I'm at crota HM CP. the whole fireteam just randomly decided to leave. So anyone wants to help me finish this would be great =)
I want to play either hard crota or trials. No one seems to be responding. I can help you.
I'm at crota HM CP. the whole fireteam just randomly decided to leave. So anyone wants to help me finish this would be great =)
I'll help. PSN is namikaze1.I'm at crota HM CP. the whole fireteam just randomly decided to leave. So anyone wants to help me finish this would be great =)
Need a third for a Mercury run in 15m or so - anyone want in?
Yeah give me a minute and I'll send you a party invite.Still down if you're still going, already took my hunter today but need to go on my titan. Psn crophonso.
I'm gonna invite piratethingy cause he asked first but Kirk's getting on around 11pm if you wanna do a run - or we can play tomorrow.I can play Jason. If you still need someone.
We should do a trials run after this.I want to play either hard crota or trials. No one seems to be responding. I can help you.
need 2 more for crota HM CP.
We'll help you, psn?
need 2 more for crota HM CP.
But once I get a mic I'd love to play, and look forward to taking advantage of the newbie raid on here and things like that![]()
We should do a trials run after this.
I was on the phone.We're on party chat.
Anyone want to join spyder and me for some trials?
Sorry I just saw this, I've been sitting in the zone watching Evo between Urzok spawns lol. I FINALLY just got it, it was me and the same level 24 dude and going poorly, then a max level titan showed up and with him and honestly just having a third body on the field we did it pretty easily. I accepted your friends request but I don't have a mic right now; I only had the terrible one the PS4 came with and I can't find it. I actually want to get some games going with GAF, especially since I've never done any Raids, PoE, etc but I need to get a mic first. I actually went looking for one today locally but no good deals or anything, if there's no sales at retail on one next week I'll probably just get something off Amazon.
I played the game hardcore on launch for 3-4 weeks on 360, then dropped it and only picked it up again recently on PS4, and I only have one friend on PS4 who plays this game so I haven't done most endgame content. My friend that does play is pretty hardcore and has everything and whanot so he was able to sherpa me through leveling up all 3 characters again though, so I've got a Hunter/Titan at 32 and this Warlock at 31, but I don't have any great weapons yet. The only exotics I've gotten are two Patience and Times (wat) and a Plan C lol.
But once I get a mic I'd love to play, and look forward to taking advantage of the newbie raid on here and things like that![]()
Does the drop rate for rewards increase in crucible as your grimoire score increases?
I'm playing with my sons character and doing really well and I am consistently left out of the rewards.
Arc Scholar for Josh![]()
I believe it is just totally random.
I told him the game cheated him - no summoner no deal hahaNice!
Arc Scholar for Josh![]()
I forget who asked if I could be on to run PoE in a bit, but I'm taking my kid to see Ant-Man now. I'll be back on later but it won't be for a few hours.
One guy for the Trials carry train on Xbox One. Someone didn't want his spot apparently.
Anyone with advice on weather Her Benevolence is a good sniper and if so, what are good PVE perks for it? PoE keeps giving me that damn weapon.
One guy for the Trials carry train on Xbox One. Someone didn't want his spot apparently.
Yeah we made it right. Couldn't let that DC get in the way of Mercury.
Was killing Atheon on hard mode and my apartment roof became a waterfall. Had to cut all power and drag my electronics and furniture out of the way. Now I'm just watching the 8 5 gallon buckets I bought fill up while browsing GAF and twitch. Supposed to rain through Tuesday. And evidently my indoor waterfall is with tarps on the roof. Dumb apartment living...
Thanks Lima - he's still grinning like a mad man. Now he's in crucible again with the scholar
Much appreciated guys
If you don't grab anyone let me knowSounds like a good kid.
Sorry if we were swearing too much.
They have been working on the roof for a month. Evidently the entire roof is open right now so I had nothing between me and the elements except the insulation and stuff above the apartment. So there are beams on the ceiling and water is pouring out on the beams. So at least it's centralized on them for easy tarping and buckets.holy crap... how big are the holes? that sucks T_T
You guys still got a spot?Anyone wants to do some Trials?
Need 1.
Yep!You guys still got a spot?
Anyone wants to do some Trials?
Need 1.
Was killing Atheon on hard mode and my apartment roof became a waterfall. Had to cut all power and drag my electronics and furniture out of the way. Now I'm just watching the 8 5 gallon buckets I bought fill up while browsing GAF and twitch. Supposed to rain through Tuesday. And evidently my indoor waterfall is with tarps on the roof. Dumb apartment living...
Anyone up for some prison of elders level 32 or level 34? PSN AdmiralMidget
PSN AdmiralMidgetPrison of Elders level 32 anyone?
PSN AdmiralMidget
They have been working on the roof for a month. Evidently the entire roof is open right now so I had nothing between me and the elements except the insulation and stuff above the apartment. So there are beams on the ceiling and water is pouring out on the beams. So at least it's centralized on them for easy tarping and buckets.
Top tier PvP sniper. PVE perks probably not as critical as the perfect PVP roll.