Oh hell naw. I'm not gonna be raids with benefits witch u.
As I see it, all HC's hit at the moment way too far out. Essentially to allow scout rifles the niche they're supposed to have, they either need to hit harder (in which case we get monster scout rifles and they definitely become broken) or you need to hurt HC"s ability to work at range - most HC's can pretty easily be used at range with some kind of stability upgrade or even without. I want them to be close range monsters.
Alright ladies and gentlemen croFUNso is p drunk who wants to shoot some stuff/people?
Thanks for my first flawless!Need 1 for flawless ToO
It's a slow day, Nami.
Also, kiss it
So who does the trials carrying on Xbox? I'm not really in need to get carried as much as looking for a couple good people to play with. I have fun going flawless, but it's just so annoying trying to get a regular group together.
Congrats to all the new Flawless Raiders and GLords (and soon to be GLords)! We gotta keep Lnkn busy on that GLords of Gaf list, haha. Great job as always everyone, very fun group to run with and everyone kept an upbeat attitude the whole time despite the stress of flawless runs.
It's possible I've lost count by now but pretty sure that was Flawless Raider #20 for me (6 VoG, 14 CE). Still probably my favorite thing to do in Destiny and always happy to help when I'm available. At some point we have to do:
1.) Flawless NM VoG: Hawkian-DeafMedal-PvtHudson-McArkus-MS-whoever Edition
2.) Flawless HM VoG: Calling all fearless Guardians and experts of first-person platforming
Got in 2 9-0's, more to come later. Thanks to everyone who watched. Actually had 15 people at one point so that was pretty cool lol.
Flawless raider get! Only salvage left. Psn actually snaps a picture for you when you get the flawless raider trophy. Cool
Thanks as always drizz. Your a pillar is this community
I get that, I do, but I'm worry that this will really solidify the shotgun's place as the go to secondary weapon. Snipers are already tough to use with all of the obstructions, corners, and bad sightlines. Now people who use snipers well have to chose between not having a mid range weapon or a close quarters weapon. Shotguns and scout/pulse week reign supreme.
What will you pair with that close quarters monster HC?
Congrats to all the new Flawless Raiders and GLords (and soon to be GLords)! We gotta keep Lnkn busy on that GLords of Gaf list, haha. Great job as always everyone, very fun group to run with and everyone kept an upbeat attitude the whole time despite the stress of flawless runs.
It's possible I've lost count by now but pretty sure that was Flawless Raider #20 for me (6 VoG, 14 CE). Still probably my favorite thing to do in Destiny and always happy to help when I'm available. At some point we have to do:
1.) Flawless NM VoG: Hawkian-DeafMedal-PvtHudson-McArkus-MS-whoever Edition
2.) Flawless HM VoG: Calling all fearless Guardians and experts of first-person platforming
It's a slow day, Nami.
Also, kiss it
It's a slow day, Nami.
Also, kiss it
We can run with you after this one if you still want.Come on somebody lets trials.
Come on somebody lets trials.
I'll be up for attempting Flawless VoG HM. It's not that hard when folks know what to do. I mean we came real close to getting flawless in normal while doing a Hawkmoon only raid.
but a certain someone that will not be named ended up dying.
That person knows who they are.
Right, fig?
Absolutely! Thanks!We can run with you after this one if you still want.
Congrats to all the new Flawless Raiders and GLords (and soon to be GLords)! We gotta keep Lnkn busy on that GLords of Gaf list, haha. Great job as always everyone, very fun group to run with and everyone kept an upbeat attitude the whole time despite the stress of flawless runs.
It's possible I've lost count by now but pretty sure that was Flawless Raider #20 for me (6 VoG, 14 CE). Still probably my favorite thing to do in Destiny and always happy to help when I'm available. At some point we have to do:
1.) Flawless NM VoG: Hawkian-DeafMedal-PvtHudson-McArkus-MS-whoever Edition
2.) Flawless HM VoG: Calling all fearless Guardians and experts of first-person platforming
1.) Flawless NM VoG: Hawkian-DeafMedal-PvtHudson-McArkus-MS-whoever Edition
2.) Flawless HM VoG: Calling all fearless Guardians and experts of first-person platforming
You're about a half hour too early for me. I'm having trouble getting the TV from the kids.
Who wants to trials? Assuming I can get baby to sleep.
Congrats to all the new Flawless Raiders and GLords (and soon to be GLords)! We gotta keep Lnkn busy on that GLords of Gaf list, haha. Great job as always everyone, very fun group to run with and everyone kept an upbeat attitude the whole time despite the stress of flawless runs.
It's a slow day, Nami.
Also, kiss it
You're about a half hour too early for me. I'm having trouble getting the TV from the kids.
I'd run a couple cards.
Need a 3rd for some ToO, our third is having connection trouble
Im officially claiming Cauldron as the worst map in Destiny.
It's a slow day, Nami.
Also, kiss it