Does anyone want to do Trials with Drizzay and me?
Listen to Ruthles (and me) and join them. It'll be fun.
Does anyone want to do Trials with Drizzay and me?
I don' know. Is that I am so tired of Destiny at the Moment... If it is going to last that much... Lately every time I put the game I keep looking at the map while saying "what activity sucks less"?
I don't think I will enjoy it, honestly. I could say I have seen everything from the TDB after it, but... I will think about it after lunch. For now I'm going have my spinning routine, do my laundry and clean the home. Activities more interesting and Rewarding than Destiny. At least here I will be rewarded with wrinkle free blouses, instead of fucking blue engrams.
I don' know. Is that I am so tired of Destiny at the Moment... If it is going to last that much... Lately every time I put the game I keep looking at the map while saying "what activity sucks less"?
Does anyone want to do Trials with Drizzay and me?
I don' know. Is that I am so tired of Destiny at the Moment... If it is going to last that much... Lately every time I put the game I keep looking at the map while saying "what activity sucks less"?
I don't think I will enjoy it, honestly. I could say I have seen everything from the TDB after it, but... I will think about it after lunch. For now I'm going have my spinning routine, do my laundry and clean the home. Activities more interesting and Rewarding than Destiny. At least here I will be rewarded with wrinkle free blouses, instead of fucking blue engrams.
Hmph I just asked :/
Anyone for trials?
Not denying that it's hard, but being in the top 7 along with hardest modes of some games like DMC, NG,'s just not the same.
I'm down for Trials with my titan.
Raid. Always, raid.
Pass. I only need to do the nightfall and a higher PoE today later today. But even those, it is just shotting the same shit over and over again just fr a dim hope of a decent drop. Maybe I will even go to Warframe.
Be up for more trials throughout the weekend. Haven't done much raiding in the last two weeks so if anybody needs help.
Evo weekend. No time for destiny.
What drops are you looking for though? Nightfall might not be the easiest way to attain depending on what you want
The only reason I do NF anymore is for XP buff
Evo weekend. No time for destiny.
I don't know, anything. Maybe completing a whole set of armour, or a exotic primary... But the truth is that I can't stomach more of this. I am tired of that no matter how much you crank up the difficulty, it's all shotting the same enemies over and over, in bigger numbers and with more shields, while running the same maps. I've reached the limit where I can't take anymore the lack of content after 65 hours of game time (not counting the alt or the time in the social hubs). The only times I've reached that time was with the mordern fallout series or The Witched, and those at least had real content and a decent story
Tl;Dr: Complete burnout from the game, only keeping at it because withdrawal will come soon if I stop.
If you want timesinks go try a real MMO to fill the Destiny hole?
One timewaster is enough. I should be cleaning my backlog, but no, I am at the point where I will end watching streams of this if not playing. Also, after the announcement, it feels like "what's the point in trying to find those exotics if now they are going to suck?" Fuck, I had uninstalled the game already. I should delete the characters and put the disc on the blender.
Lmao, Skolas/PoE 35 gets to be in the top 7 hardest things to beat in video games, alongside hardest modes of DMC, MGS, Ninja Gaiden, Doom, etc.....i can't even
Does anyone want to do Trials with Drizzay and me?
Also, after the announcement, it feels like "what's the point in trying to find those exotics if now they are going to suck?" Fuck, I had uninstalled the game already. I should delete the characters and put the disc on the blender.
The exotics aren't going to suck, they are getting balanced but you seem to be only negative.
Skolas dead. Kurumi got her loot
Anyone need hard Crota for the triumph?
Last week I got a Ghorn from PoE 28. Just now I get this. I should play the lottery.
In 4-5 hours? Depends when the rest are online.
I came here to ask if the noob CE raid was still a thing.
I'll be ready in like an hour and half.
I came here to ask if the noob CE raid was still a thing.
I'll be ready in like an hour and half.
Same here. Two hours max, but should be back home in an hour and a half
Lmao, Skolas/PoE 35 gets to be in the top 7 hardest things to beat in video games, alongside hardest modes of DMC, MGS, Ninja Gaiden, Doom, etc.....i can't even
Do you need another for CE?Yes it is. We'll start when everyone is online.
Anyone want to join me for a PoE 32? My Hunter needs gloves.
FR sent.I'll come if there's still space
PSN feetiemaomao
Do you need another for CE?
Yes first time on CE. I've done VoG Hard a couple of times. Got a 34 Hunter.Yes sure. First time?
As someone who has beat World at War Veteran and Master Ninja, PoE35 has no business on this list.Lmao, Skolas/PoE 35 gets to be in the top 7 hardest things to beat in video games, alongside hardest modes of DMC, MGS, Ninja Gaiden, Doom, etc.....i can't even
I was the same. Well maybe 33 I did my first VoG and that was only a couple of weeks ago. Thought it was a normal mode but ended up being Hard mode so nice introduction!haha i just realized im almost reaching 34 and i have never done a raid in my entire time playing destiny
Yes first time on CE. I've done VoG Hard a couple of times. Got a 34 Hunter.
haha i just realized im almost reaching 34 and i have never done a raid in my entire time playing destiny