You are dead!
I'm game.Anyone want to play a few games of trials for fun?
That's why I can't run Dragon strikes. My body and my mind tells me no.
Bad luck. I ran probably 50 and saw it drop 3 times before I got mine
Two spots for DS/Crota normal x2.
Add bigmanny287I'm game.
Anyone want to play a few games of trials for fun?
Big thanks for the spotNow to level that sexy black hammer for the few weeks of non gimped play time
Send a FR to Macello. I'll make a party too pink.still need someone? psn kortez1981
Don't tell Unstable and Mango.
Wow this Redditor ran 200 dragon strikes and recorded all the drops and got 20 legendary weapons but none of them were the Hopscotch Pilgrim.
Apparently the player saw the HP drop only once in 200 strikes for someone else though.
Good luck grinding for the HP guardians!
Just jumped into one, sorry.Add bigmanny287
Don't tell Unstable and Mango.
Alright, flawless CE... starting around 10am EST (~10 mins)
1. MostWantedZero
2. Dariuspopinz
3. V1ctlm
4. Readvacancy
5. ???
6. Darknyss
May need 1 more if anyone is interested.
LOL. I forgot about rockets that last round.
Same hereGod dammit I keep missing this shit :I
Thought you were a pro....4 swords on normal Crota? Tsk tsk...
I'm down for both of those. Gotta get that necrochasm. And VoG is just fun. Thanks for that last normal runMr muscle with the Hawkmoon.
Thanks for the run guys. Will probably do hard CE and VOG later tonight.
Anyone doing POE 32 or 34? I could use some cores to level up. PSN RAIDERSfan_808
I'm down for a 32.
Shoot me a FR.
Shoot me a FR.
Completed 2nd trials run. Fun stuff, thanks xo and gunnerz
With that being said, I'm off DGAF! I'll be back next Sunday, flying out early tomorrow morning for a much needed vacation in the BahamasThe beach, sun, lots of drinks and food await me, cannot wait!
<3 dgaf, see you next weekend!
Looking for some trials runs
That dropped with arguably a perfect roll. Some might want braced frame or headseeker, but I'd keep it. Spent a ton of parts to get close to that one, and gave up when I had everything but outlaw...and I wish I had outlaw every time I use it.Ran a few Dragon strikes this afternoon and finally had one of these drop from like the 8th one:
Is this worth keeping as is or should I re-roll for something else?
Still would like to run some Trials to at least get the chest piece for one or two of my characters today.
If Unstable hasn't come online to grab Wicked we can get you. Going through it with CUCO now
Ran a few Dragon strikes this afternoon and finally had one of these drop from like the 8th one:
Is this worth keeping as is or should I re-roll for something else?
Still would like to run some Trials to at least get the chest piece for one or two of my characters today.
If Unstable hasn't come online to grab Wicked we can get you. Going through it with CUCO now
That dropped with arguably a perfect roll. Some might want braced frame or headseeker, but I'd keep it. Spent a ton of parts to get close to that one, and gave up when I had everything but outlaw...and I wish I had outlaw every time I use it.
I'd keep it. People like to hate on smallbore but I think it's the better one to chose. adds range instead of reducing it
Following capcom's Street Fighter 5 panel. Slide with things they learned from Street Fighter 4:
- "Don't Nerf Chars Too Greatly. Buff Weaker Ones Instead".
Somebody from bungie should be taking notes.
There's too much shit that kills way too fast right now though.
Following capcom's Street Fighter 5 panel. Slide with things they learned from Street Fighter 4:
- "Don't Nerf Chars Too Greatly. Buff Weaker Ones Instead".
Somebody from bungie should be taking notes.
Talking about PVE mostly. Instead of nerfing the Horn, why not buff truth?
Yeah you're right about PvE, but that being established we now run into the problem of they need to be balancing PvP and PvE differently and can't.
They can. They did it with shotguns. They just don't want to for some reason.
God dammit I keep missing this shit :I
Same here. I need to do that flawless raider.
I'll join. I've yet to try it as well.I'd like to try my hand at Trials. Anybody want to join me, with no expectations?