands!
I have a question actually, might not be completely related but, you guys think they will just keep adding to this game or eventually release a new "Destiny 2" retail disk? MMO style games usually just keep adding dont they?
I have a question actually, might not be completely related but, you guys think they will just keep adding to this game or eventually release a new "Destiny 2" retail disk? MMO style games usually just keep adding dont they?
They say with Destiny they have a 10 year plan so I assume they are going to keep adding. Especially when this was the most expensive game of all time, they aren't simply going to drop Destiny 2.
Nobody ever has the normal Gorgon CP :s
Would you happen to have both, good sir?I don't want to ask too much, if you're available I'll take what I can get.
If not, I got my first Hawkmoon thanks to you so you're always good in my book. XD
Cheesing the bridge in Crota's End, does the person crossing have to kill the gatekeeper knight of just go ahead and hide?
What?! Every week?! So 6 chances if you have 3 characters?
I am not looking forward to Bungie "balancing" the PVP. We all know that Bungie doesn't know how to nerf properly. They just make a whole weapon class irrelevant and another takes the top spot. Not looking forward to Hand Cannon nerf at all - and they especially better not touch them for PVE!
Hmm, I would hope so, but after a while they are going to have to do a Destiny 2. Whenever that happens, I hope we are able to somehow transfer our current characters to it.
Well it was once the era of auto rifles, now it's the era of hand cannons... what's next?
Scary to think about... my favorite weapon has always been a hand cannon, I hope they don't turn them to complete poo...
Supposedly they've been Developing Destiny 2 for some time now. Also, they did mention that our characters will transfer over. But to what extent, we have no idea!
I am not looking forward to Bungie "balancing" the PVP. We all know that Bungie doesn't know how to nerf properly. They just make a whole weapon class irrelevant and another takes the top spot. Not looking forward to Hand Cannon nerf at all - and they especially better not touch them for PVE!
Well it was once the era of auto rifles, now it's the era of hand cannons... what's next?
Scary to think about... my favorite weapon has always been a hand cannon, I hope they don't turn them to complete poo...
Everyone says this, but usually it's because they don't understand power creep.
If you "balance" the weapons to make everything comparable to the most powerful weapons, you end up with crazy fast TTKs.
If you "balance" the most powerful weapons to make them comparable to the less powerful weapons, you end up with longer TTKs.
Currently, several weapons have crazy fast TTKs and need to be brought back down to comparable, not the other way around.
This is what happened with ARs, And will likely happen to HCs (at least the exotics) and will likely happen to Pulse rifles shortly after.
Supposedly they've been Developing Destiny 2 for some time now. Also, they did mention that our characters will transfer over. But to what extent, we have no idea!
They say with Destiny they have a 10 year plan so I assume they are going to keep adding. Especially when this was the most expensive game of all time, they aren't simply going to drop Destiny 2.
They were definitely planning a new game Destiny 2 which is a new game according to leaks and Developer comments... But plans change and we haven't heard any comments... and we don't know whether or not the new game would include the old stuff or not.
I was thinking, maybe thats why theyre charging so much more for this DLC coming this fall. Maybe they consider this a new "game"?
I hope they just keep adding to this.
it'll work like wow, although it's destiny 2 your character and gear will just transfer over.
the disc is merely a licence key to login to a server at Bungie, everything you have in game is stored technically there.
The only thing on your playstation/xbox are maps and assets ect.
They mentioned in the past if Sony/Microsoft allowed it they could enable you to be able to switch gear across platforms.
They only say "Sony/Microsoft" because they don't want to appear to be taking sides. Sony doesn't care as they allow a lot of cross play games. Microsoft is the company that will not allow it.
Why? The bigger community is on PS4...Best part about this is I would love to switch over to XB1 if they'd let me.
Does the year one achievement thing actually earn you an in game item? I don't believe I've seen anything.
Some classes are very mobile and weapons with a slow TTK would never be able to take them out. I think TLW is at a perfect TTK with a huge learning curve. Thorn needs to be looked at in some fashion.
Also, I hope PVE isn't touched because that never needs any nerfs. Just buff.s
They only say "Sony/Microsoft" because they don't want to appear to be taking sides. Sony doesn't care as they allow a lot of cross play games. Microsoft is the company that will not allow it.