I started feeling like that, but I noticed that there is a side that is hilly and very open, and then the other has several building and tons of cover. I tested it out and did pretty well with a hand cannon and fusion rifle/shotgun.I think my problem with it was that it forced sniper play. To me, the multiplayer is best when there's a variety of weapons being used. While the primaries were varied among PR, HC, and SRs, the secondary for everyone was a sniper.
Where you replying to me?Yep I'll join up
PSN mil6es
need 2 buddies for some Poe32 runs on ps4, any one up?
YeahWhere you replying to me?
awesome, give me 2 minutes, and il send you an inviteI'll help out![]()
PSN - Souldestroyer199
One spot free in PoE 35 @ Skolas, preferrably Warlock
Added, Kyuubi no YoukoI'm up for it. PSN: READvacancy
Gg to TheTylerDurden and toddv360
Rubenov you doing Trials at all today?
Fuck it. Dismantling my TDB Titan gear. Shit looks ugly and I need space.
Who wants to do flawless? :[
PSN?Would love to get my hunter the armor, don't think I'm anywhere near flawless
Crota is a big wuss nowadays.But how will you fight Crota without the Oversoul perks?!?!
Yeah man can get you after this one
Black Garden mission done on Bone.
Still only level. Ugh.22
A lot of people don't know how to curve out their rockets and feel like Truth tracking is similar to other rockets'. Once you figure out the slingshot for angling around geometry or to come from above so they can't jump over it, Truth really feels like OP madness.I've been playing combined arms a lot this week, and rediscovered how awesome Truth is. Here are some of my favorite moments:
On an impulse buy, I picked up the 2 expansions, and reinstalled Destiny. I forgot how clunky and cumbersome the "hub" was, and the shit load times between everything. Anyway, I snag the first quest from the chick outside the tower, and head down to fuck up Crota's minions.
Was glad to see my guns are still just as effective as the last time I played in early October last year. I was expecting to be under powered. Things were going fine, was heading down into the Fallen cave area, and the Fist of Crota spawns. Boss fight begins, and my controller goes fucking haywire and lags out like mad. It comes back, for a minute, and then does the same shit again. Input is about 3-4 seconds off and/or unresponsive. Seriously, WTF?!
Destiny, I tried to come back to you, I really, really did, but you just shit on me like
Anyone have a fix for this controller sync issue???
You sure it's not the new "weight of darkness" mechanic that happens in that room? It makes you sluggish and can't jump.
Rolled a couple motes and ended up with this.
Worth keeping?
Rolled a couple motes and ended up with this.
Worth keeping?
You sure it's not the new "weight of darkness" mechanic that happens in that room? It makes you sluggish and can't jump.
Rolled a couple motes and ended up with this.
Worth keeping?
Don't know what your Tuesdays or Wednesdays are like but they're probably the best days to find raid groups. Otherwise, starting a list can garner interest quicker than asking in a post. Many on here have done it dozens of times so you don't have to worry about your inexperience even if the group wants to do HM versions. If it is a HM raid, I'd suggest stating your inexperience at the onset so you can get tips and suggestions regarding the added difficulty to the encounters. Glad to hear the raiding bug has bit you!I've been really enjoying the Hawkmoon that I got on yesterday's CE raid. It is a fun weapon even if I had to change my strategy and use a sniper as my secondary instead of a shotgun for long range situations. Still, really fun weapon.
And I've been itching to do VoG again some day soon, since I only did it once I guess I'm still a noob at it but would love to do it again.
Today has been a good day for being blessed by RNGesus. Set out to do some Dragon Strikes and got the Hopscotch Pilgrim on the second one! If that wasn't enough, it took two rolls to get Feeding Frenzy, Braced Frame and Hidden HandNow my characters on both consoles have a Hopscotch!
However my K/D has PLUMMETED since I have started using it in the Crucible :/ Hopefully I'll get better with it when the upgrades are unlocked. Miss using my hand cannons...
Also, finally got the Crux! Necrochasm is mine!
Okay guys. Who's up for a flawless CE in a few hours? Need someone who knows what the fuck they're doing too.